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MAL×entine 20th Anniversary Fantasy Anime League
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Nov 19, 2024
Fire force really gets wayyyy too much hate honestly, actually fire show that is probably worth giving 3 episodes to anyone.
Art/animation - 9/10 exceptional animation all througout, some supreme fight scenes and great looking experiments with the colour pallete. Character designs are always good and smooth when fighting, only major issue with the animation is the main issue everyone has with fire force and that is the fan service, alot of it just doesnt make sense and only lets me down whenever it happens. Even as someone not opposed to fanservice the wild nature of it in this show doesn't fit. There is a time
and a place.
Characters - 9/10 Shinra is a seriously great main character who gets some amazing development. The enitire crew all just seem like really good people to be around, you can always feel their love between eachother and it lifts the mood alot to see people getting along soo well.
Sound design - 10/10 holy shit the sounds are earbreaking in the best way, the best way to describe it is as if it is a hollywood movie or a large blockbuster such as top gun, all the actions sound intense and add to the scale of the fights. the way the bass drops is soo different and should be incorporated into other high action animes. The openings and endings are also peak as hell.
Story - 6/10 Now the story is probably weeker than the typical shounen anime but it isnt bad, just feels kind of slow at some times and largely carried by the characters and the animation. The story does have some pretty high highs and no very low lows but lots of mid story wise.
Enjoyment - 7/10 The start hooked me but towards the end it started to lose me until the end where It caught me again, it was pretty consistent when I could bring myself to watch it and always had a good time seeing whatever was going down.
overall 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 27, 2024
I didn't expect to be soo hit by Anohana as I had previously watched animes that were perceived as "tearjerkers" and did not cry or feel emotional, but Anohana broke me down to the core, It starts off in a way that isnt necessarily "Happy" But I guess uplifting? and does a great job building the characters, but as they start to realize their goals and the ending it REALLY started to hit with the waterworks, I Probably didnt pick up on everything, but from what i picked up on holy shit....
Art - 10/10 The animation style is simple, but really really fits the theme,
the backgrounds look amazing and I really am a sucker for fireworks, they somehow bring such a calm yet sad vibe that signifies the end of something to me, by looking at the trailer and op and ed I didnt expect to be attached to this show.
Characters - 9/10 Basically the smallest gripe is that I feel that one of the main characters doesn't do enough to feel like a main character or get enough devopment until really late into the already short series. But besides that GENUINELY every other main character and most of the side characters are fantastic, Maybe I cant remember their names, but A name isnt what defines someone, their characters play the biggest role
Story - 9/10 I Clearly love the story, but being slice of life i wouldn't Consider it a story as much as an experience, or following someone else's life. Most slice of life shows aren't written how other genres do stories that have Ups and downs, Anohana goes and plateus and sits at the plateu for a while and just drops off the face of the earth, there isnt any Extremely happy highs, but it always stays at a comfortable realistic level.
Enjoyment - 10/10 I had such a fucking good time watching this, and not just because it made me sad, the characters were obviously phenomenal, but even things such as the jokes always landed, but the bond between the characters is the true catch of the show, I say it alot that a show can be amazing even if it has a shit story if there is good characters, Characters build up A story and are the most important faucet.
Overall - 10/10 Adding to my 10/10 list making it my third after taking bunny girl senpai off because I feel bunny girl senpai and Anohana are quite similar, they just take it in a very different unique way, I do believe that Anohana does it better, but recency bias could be at play. We shall see over the next few weeks and when I watch the movie innevitabely.
Anohana Really is that good, it can hold you in and keep you entertained then absolutely rip you apart, it is fantastic.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 21, 2024
What SAO Should have been from the start, actually soo damn good.
By Far the Goriest season of SAO, with far more blood and brutal fights
Art - 10/10 The animation is STUNNING, its actually soo pleasing to the eyes, although all of SAO has good animation this season is truly top tier visually, even though it is quite bound by location, the locations that the story is set in has peak animation, the colour pallette has alot more blues and oranges than season 2 which had quite a dark orange and black colour pallette which personally just looked okay, the blue and orange pairing being the
main colours makes the characters and locations stand out alot more.
