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Jul 25, 2020
So... I finally catched up to the most recent season of Boku No Hero Academia. And looking through other reviews, it seems to be the most criticized of them all. And well, I understand and see their points, I personally this may be my favorite season yet! Reason's being multiple.
Let's start by talking about the core and the much talked about characters that everyone loves. Well in my opinion they shine the brightest this season. The episodes detailing some character's motives for being a hero and their backstories are some of the best episodes, they are just so lovely and you get to relate and
care even more about the UA students and make the new fresh characters already great! That Kirishima episode may be on my top 3 of favorite MHA episodes, not gonna lie. Honestly, I fell in love with every single new character such as Sir Nighteye, Amajiki, Eri, Mirio and Gentle Criminal (especially the last two).
Now the plot of this season is split between the very action packed first half and the relaxed very fan service second half, and to be honest I love them both! The action, the tension in the first half was crazy, every episode felt so packed full with of fear if the characters will get out of this one and the battles were amazing! Although the last battle between Chisaki and Deku was pretty weird, lol. And also a lot of sadness (no spoilers, but like ahh) :'(
The second half was more chill and I really liked that, it felt very slice of life-y, some nice relaxation after that first half. It was really sweet seeing all the characters have fun together and Eri and Mirio being super cute! And the small villain side plot of Gentle Criminal made it even more fun. He is definitely one of my favorite characters (next to All Might, Shigaraki and Aizawa), he's just such an actual good person! And the ending with Endeavor becoming the number 1 hero was great, can't wait to see where they take it. It was a very relaxed and not much really happened in the second half, but I still enjoyed a lot :)
The art is great as always, and the OPs were also nice (although in my opinion the most forgettable). And well, this season may not be objectively the best season (that's probably season 2), I still really enjoyed and may even go as far and call it my favorite season. I can't wait for season 5 to come out one day :'), and in the meantime at least I watch the second movie!
I give Boku no Hero Academia Season 4 a high 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 24, 2020
Okay, so I was really excited going into this movie, because it's the MHA movie! Y'know? And well... it was good. (lol)
The movie is what you'd expect really; a more-than-decent film with our beloved characters fighting against a giant threat a saving the day! Plot wise, it's nothing unexpected or special, although to be fair, that plot did surprise me hehe. But my friends said that they saw it coming, so maybe it's just me who's blind.
The art of the movie is PHENOMENAL, as you'd expect for the blockbuster film of one of the biggest animes right now; everything looked so crisp, hell! Even
the random eagle in the intro looked phenomenal! It was wayyy above average, really amazing and beautiful.
Now the meaty part, the characters. As per usual, the character's are what tie the plot together. Every single character is as great as ever! They make the movie fun, and enjoyable and make the alright story into massive fun! Also the battles where amazing, really really dope! As per character development, I dunno what to say, because basically anything that happened in the movie never ever gets mentioned again in the show, lol. So it's kinda like it never happened really.
Also can we talk about how great the guys looked in the outfits?! hehe.
The worst thing about the movie is that it's a bit stale and non significant. It truly loses impact after you finish it. Reason's being that it's a bit predicable and it feels like nothing happened although it was technically a huge fight. And that final battle... that final battle was just bad. I feel like the villain got back up stronger after being beaten by Midoriya and All Might like 7 times. After the second time, it's already like "just fuckin end it already!" and thus the movie seems even more insignifcant if the most important moment feels lame.
Regardless, I still quite enjoyed this movie, and while it prolly deserves a 7, I liked a bit more than that, to be honest... Thus-
I give Boku no Hero Academia: Futari no Hero a light 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 3, 2020
This OVA was really fun! It's nothing you should take too seriously, it's corny, it's gimmicky, but that doesn't matter really, because it's just supposed to be a funny short story :)
The zombie apocalypse was very funny and interesting, and new characters it's always nice. The quality is nothing special, maybe even worse. But the thing that makes this OVA really awesome is the expansion of Tsuyu as a character! I loved meeting her froggy family and getting to know how her life is. I absolutely loved the friendship between her and Habuko’s, which was super cute and super fun!
This OVA is not necessary to
understand MHA, but it's definitely a recommendable addition to it!
I give Boku no Hero Academia: Training of the Dead a 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 3, 2020
Well, there's not much to say here, hehe.
It was a nice fun addition to season 1. Nothing important or necessary, but definitely fun to watch and entertaining.
The character traits were well defined, the battle was enjoyable, and well; having more Boku no Hero content is always nice. The quality of it is obviously not as good as the actual show, but it's only twenty minutes of a short, so it's not a big annoyance.
If you want more MHA content, you can watch this.
It's fun and a nice addition for My Hero Academia, nothing less, nothing more. :)
I give Boku no Hero Academia: Sukue! Kyuujo
Kunren! a respectable 7/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 3, 2020
What can I say? Boku No Hero Academia continues to be one of the most enjoyable popular anime out there!
I really really enjoyed season three, it continued to be as character-centered and a story packed as season two, and continues to make me feel on the edge of my seat every single episode.
