Firstly - I know I would be a little suspicious of a perfect 10 review, but this manga deserves it whole-heartedly (you'll probably be able to tell my enthusiasm by my excessive use of punctuation!!!). Anyway, on with the review:
There are only so many ways you can say, "AMAZING!!!" or "AWESOME!!!" but I'll try my best XD. Saiyuki is, as the synopsis probably told you, based on the ancient legend, though Minekura-sama added some little twists that probably weren't in the original - take Hakuryuu for example, who can transform into a jeep. However, despite the fact that the core storyline - simply: 'go to
the west' - is potentially dull and colourless, Saiyuki manages to lighten it all up with brilliant backstories and detours.
Maybe at this point I should warn some of you: if you don't like mangas that never seem to reach their ultimate goal, or constantly dive into flashbacks, or are continually travelling sideways, this is probably not the best manga for you, as most of the story arcs are either flashbacks or detours. That said though, the story always manages to go somewhere and seem completely satisfying, even if - at the end of each arc - nothing has really changed.
In the end, the storyline is very character-driven, and this may be why it is an awesome story, as the characters are so well developed and so real (though this should be in the 'character' section, argh!!! =_="). And it still contains some big revelations and 'gasp' moments. It's a constant page turner - if you can tear your eyes away from her amazing artwork long enough to turn the page XD.
Oh my goodness.
There's not much to say here other than that.
How on earth can one person draw that well?!? It's so unfair for all the rest of us... *despairs*. Anyway, moment of self-pity over, let's actually get past the 'Oh my goodness' point.
Firstly, if you've only read the first couple of volumes, you might be thinking: 'What is she on about? The art style isn't that good!' but - as with all manga-kas - it takes a while for Minekura-sama to settle into drawing the characters. Give it nine volumes and by the end you'll be in complete awe.
Minekura-sama has a very distinctive style, based on a high degree of detail especially in the facial features, clothes and hair. At first it might be a little difficult to adapt to her style as it isn't clean-cut like many others, rather being very anatomically correct and, in places, slightly grotesque: none of her characters are drawn with symmetrical faces, unlike in other mangas, and when she draws hands she will draw every joint and bone. But maybe it is this slight grotesqueness that gives her art its very real beauty.
And oh my goodness it is beautiful! ^_^ Not only are the main characters all jaw-droppingly gorgeous, but the side characters are drawn with just as much care and attention to detail. Even background characters receive the same treatment - though she sometimes 'forgets' to give them eyes, replacing them with handy shadows that are easier to draw XD. And she draws inanimate objects amazingly well too - I for one would never be able to draw a gun that well! AND her backgrounds are beautiful as well. Gah!!! Is there nothing she cannot do?!?
So forgive her for being inconsistant - please! She makes up for it with everything else. In fact, it is difficult to truly capture how beautiful Minekura-sama's work is with mere words, and I don't really think I'm doing that great a job, but if you're still at a loss, look at the picture at the top left hand side of the page. Then you'll start to get it. ^_^ As they always say, a picture is worth a thousand words!
Again, this is another 'OH MY GOODNESS!' moment.
First off, let's make this clear, this isn't your 'normal' Sanzo-ikkou. I mean, it's supposed to contain a priest, a monkey, a kappa and a pig, right?
Minekura-sama - conveniently forgetting the fundamental details of the legend she's adapting - rewrites a whole new party. Sure, Sanzo is a priest, but I doubt in the original legend he smoked, drank, carried a gun, killed youkai mercilessly and took potshots at Gojyo (he uses the rather less fatal paper fan to punish Goku XD)! And yes, Goku is referred to as a monkey, though he somewhat lacks a tail XD. Instead he has gained a huge stomach, a loud whine and a very innocent child-like demeanour. And although Gojyo is - like Goku - called a kappa, he can't even swim - making him a rather bad water sprite at best. Minekura-sama's Gojyo is a pervert, a playboy and a womaniser who specialises in witty one-liners and smokes like a chimney 'with a burning lust for cancer'. Finally, Hakkai has undergone the most change. A pig? No. Rather: a tragic, full of remorse sinner who hides his troublesome past behind a benign smile and a slight laugh and is constantly having to apologise for the rest of the group's behaviour.
Slightly different, huh?
But all of the characters - no matter how unexpected and crude their behaviour might seem - are so loveable that it's almost impossible to choose a favourite between them. Delving deep into their pasts and emotions, Minekura-sama reveals the very real people behind the pictures. It's difficult for any manga to beat Saiyuki for the sheer depth and development of character - and what's more, it keeps on going in Reload!
Well, what more is there to say? The enjoyment level of Saiyuki is huge. And I mean HUGE in the largest size font you can get!
Firstly, there's the reading - which is AWESOME!!!
Secondly, there's the re-reading - Saiyuki has an extremely high re-read value: once I finished the series I just picked up volume 1 again and read all the way through once more! ^_^
Thirdly, there's all the subtext - yes, fans of shounen ai will not be disappointed by this one, though Minekura-sama never makes it blatantly obvious and I'm sure that some people could read it through thinking: 'What? Where's the subtext in this?'
And finally, there's just this great sense that you get that you're actually friends with the Saiyuki gang (though maybe this is just me... T_T).
There's nothing more to say than: READ IT!!! PLEASE!!! ^_^
And that's all for now folks!
May 31, 2008
Firstly - I know I would be a little suspicious of a perfect 10 review, but this manga deserves it whole-heartedly (you'll probably be able to tell my enthusiasm by my excessive use of punctuation!!!). Anyway, on with the review:
Story: There are only so many ways you can say, "AMAZING!!!" or "AWESOME!!!" but I'll try my best XD. Saiyuki is, as the synopsis probably told you, based on the ancient legend, though Minekura-sama added some little twists that probably weren't in the original - take Hakuryuu for example, who can transform into a jeep. However, despite the fact that the core storyline - simply: 'go to ... |