Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the second adaptation of the full metal alchemist manga. The show presents two brothers embarking a journey with a simple goal of recovering their limbs/body. In the world of Fullmetal Alchemist, a practice called alchemy is used to obtain something in exchange for something of equal value. Alchemy is very versatile in this sense as it used healing, fixing and even fighting.
Fullmetal alchemist presents a very interesting and enjoyable unique story with each episode building up on one another. It is well paced and consistent with its overall goal. No episodes felt irrelevant to the plot which made every episode
Oct 4, 2014
Ao no Exorcist
Ao no exorcist is a supernatural shounen that presents a very interesting premise with a MC training to become an exorcist with the exception of being Satan’s offspring. This show had lots of potential throughout the early stages but is sadly wasted as it leads into a high school setting with a generic shounen plot and mediocre characters.
The action was average at best with nothing really standing out. The concept of individual combat skills got me interested but unfortunately wasn't really looked upon as the show had many inconsistencies in terms of plot. Most of the characters were very minor; nothing new we haven’t ... Oct 3, 2014
Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo ghoul a 12 episode anime adaptation of the popular manga based around conflict in a world of ghouls and humans. After reading the manga, it is hard to compare it to the anime as it is poorly executed with the shows character development and story. The show lacks detail which leaves many viewers confused and less sympathetic from what the producers were trying to achieve. This is done for the reasons of forcing 60 chapters into 12 episodes which is like driving on the freeway blindfolded.
The psychological aspect and dark atmosphere is what got me hooked as I was intrigued of seeing Kaneki ... |