This review mostly concerns the horrific portrayal of reptile care of Himitsu no Reptiles—something deeply important to the purpose of this manga.
For clarity's sake, I got my leopard gecko a week ago—I'm not an authority on reptiles. If you doubt anything I say, feel free to do your own research. However, before purchasing mine I had done dozens of hours of research and I can tell you this much: The mangaka of Himitsu no Reptiles doesn't give damn about proper reptile care or, at the very least, they are extremely uninformed. I don't know if it's just a matter of Japan's practices but, for a
Alternative TitlesJapanese: 秘密のレプタイルズ More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 14
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Finished
Published: May 6, 2016 to Jan 12, 2024
MangaONE Authors:
Gujira (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #162772 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #9219
Members: 2,145
Favorites: 7 | Reviews
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Your Feelings Categories Sep 15, 2020
To follow up on NinjaMushi's excellent review which you should absolutely read if you're considering reading this abomination of a manga, here are some more things Himitsu no Reptiles gets wrong:
1. handling amphibians without washing hands with dechlorinated water: amphibians like frogs absorb chemicals including water (but also including deadly toxins) through their skin so before holding them it is IMPERATIVE that you spritz your hands down with dechlorinated water lest you risk transferring some dangerous chemicals into their bodies. 2. saying adult pacman frogs can live in a 7x10 inch container: no. adults need at LEAST a 10 gallon aquarium, and bigger is better. 3. not ... |