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Mar 16, 2025
Slime 300 is a bit misleading because it does the bare minimum to consider itself an isekai. This can be seen by the start of the story, which only asserts itself as such to set itself up before moving on and quickly forgetting about it. The setup involves an ephebophiliac deity who takes pity on a woman named Azusa who dedicated her life solely to her job. She dedicated so much time to her job in fact that she just collapsed then and there due to the amount of both physical and mental stress she underwent. She took the literal saying of “don’t work yourself ...
Mar 13, 2025
Hellsing (Anime) add
I watched this exactly a year ago and retained practically nothing of substance, so I was tempted to watch it again. Unfortunately, my feelings on this series remain unchanged, even just after finishing it. Hellsing only seems memorable because of Alucard and Seras, but it was for their designs rather than their personalities. When it comes to both the story and the characters as people, they honestly can’t be regarded as anything more than decent or fairly average. Hellsing is a clear depiction of style over substance that doesn’t stand out in any sort of way.

Hellsing somehow managed to make its story both largely repetitive ...
Mar 6, 2025
Shinsekai Yori, also known as Shinsekai Yaoi and/or Shinsekai Yuri, is a series that can honestly be described in one word, and that word is boring. It’s a series that’s only redeemable in one aspect only and that is its worldbuilding. If that is the only thing you seek, then there is certainly some enjoyment to be found. However, the series mostly suffers when it tries to get its ideas across. Shinsekai Yori can’t really be described as a story, because the methods used to convey it are executed so terribly that the entire series honestly resembles a very boring documentary. In an attempt to ...
Mar 3, 2025
Genocyber (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
Genocyber was a bit of a surprise. While it’s mostly a generic mecha anime with the added shock factor, it’s messaging is very disjointed. To expect an all out gorefest would be delusional. I had been naive once, but upon completion, the story itself is weirdly cryptic and nonsensical. Genocyber isn’t one linear story; rather, it’s divided into three parts that don’t necessarily feel connected together. The only thing that helps string it together is the creation of the new weapon of mass destruction itself.

Genocyber tells the story about how man’s creations can lead to his own downfall. The story itself is seemingly cryptic because ...
Feb 26, 2025
Kimi no Na wa is an illogical, pseudoemotional, slogfest of a movie.

The first part of the movie is kind of a time waster, because it primarily serves as a really long and drawn out exposition focusing on a concept that if removed, wouldn’t meaningfully change much of the movie. Nevertheless, the story must begin somewhere, so it gets its foot in the door with as a basic slice of life as lived by two highschoolers of different families. The additional premise to the scenerypornographic slice of life would be the body swap. Well, given the lack of setup and the fact that this film is ...
Feb 23, 2025
Is it cute? No.
Is it funny? No.
Is it insightful in any way? Take a guess.

Tenshi no Drop is not where one would typically find it, so I had quite the experience of watching it firsthand without any proper recommendation. Despite this anime only being five minutes along however, I was bored to the point where I was just hovering over the pause button to watch the red bar slowly scroll by. At least it’s still harmless for the most part, because it’s just substanceless lolicon humor for five minutes.

It gets a 2/10 instead of a 1/10 because at least the animation is decent.
Feb 23, 2025
Elfen Lied (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
Original review date: 2024-10-18

This is a rewrite, again, since my priorities have changed for better or for worse. This is mostly due to the fact that my previous review was largely incoherent and edgy rambling with a few grammatical errors, so rewriting this review is an attempt to remedy that. That review should be long gone by now, but essentially it touched on Elfen Lied only being redeemable because of the copious amount of gore and fanservice it offers. Besides that, it had very little redeeming qualities so it was only really enjoyable if its consumed mindlessly. Surprisingly, I was a bit harsh towards the ...
Feb 19, 2025
Mixed Feelings
The basic premise of these types of series is the alleviation of stress. Whether it’s the cute art style, the wholesome character interactions, or the light hearted comedy, it succeeds by being an easy watch. Dragon Maid, for the most part, succeeds in its appeal. For one, it’s a basic episodic slice of life with a moe art style. Additionally, the series takes a light hearted and comedic approach to a the family dynamic. From the very get go, it plays out as a wholesome story involving a relationship between an eccentric dragon and a tired office worker. While it’s all fine and dandy, the ...
Feb 16, 2025
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
Why yes, I skimmed the synopsis and watched three episodes just to lower its score (kind of).

Oreimo’s full name, “Ore no Imoto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai” literally translates to “My Little Sister Can’t Be This Cute,” which is hilarious because it couldn’t be any less true. Yes, I dropped this, because three episodes should be enough to realize that this anime isn’t good. Notably, two things about OreImo immediately stuck out to me regarding its characters.

One: The characters are annoying
This is mostly due to the fact that the two main characters are annoying tropes. Kirino is an annoying tsundere, but even then, ...
Feb 13, 2025
Serial Experiments Lain is weird. This should not come as a surprise. The series’ weirdness seems to be universally agreed upon, but it also has the added benefit of functioning as a good attributor for it. Weirdness can be applied as both a positive and negative attribute. The former may serve as a descriptor for the series’ achieved pursuit of its avant garde status. For example, entertainment that is positively weird can be celebrated for bringing fresh ideas to the table, but still largely conventional enough to be attributed to “established standards” for what makes media enjoyable. The latter of being weird more so applies ...

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