Where can I even start? Well, let's start with the story. The storylines of this season are the most nerve-wracking and action-packed of the show up to this season, from the battle in the camp to the emotional and fuckin' serving battle between All For One and All Might. These storylines are
definitely extremely emotional and make you really care about the characters, and you just want them to succeed! You feel for them and are scared that they might fail and root for them! This all comes down to how great the writing and character development is. Every character continues evolving, they are log away from the cookie-cutter versions of season 1. They are seasoned, thoughtful, and determined characters that deal with the school and the problems they are faced with. For example the small character arc of sparking Yuga Aoyama, in the episode he stops being a side gag to a person who even though they are self-centered, will sacrifice himself for the greater good of his classmates. A character that has doubt and also cares about his classmates. This is what Boku No Hero Academia does, they make simple characters into these fully fletched amazing character. That's what I most loved of this season, the amazing writing. I still feel that Final Fight of All Might...
There are some cons though, such as that I noticed that the animation and art got pretty cheaper from last seasons, which is pretty noticeable for me in the second half. Such as that Todoroki looks lumpy and funky in many scenes in the license test, or that the amazing heavy lined style that the first and second season had, was taken out a lot. Which it saddening for me because I loved the art style so much, but I understand if they needed to budget to make scenes like the All Might fight extra awesome.
In general, this season was great, and the small drawbacks are not a big issue compared with how amazing the story was. :)
I can't wait to start seeing season 4!
I give Boku no Hero Academia Season 3 a decent 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 3, 2020
So, I really enjoyed the first season of Boku no Hero, a very fun, motivating and well-written story. I only think it lacked a bit of characterization in its characters and well, it was pretty good, but I felt they could better in future seasons. And well, Boku No Hero Academia Season 2 did NOT DISAPPOINT.
This second season is superior in every way to the first, from the character to the story, to the action, right down to the variety of episodes!
Let's start with how great they wrote the characters this season. Meanwhile, in the first season, most characters were 1 sided characters with vague
motivations, in this season the character becomes so rich in personality, motives, and character arcs, it's truly great. For example, I love how they dealt with Iida's character, how they broke him by almost killing his brother, and how this righteous person felt so angry towards the person who did this to his idol, he went up to kill him. But because he was beaten by him because he was acting stupidly and selfishly, to the point that his friends who went to save him got very damaged for his fault. He then realizes his mistakes and ends up beating the Hero Killer. He realizes he needs to learn a lot still, and that he should never use his powers for selfish intentions, but always for justice and the well being of people.
This is what I loved about this season, these character arcs that our heroes go through, making them not cardboard cutouts anymore, but human beings with flaws and reason. And that was just an example of one character, they made these kinds of arcs with all the main characters, and also some shorter ones with some side characters, which is always appreciated.
And then the story; both stories in both half seasons were very good and enjoyable. Every episode in the first half, where I was on the edge of my seat thinking "oh my god! what will happen next?!" and, so it was a really enjoyable watch. The second part, meanwhile different, was still as strong with great episodes such as "Everyone's Internships" and the final exams episodes. (I also loved Gran Torino's character).
The soundtrack was as expected pretty good, although not very memorable, and I wasn't crazy about the first opening theme, but the second one; I really really liked that one. I do think the best is still the first season's one.
And well, this season was really one really fun ride, and I really hope that the season is just as good as this one! Because this season was really excellent in every way. I can't wait to start watching the next season!
I give Boku no Hero Academia Season 2 a high 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 3, 2020
Ghost in the Shell is a simple a masterful work of art; and to be honest, I don't even know if I even clearly understand it.
Ghost in the Shell on its basis is a movie about identity and how in a world where the idea of relating your identity to your physical body has become obsolete due to the advanced technology that people put in their body to become better or cure injuries. People's bodies are full of technology and everybody is not completely "themselves" now. Their natural organs are replaced to the point of replacing complete brains. This leaves the question of who are
you truly? This is the question that this movie plants, and a question that it doesn't strictly answer but gives you, the viewer the liberty of interpreting the idea by yourself and make your own conclusions. This is a philosophical movie to the core, and a pure work of art.
Talking about art, the art in this movie is STUNNING, from the city shots to the battles, to the character designs, and most importantly: the astonishing 3-minute city life montage scene. I would consider this one of the most amazing scene in movie history. The mood it gives, you basically feel the setting, the overcrowdedness, the people, you truly absorb the vibe of this place. The way its framed, in a way you feel like you could be there. It's hard to describe really, I probably sound nonsensical, but if you have watched the movie or the scene, you'll get it.
A big thing that also makes this movie the masterpiece that it is, is the soundtrack, the music in this movie is just jaw-dropping. The main theme "Making of Cyborg" is up there with Kaneda's theme of iconic-ness (lol)
And well, this movie is truly a movie that makes you question your own humanity, and think about how our society may slowly be approach this level of dependency on machinery. We may be close to also becoming one with the machines.
I give Koukaku Kidoutai a high 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 22, 2020
This movie... this movie is more than amazing... IT'S ASTONISHIGLY BEAUTIFUL!
