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Mar 28, 2024
If you like Harem go for it.
There's nothing else besides that going on for this manga, To Love Ru had some over the top alien tech, HDXD had the demons power and stuff Kimi no koto has a total subversion of Harem with satire and stuff.
This one has a lot of girls who likes a average boring guy. There's also no male characters besides him, girls will show their boobs and underwear. Thats it.
Characters dont have much persnality, things dont make sense, its the regular ''protagonist helps girls get up after tripping, she loves him till her death because he's the most gentle person she
has ever know''.
I honestly think this is the pinnacle of mediocrity.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 18, 2024
It has some funny jokes but there's not much going on for it besides that
There is no plot, some girls ''like'' some boys and some boys ''like'' some girls but honestly, their relationship is too unilateral to root for them even if it was meant to be a joke, since girls hate boys so much there is no relationship you can root for, to be honestly I was kinda of cheering for the protagonist to go back to his island or something like that, just forget everything that was going on and become a farmer os something like that
Plus, some jokes are just mean/evil and
not really funny, so these just leave me pitying the characters
Overall, some good jokes, some bad ones and the relationships of the characters leave a bad feeling on you
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 16, 2024
Fun and underrated
If you watch expecting a big war anime you're gonna be disapointed, its good but not something that will change your life or make you fall in love with it
Overall, its good, animation are very well made and consistent, these big ass machines really look scary and mix well fantasy with something that could happen in real life
The characters are fun too, so thats good
Overall, its good as long as you're able to relax and enjoy some fun, trying to get a full on serious war anime out of this one will just make you mad and unable to enjoy the show
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 14, 2024
Its really good, read it.
Akasaka has proved himself with Oshi No Ko and Kaguya, at the start I thought this one seemed weak in comparison, but its growing stronger on each chapter.
Most characters are good and lovable, they're really flashed out, the first 5 or so chapters were kinda misleading making most of them seem kinda generic, I think that was on purpose like a interesting plot twist.
Characters interact with each other in such a human way, it seems like watching real people relationships, from making mistakes to having some behavior patterns and desires, its very captivating.
Story is very good and original, hard to predict,
hard to say there is anything generic on it.
It really subverts Romcom, which is not surprising coming from the same author of Kaguya-Sama, the plot follow four characters instead of two as most romcoms, they are not two couples (for now atleast), its hard to tell how they're gonna develop, it does feel like the manga has four main characters all important to the story.
there'ss some hate going on from some readers, most hate boils down to ''she/he is not perfect, so they're a bitch/trash'', really unfair, mostly from people expecting harem/ecchi.
Overall, a really good experience.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 14, 2024
Really bad, the start creates some good potential but it greatly falls of.
The best part of the manga is definitely the beginning because you haven't seem how everything will simply turn bad.
The protagonist has a strong lack of personality or desires, there is barely anything he wants to do in the entire story, he must be one of the most ''blank characters to make it easier to self insert'' I've ever seen.
He is so blank he did not even want to say goodbye to his parents when hes never gonna see them again, his biggest desire was a bad joke which was ''eating manga
meat'' which would be those big ass meats you always see luffy and cartoons eating, I remember that because that was the only time he tried to pursue anything on the entire story. It lasted for 3 pages.
Other thing that lasted 3 pages was his search for humanity, goes kinda hard in the beginning the idea of being isolated with only monsters in the middle of the monster continent, how he would interact and survive with monster and stuff seemed interesting. It turns out it takes him 3 pages of searching when he tries to find human cities completely destroying this plot. Any interesting interaction he could have with monsters because of culture, powers and stuff is also non existent
Overall, bad, might hook you up, if you do not pay attention you may end up reading the entire thing just because the beginning gave you hope of being good, then you're gonna notice you wasted your time with characters and scenarios you dont care.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 14, 2024
Too generic and slow, I think it aged kinda bad.
Most characters are pretty shallow, their ''role model'' define them too much, the sports girl has only the sports girl personality, the nerd guy will only be the nerd guy, and so on.
For how much people praise it, I can only assume at the time these standards generic characters were something new
The comedy is kinda weak, I was really expecting some points on this subject since the idea has a strong power for that, sadly this anime takes itself a little bit too serious, its a big hit on the comedy department.
If you want a subversion
of the genre as in ''100 girlfriends'', ''Kaguya-Sama'', ''Asobi Asobae'', you're in the wrong anime, at the time the genre was not even established to be subverted in the first place
If you like 2010 animes, have not watched many animes or simply can enjoy some very simplistic stuff for today standards, you were gonna have a great time.
Overall, its decent for what it is, watching it in 2011 would've been more fun tough.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 19, 2024
Really tried to give it a shot for those positive reviews talking good about the show, after watching some eps I can totally understand why they like it. I dont like it.
The anime's satire and chuunibyou aspect that so many reviews talks about is almost non existent. The little satire that exists, is there just to try and make the complete lack of a story line something ''funny'' since its ''satire'', the ''chuunibyou'' is a excuse from the author to feel free to lick the MC balls at every chance he gets.