Characters - 8/10 DEVELOPMENT??? We have this insane thing SAO hasnt found out about before and that is Character development we get new characters introduced that are NOT just nothing characters and genuinely outshine every single character from s1 and s2, Kirito even has development finally after like 60 episodes.
Story - 7/10 okkkk the story isnt too fantastic, but that just shows how good the enjoyment factor is, the story is a bit dull and sits still for a bit but the characters and location carry it. The story isnt bad like Alfheim and Season 2 but takes a far darker more grimy look at what we had in Eincrad.
Enjoyment - 8/10 I fucking enjoyed this, the first few episodes build up the world really well and there is some absolutely amazing episodes in this, by far carried by the characters and visuals but the story is there and doesnt piss you off like the earlier SAO arcs, honestly looking forward to war of the underground.
Overall - 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 14, 2024
Art/Animation - 7/10 I dont really see when people say the animation is really good, the animation is fine but In my honest opinion the next season has better animation. But it isnt bad and the fight scenes look pretty good. Not too much more to say about this catergory.
Characters - 9/10 I think the entire main crew is VERY good, and the characters have good chemistry and banter, some of the side characters are a bit strange in their ideas. Maoa is a very different kind of Isekai protagonist who isnt trying to be the strongest but just wants to live his normal life,
Emilia is very tsundere and enjoyable on screen too. The 2 main characters also have solid romantic chemistry. But Chiho is a bit strange when shes trying to be all flirty with maoa
Story - 8/10 The story is unique for an Isekai, and builds on the world well with the concept of portals, It knows how to transition from serious episodes to highly comedic episodes. The story is a bit whacky and confusing but you can follow it pretty easily if you take a little bit of time to think, it just comes at you quite quickly.
Overall - 7/10 The start was far better than the end, but it didnt end on a bad note.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 14, 2024
Art/Animation - 10/10 Everything in the show looks really good, from the character designs to the insane fight scenes and backgrounds, probably would be more impressive if the workers were being treated fairly but knowing what they were going through makes it hard to really apreciate the quality of the animation.
Characters - 8/10 Yuji as a main character is similar to Denji the main character in Chainsaw man, but He is far different from the other protagonist in the Dark trio Gabimaru. Yuji Has alot of growth throughout the season and all feels rewarding. The main crew who we spend most of the time with
are mostly enjoyable, the issues lie in the characters humour, I feel alot of the jokes miss and it changes from serious to comedic too quickly at points.
Story - 7/10 This is still very early into Jujutsu Kaisen, and really doesnt show the heights of the later parts of the series. But as a beggining to a series it is a good introduction to see whether you want to continue going on watching or reading the rest of the series.
Overall - 7/10 Some episodes were kind of boring, and felt like just build ups to the fight and climaxes of the episodes, but later into the season it all comes together more and makes the episodes just fly by as the pacing improves.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 10, 2024
Didn't make it through this, The characters Just feel soo dull and have 0 prescence on screen, the characters we are supposed to be routing for are the ones that we are made to despise the most.
Art - 9/10 ok the animation is very good, character design also very good, but the main guy just looks.... off to me, his face structure just makes it look like they tried to hard to make him look "Hot"
Characters - 3/10 Every single side character is dull, the only decent character is the main girl as she has some personality, the love interest of hers is possibly the
most boring and bland male character in the romance genre, The friends are very unrealistic and overly sappy to the person they like, and it just gets annoying.
Story - 5/10 Generic Romance story of girl liking a guy, but wait! She's deaf! so that adds a little into it.... The vibe was there its a very chill watch but the story progresses nowhere.
Overall - 5/10 I liked the few episodes I watched but was just getting frustrated at how boring the main character is, from his voice, to his design to just how he acts, hes like a soppy E-boy who just found a girl for the first time.
