Until the last episode it was a very engaging story, but a whiny, waffling coward ruined what should have been a raw and cathartic ending.
At the climax of the story, the viewer is denied the very thing the series built up to. Maybe it's just a product of it's time, but this is one of those cases where "being the bigger person" contradicts the entire purpose of the journey and disrespects characters who sacrificed themselves along the way. The boy who follows the main character around is too weak to contribute anything to battles, fails to mature in any way throughout the series, cannot
Sep 25, 2016
Okay so this anime has been in my "plan to watch" since I scoured the tags and chose based on covers, this a prime example of"you cant judge a book by its cover"...
Since I don't normally do reviews imma try and keep it short and sweet... This anime is garbage... here's why Story - there is no story what so ever, things just happen and no its not like a slice-of-life where things just happen but rather oh look random nonsensical events that flood in one after the other without leading anything to completion, the anime itself doesn't even feel like it ended because the last ep was some ... Aug 4, 2015
Diabolik Lovers
This anime was complete garbage, I don't usually write reviews but with this one, giving it a score of 1(Appalling) just isn't enough. The story has no plot, the heroine has no personality and the boys have no good points. Lots of abuse and rape themes and I would much rather watch every episode of Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo dubbed than waste another 15 or so minutes on one single episode of this heaping pile of trash