Seriously, its tiring to see everything revolves around the MC being ''the most
badass, smart, powerful, cool'', to make it worse he is boring, its like the image a 12 year old has of a cool character.
This may have been the most downside of the show for me: The Harem
The Harem was... seriosuly one of the weirdest ones I've ever seen, the ''satire'' bit only made the harem worse, the anime truthfully believes its not a harem isekai - even tought every characters is a cute girl thats on the MC harem, but since this one thinks it is not a harem, it does not care about making girls have personalities, managing the amount of girls on the harem and their feeling, etc. making this the worst Isekai Harem there is. By not admiting it is a isekai harem, its harem gets worse than isekai smartphone for example
the author actually had the ability to write 2 male characters both of which made the MC seems like a real person and do some funny stuff, so I thought there was some hope, but no, they were cast aside, making this a true isekai harem.
To give the anime some point tought, there are some ''good moments'' that might be enough to keep you watching, moments that give characters personality or dept, these are cool, I almost gave a 6 raking because of them, but sadly they are treated almost as non canon, sometimes being completely forgotten about or some ''added dept'' is removed/forgot to show of how ''fucking cool'' the MC is for the 16° time in a row.
In short, the anime explores and thrives on the self-insert aspect, specifically on the self-insert aspect for 14 year olds who never touched a woman and think they're dumb enough to fall in love with anything, plus you have to think ''dark+powerfull = badass'' to not cringe trough the anime
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 19, 2024
If you come to this anime carrying the right mentality it will be very good. If you're stressed and want to relax, sad, worried about something, its really meant for you.
Watching it is like taking a cup of hot chocolate or tea in a cold day and getting under some blankets to watch something;
It can remind you of some of the pureness and ingenuity the real world has to offer. Overall its a cute anime meant to warm your heart, it does not try to be anything more than that, and that is fine. The characters have some depth on them and will leave you
wondering how their life went on.
Its biggest strengths may be its 3 minutes run time, watching it will feel like meeting someone on a bus stop, hearing about a small bit of their life and never seeing them again, wondering about possibilites, where they came from, and were they're headed, but overall happy that something, even if extremely small, was added to your life.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 19, 2024
The animations is good on the first ep, average on the first few afters and kinda generic and souless after ep 4 ~ 5.
There were some decent concepts and characters introduced on the story but most of them fade away in quality, 30% of the story becomes characters and stuff which will not believe on MC strength so he has a chance to always prove how powerful and reliable he is, Another 30% of the story will be characters and stuff that do believes on MC strength so he has a chance to prove he is right, and awesome, etc. You can
ignore these 60% of the story revolving around the MC being underestimated just to come out on top, but then the rest 40% of the story does not exist, its just some random events that dont really matter, its actually hard to understand what important events are happening, because they're all equally not important and most times the most important things that happens don't even affect the MC and they happens offscreen
About the world building:
-one of the only interesting thing happening which is the development of a village/city connected to the MC happens almost entirely off screen on the most childish way possible.
-The author made sure to remove one of the only interesting things in this story which is the lack of technology by adding ''almost cellphones'' as the ''guild cards'' and solving most of the other technology problems using ''MC memories''
-Distance is also completely useless, from the first few chapters you think it will be a long trip for him to reach humanity because he is ''isolated on the middle of the demon continent'' but it takes him less than one chapter searching to find a human city
-The magic system had some potential but the author does not use it at all, its either ''this characters is strong'', but the MC is more so he wins, and other characters dont fight each other in any way that affects the story
The MC:
His design wasn't that great, the animation style made it worse, but his personality is the biggest problem. He has no personality, he doesn't want anything in the entire story, he has no goal, no desire, no fears, he doesn't like someone specifically as a close friend or loved one, even when he is leaving his word he doesn't even want to say goodbye to his family for some reason, the only things he actively tries to achieve in the entire story is trying to behave as a ''normal person'' or ''trying to not stand out'', as in trying to hold his friends back if they act too weird, trying to not say something rude, etc.
he gets really mad at small stuff like his companions disrespecting someone and then 5 minutes lates he is almost submissive when he meets some murderers or bad people overall (even tough he is a 100x stronger than them) which has no real explanation or porpuse.
Overall, a enjoyable experience in the begning that quickly fades off and revolves around praising a characters with no personality doing stuff you wont care about in a world has that has nothing interesting on it
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 22, 2023
Its a very good comedy manga, it has a unusual take on many subjects and a very original and funny artstyle and gags. Many characters are extremely enjoyable, this author really knows how to make some lovable and interesting characters.
The last 2 arcs becaming somehow ''serious'' did not really works for this series, they were not as great as the rest of the series. They semmed as a attempt to raise the manga's popularity which did not work.
While the ending was not amazing and it did disappoint me at first, after some time and consideration, it was a decent ending even though it was not
a great one. The ending left some loose ends to be anserwed and did not give a decent ending arc to most characters, plus it seems like the author was not able to implement ''tesshi ending up in hell'', maybe because the series was cut short.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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