A Silent Voice may be one of the movies that have hit me the hardest ever, it's just such an honest representation of depression, self-hatred, anxiety, and accepting yourself. Or at least trying to. The main character Ishida is such a fleshed-out character, he was socially pressured into believing that bullying was good and ended up bullying Nishimiya, a girl who he bullied for being deaf. And even though she tried to fit in and to be nice to people, her classmates and he was still were mean to her for being different. She left
school due to it, and since after that, he has felt guilty for doing so. He hates himself, he feels alone and horrible, all his classmates hate him and at the end, he feels that he doesn't even deserve love, He ends up attempting to end his own life. But he fails. The moment he meets Nishimiya again, his life has a purpose again, he wants to try to make it up to her.
His life takes a turn, he starts having friends, she becomes great friends with her and has some happiness, but he can still not get to love himself again, he pushes everyone away again and only wants to be with Nishimiya, and when she wants to jump off a building, for feeling non-deservant of life and friendship. She feels like a burden to everybody like she ruins everything and that the world would be happier without her. But, he comes to rescue her and ends up falling himself. She survives, but he ends up hospitalized. She goes on and makes up with everybody in her life, and finally starts finding her own self worth and that there are people that love her and want her alive. There might still be people who alienate her and dislike her for being different, but she will move on forward and see the positive side of life. And that these people's lives are better for her existence.
When he wakes up, he also finally faces himself and his insecurities. He goes and apologizes to her and to everybody who he has wronged, and finally stops seeing everybody as possible threats, but as possible friends. He finally starts to feel worthy of life. If he would have died on that bridge, he could have never lived the happiest moments in his life. He finally made it up, and now he can live happily with his new friends who love him and be able to love himself.
I'm sorry for the long paragraphs, but I can't stress how much I loved this story. It represents perfectly how depression affects someone's life and that. Life is sacred, and I know it's sometimes hard to see, but the world is better because you are alive. Even if you don't know it, someone's life is better because of you :)
The only issue is some of the characters (Kawai) are very unlikable, and the movie expects us to like them. It's pretty annoying, to be honest. But other than that, the movie was one of the most beautiful movies (I've seen).
This is a movie I won't forget, I honestly think this movie is the best depiction of mental illnesses and how teenagers are affected by it. I've never read the manga and I also don't know how it is to be deaf, but as someone who knows a thing or two about mental illnesses and dealing with being "different", this movie really hits hard.
(also the art and animation are great)
I give Koe no Katachi a high 9/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 18, 2020
Ooh, My Hero Academia. One of the most famous animes of all, even your grandma know's about it! I was excited to finally start to watch Boku No Hero, for it being so popular, it must be good, right? Right!
I thoroughly enjoyed watching Boku No Hero. It gets everything right. It's funny, it's action-packed, it's emotional at times and is supported by a nice cast of characters.
Let's start with the animation and music. The opening theme song was amazing! I loved it so much! So full of energy and AH! 10/10 (as of the rest of music, it's good, I guess) And the art and
animation in the show is really beautiful and outstanding. It shows so much character and it wouldn't be the same with the unique art style. Lovely.
And the story and characters don't lack behind either! The story is amazingly written, very creative! From the first episode to the last I was hooked! All the episodes were fun and entertaining, I was never really bored. The plot was effective in telling what they wanted to; when it was supposed to be emotional, I felt emotional and it was supposed to be funny, I laughed.
The characters were also very nice and creative, although they may be a little bland, and sometimes the characters, including main characters outside of Midoriya and All Might felt one-sided. But they were all very nice, and most likely will get better fleshed out throughout the show.
Overall, I would call Boku No Hero Season One a pretty good start! It was very fun to watch and I sure the show will only get better from here!
Great show!
I give Boku No Hero Season 1 a 7/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 18, 2020
The Girl Who Leapt Who Time was a wonderful experience. This is a movie that will you make feel emotions like no other. It was a beautiful, heartfelt story that I won't forget anytime soon.
Let's start with the art; the art was fair, it wasn't amazing and majestic, it was pretty bland and per time distracting in my opinion. The background and characters don't blend well ever, and there is small details on the characters. Considering that, it still works and the animation can be pretty smooth and thus make the art feel less bland. And I got over the detail on the characters eventually
and it didn't affect too much my watching experience.
The music in the movie is very fine and works in every scene, especially the amazing orchestral and piano pieces played throughout. Made the movie a lot more jolly and emotional.
The characters in this story where really likable and lively. They made the movie! Even if they were sometimes messy in what their intentions are, you still rooted for all of them to stay safe and be happy. The characters really complement the story
And well the story is pretty good! It has its share of unexplained holes in logic, it still was successful to transmit it's message extremely accurately. That time doesn't wait for anyone and that you should just flow with it and make the best out of it. The ending and plot twist, as mentioned maybe a bit messy, it still works very well. And it was definitely emotional. I cried.
I really liked this movie, I would not call it perfect, but it was a beautiful and emotional story about friendship, appreciation and self reflection. :)
I give Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo a 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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