Given name: 李依
Family name: 高橋Alternate names: Rieri, Rii-chan Birthday: Feb 27, 1994 Website: Favorites: 60,220 More: Birth place: Saitama Prefecture, Japan
Blood Type: A She is a part of the seiyuu unit Earphones, which was created during the production of Sore ga Seiyuu and the members are comprised of herself, Marika Kouno and Yuki Nagaku. Profile: 81Produce Twitter: @taka8rie Instagram: @riery_syame Youtube: 高橋李依 / Rie Takahashi Official YouTube Channel Blog: Ameba |
NewsManga 'Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san' Features Stories Produced by Anime Cast Members Mar 12, 2018 2:33 AM by tsubasalover | Discuss (9 comments) |