Remember season 1? The psychological masterpiece full of plot twists, amazing character development and the rich story? Now, what the fuck happened to season 2? Every single thing I just pointed out is missing in season 2. There was nothing psychological about this season, pacing was atrocious like the whole thing was rushed and made no sense, no character development at all and there was literally nothing that would make anyone enjoy the story. It's really sad knowing this anime that was close to a masterpiece had to be ruined so easily for nothing.
Story 3/10 - Absolutely rushed and made no sense throughout the episodes.
Mar 11, 2021
Death Note
Spoilers included:
Death Note is one of the most popular anime series if not the most popular series in the world and this is what I think about it: The story itself is really interesting and well constructed. We begin with a character named Light Yagami that one day finds a book on ground. He later finds out that the book belongs to a shinigami and that he can kill people with the book by just simply writing their name on it. Light wanted the peace and justice in the world and that's where his god complex begun. We get to know other great characters that make ... Mar 3, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re 2nd Season
Why Studio Pierrot, why? Such a good show with rich story and characters just for it to be rushed and make totally no sense.
Tokyo ghoul anime was one of the biggest letdowns in the anime history. The first season of the anime was really good and I enjoyed it a lot but ever since they split from manga in season 2, everything just stopped making sense and became like a candy without sugar. After that the 3rd season eventually continued with the manga but skipped so many things it just totally stopped making sense, totally. No explanation as to what happened after the events of ... Mar 3, 2021
This is the second time I'm making a review because the last one was really bad. This review includes spoilers.
Oh man, Metamorphosis, Emergence, 177013, Henshin whatever you wanna call it. Some people say this is just some random hentai or it's disgusting, sure, there are some moments that I would love to unsee, but calling it disgusting just isn't it. The story begins with young, unpopular and shy Saki that always wanted to be popular and have a lot of friends. Basically, she would do anything to become liked among people. Unfortunately, bad things started to happen to her but she still wanted to continue ... Sep 30, 2020
I'm not going to make this review a huge one just like everyone, I'll just say few things.
This anime is easily in hall of fame of the greatest animes of all time. Everything about this anime is just great, the story is not really predictable, art is amazing even though they were doing from home so that's a big up, sound and effects were brilliant and astonishing especially if you watched with headphones, new great characters that actually were important for the story and made sense and the character development for other characters was just outstanding. I can't even understand how people hate on this ... |