Let me get this stuff out of my chest; you know what! Suehiro's works is breathtaking, period!
I always wanted to make a review for Warau Kyuuketsuki but I'm not sure on how I would start and I don't wanna make a butchered review for this manga because its one of the few manga's that massively influenced the way I draw and it's in my favorite list.
I guess I'll try, here it is..
If you do not like vampires, and people getting mutilated then you SHOULD read this one, it might change your mind, why? because I just told you! this manga is about crazy ass
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Baraiso: Warau Kyuuketsuki 2, The Laughing Vampire, The Laughing Vampire 2: Paradise, The Crying Vampire Japanese: 笑う吸血鬼 InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 2
Chapters: 19
Status: Finished
Published: 1998
Shounen Champion (Weekly) Authors:
Maruo, Suehiro (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #53312 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #2315
Members: 9,498
Favorites: 319 | Reviews
Filtered Results: 5 / 6
Your Feelings Categories Jan 10, 2015
I would say that Laughing Vampire is not horror story, but an adventure story with very dark ambience.
On the sliding scale of Dracula versus Twilight, Laughing Vampire is all the way in the Dracula camp. It plays up many tropes related to the monstrosity of vampires. Death is very common and the lifespans of side characters are short. While the story itself is exciting, it is difficult to follow. Events don't flow smoothly from panel to panel, and the numerous psychedelic scenes confuse things further. Sadly, many things are left unexplained by the end, mainly regarding the nature of vampirism. The art is expressive ... Apr 20, 2020
Warau Kyuuketsuki isn't about plot, and it's important that you go into this manga without expecting some sort of genius story or touching character development. The brilliance of this manga is the art. Every page arranged panels in the most delicately calculated position, and within each panel, you'll find an absurd amount of detail. Suehiro Maruo's genius lies in the way he guides the eye across a page, the way he alters an image's message just by drawing an extra line somewhere. There's not a single centimeter of wasted space in this manga; there's not a single drop of ink unaccounted for.
And the scenes are ... Oct 29, 2022
So I found out about this story through Joey’s video he uploaded recently (Some Great Horror Manga To Read This Halloween is the title on YouTube, check it out!) and I am literally in a state of confusion right now cause my bros, this story made my reading experience like a floor trip hazard that kept on going through the very end lol! Yet I don’t know how I feel about the ending lol. I like the vampire genre so this story is pretty unique in a sense where it didn’t need the signature fangs and the cloak, but it had just the vampires smiling
Mar 12, 2022
boy oh, BOY is the art so so viscerally good. my favorite part of this manga is just how nice the art is to look at. so high-effort.
the story veers into slightly-too-much territory for me. I read this for the first time as a child and that terrible (from a 'wow, that's disturbing' perspective) scene with the girl and the clown stuck in my head for weeks, I swear to god. I don't really care for vampire horror or child protagonists who act like adults. maybe? some kids? are like that? but I never knew any child like that. tanks the believability a little bit, ... |