Given name: 翔太
Family name: 蒼井Alternate names: Noboru Yanagaki, 柳ヶ木昇, Showta, Yanagawa Shouta, 柳川翔太, Yanagawa Noboru, 柳川昇 Birthday: Aug 11, 1987 Website: Favorites: 1,580 More: Height: 174 cm
Blood type: B A singer and new seiyuu since February 2011. His voice is very feminine, which he had a complex about; however, he got used to it because people like this kind of unique voice. Yanagawa Noboru is the name that he uses for the Yamaha music foundation. He is part of Rejet's seiyuu singing unit, Unicorn Jr. along with Sawashiro Chiharu and Toshiyuki Someya. Aoi Shouta is also involved in stage play and played as Shiomi Sakuya for Persona 3: the Weird Masquerade Stage Play. Twitter: @shouta0811aoi Blog: @aoi-shouta Broccoli profile: Instagram: @shouta.0811.aoi |
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