This anime is such a cute lighthearted one. I enjoyed every single episode and it always had me crying some happy tears.
The characters are so much fun and all of them are very interesting. The dynamics are amazing. The ost is cute and nice. The artstyle is one of my favorites in a while.
I dont have much to say besides this anime being such a fun and good watch, its a nice break from all the anxiety others give. It doesnt have much story but i think thats what makes it even nicer. Many people won't be able to enjopy this if they
Oct 12, 2022
Yofukashi no Uta
This anime had so much potential but I think it was extremelly average at best.
Could they not have made the age gap be normal? Was it that hard to make Yamori Kou a legal adult. It wouldn't change anything if he was a sheltered 19 yr old. Even then the fact Nazuna is 40+ is still weird. Couldn't she be around 25 max and he +18? I am just honestly very tired of such age gaps because its trully not that hard to make age appropriate couples. Besides that point they are cool characters individually, I hate the constant sexualization os Nazuna but at this ... Jun 24, 2022
I don't believe I am writing this while sobbing and making a pool of tears on my desk right after finishing the final episode.
This anime is so well delivered, everything about it it's always so good and the team never fails to amaze me with their good job. I believe this season has some of the best editing, story and animations i have seen in a while. The fact that they made the rap ending, the sounds from the horror house, the animation in these finals episode. Everything about this season is breathtaking and I really can't picture anyone disliking this anime at this point. Jun 6, 2022
Zankyou no Terror
I want to start this of by saying that in no way i expected to fall in love with this anime. I just saw some video about it on social media and decided to give it a try as it seemed like something I could enjoy. However I did not expect to finish this anime crying so god damn hard.
I love the art style of the anime, lowkey reminds me of another anime i really love. The characters are so interesting and well writen. The story is so interesting and easy to get hooked up with. The opening and endings? Absolute masterpieces. I enjoyed ... Jun 3, 2022
Binge watched this show because I wanted to get done with it as fast as possible. I rated the first season a 3 or 4. I am a little more satisfied with this season, it had more humor besides the sexual one and the characters seemed to have more personality for once.
However I still believe they could have done a better job story wise. i do get that it is a parody anime but it just weirds me out sometimes as it is so long. As i have said before, it's an extremelly easy to watch anime if you are doing something else while watching it. ... Jun 3, 2022
Mahoutsukai Reimeiki
I don't think I have ever seen something as bad as this. No comedy effect. Poor story. Art is mediocre. The excessive 12 yr old lookalike fan service. The bland and annoying main character.
How is there some people that enjoy this anime. We even made a challenge where we woud drink a shot everytime we saw underage (even the ''300yr old'' witch) but we would be in a coma 5 minutes into the episode. I do not understand why people insist on making anime like these instead of creating something with plot, interest, good characters with personalities? I donn't know. Even the opening and ending ... Jun 2, 2022
I have no idea how or why mostly every single one of my friends recommended this anime to me: Personally i just feel like it isn't my cup of tea at all. Maybe I would have thought it was hilarious if I had watched it back when it was first released (2016) as I was a minor and the constant perverted jokes would have been more likely to make me laugh, but I just think it got too much when the comedy of the anime does not leave the sexual branch. I want to point out that I do not have anything against dirtier comedy,