Not terrible, but I could not bring myself to get through this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 9, 2024
Only really watched because I thought the opening was really really good .
Art - 4/10 Basic animation, lots of just still shots with gums flapping for talking, fight scenes are pretty bland and all blend in with eachother.
Characters - 3/10 Almost None of the characters are memorable, I Finished this today and remember Ragna, Crimson and slime and the princess w no arms thats it. The rest of the characters are just nothing, even the characters listed have 0 Development and do not engage me whenever they are on screen.
Story - 2/10 What story? the story doesnt really exist its just a show
of fighting Dragons? Not dragons? it gets repetetive after like 3 episodes and there is 24 of them, the times when the show stops for a few episodes takes a breath and thinks about characters are when it is really engaging, soo much potential wasted, the slower episodes were far better.
Overall - 2/10 Genuinely dissapointed and struggled really hard to get through this, whenever something would happen in the story it would all be resolved with punches in the sky, it made no sense.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Sep 9, 2024
Art - 8/10 Clearly a drop off from the first season of Mushoku Tensei but not bad, and still has the Mushoku tensei feel to it. The fight scenes are very well animated and clearly the point they put most time into.
Characters - 9/10 Holy character development, This season was all about character development, and has some serious cast changes for the better, Although I wish Sylphiet would step out of the spotlight a bit as I find her character just boring, I also wish Eris would come back to bring a more lighthearted side to the cast, but with Roxy coming back and the
introduction of Nanahoshi who is a neat character with a unique concept around her, big cast improvement here.
Story - 7/10 Story is still in one location and does feel stagnant for the first 7 or so episodes, but after that the season goes more into the exploration of dungeons and shows some very nice landscape shots but does not match the world building of season 1 that was amazing.
Overall - 7/10 A Good part 2 to a season I felt overly negative of before I had finished watching this part. This was the highlight for me but still a severe dip In Quality from Season 1, althought the next seasons are looking good.
Overall S2 rating - 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 26, 2024
Ahh overlord... A show I dropped over half a year ago and only just came back to....
Art - 6/10 ok the first thing I notice is the CGI Usage, alot of it isnt "Bad" But unnecessary and just used to cut corners. The later parts of the season have the best CGI by far and actually looks really good. The character models are iconic at this point. Albedo and Ainz have pretty well known character designs.
Characters - 6/10 We really dont get to know much about the characters, which does pull me out of the anime The characters are not well developed and are just
left as names. I couldn't name many of the characters even after just finishing the season. Albedo, Ainz and Shalltear and the only ones I can remember...
Story - 6/10 There isnt much of a developed story here, it starts as a generic Isekai, than just turns into meeting people, protecting people, attacking someone. The end of the season progresses the story and makes me excited to watch season 2.
Overall - 5/10 Really didnt enjoy watching it subbed as I started it on, but going back and watching the dub, firstly the dub is very high quality, the characters sound good and dub voice acting is solid. The story did not grab me at all which resulted in me dropping it, and I had to push myself through the very slow and quite boring middle section.
Still give it a watch as it is an Isekai great and see if it is something you enjoy after the first few episodes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 26, 2024
As someone who actually did not hate season 2, I Found this season more disappointing as my expectations were set quite highly
Art - 7/10 Its fine, still has CGI, but its far better CGI than in Season 2, the new character models are quite appealing, overall consistant art style, they really cooked with the fight scenes though. but why she a whale.....
Characters - 7/10 The new characters are far better than the new characters we got last season, the new girl is one of my favourite characters from this show now, just wish she got more screentime and wasnt basically a nurse.
Story - 6/10 Season
starts off with an almost tournament arc, the fights in these episodes are especially good. the middle of the season is a more relaxed civilisation building arc, and the last part of the season truely shows S4's poetential as the story will pick up. Overall pretty mid story, not much development this season.
Overall - 7/10 Enjoyed more than season 2, but not as much more as I would have expected, found it quite hard to go back and keep watching episodes aswell as I wasnt as attached, but the characters carried.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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