Hello, my dear reader.
Let me tell you a little story.
What story, you might ask? Well, it's your story, and mine, and that of many others. How do I know? Because it always follows the same pattern.
It all started when you heard that Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata were working on another manga together. Great news, right? You loved Death Note and/or Bakuman, and you were instantly hyped up for more awesomeness from the power duo. You were perhaps a little surprised that a new manga coming from them didn't have any buzz, but you thought nothing of it at the time.
"It's just
because the series is relatively new," you thought. "It'll all change when it gets an anime. Then it will receive the attention it deserves."
Excited as you were, you rushed to check out the summary, perhaps on this very site, and that's when you had your first moment of doubt. The premise sounded exactly like Mirai Nikki!
That caught you off guard. You were certain that Ohba was more original than this.
“Oh, well,” you thought naively. “No matter. I'm sure that his take on the whole thing will be totally different and million times better!”
With your fears assuaged, you got your hands on a perfectly legal copy (cough, cough) and started to read.
First you got an eyeful of the art, and it was top notch. Rich backgrounds, realistic character designs and everything you'd expect from Obata, only better than ever before. The visual aspect of the manga did more than just meet your expectations; it surpassed them by far.
It's even more of a shame, then, that Platinum End was a sore disappointment in pretty much every other department.
You were put out by the incredibly cliché main character, Mirai — an abused orphan boy, raised by his evil aunt and uncle. (Harry Potter anyone?) A perfect, standard anime hero who refuses to kill under any circumstances, and loves to make moralizing speeches every chance he gets, to allies and enemies alike. His motto seems to be that it's better to be harmed than to harm others, even in self-defense. (Kaneki, much?)
From the author who gave us Light Yagami, you would have expected something much more memorable than a stock character like that.
“Still,” you thought, “boring protagonists are pretty much standard. The rest of the cast will make up for it, I'm sure.”
Long story short, they didn't. From the equally cliché antagonist with a sister complex, to a bland love interest who has nearly the same personality as Mirai, none of the main characters of Platinum End are even remotely interesting, and most of the side characters are one dimensional, over the top caricatures that make Misa Amane look subtle and down to earth by comparison.
You found nobody here as intriguing, unique and unforgettable as Light Yagami, nobody as iconic as L, nobody as entertaining as Yuno Gasai. The cast is below average.
So, what about the plot?
In the interest of fairness, one has to admit that it's written adequately. Ohba-sensei still knows how to establish a coherent set of rules and stick to them. There are no asspulls to be found in Platinum End, but neither is subtlety of any kind. Everything here is on the nose, heavy-handed and exaggerated. Then there is the overall silliness of the manga, the best example of which are the Power Rangers style outfits that our main characters insist on wearing.
“Really,” you asked with a facepalm. “Really, Ohba?”
And, yes, he really did it. The master of nuanced mind games had switched to pure ham and cheese.
Other than that, what else can I say about the plot? Well... Let's see how it compares to the other O & O creations.
Death Note was a very unconventional work that didn't follow many standard manga cliches, subverted and deconstructed others, and ended up giving us one of the most unique stories in the medium.
Bakuman was an interesting shounen manga about making shounen manga, that looked at many familiar genre tropes from a perspective of a creator.
Platinum-Please- End-Already, on the other hand, just takes a bunch of overused shounen cliches (death game, becoming a god as a reward, Shinji Ikari-esque protagonist, etc.) and plays them completely straight without any imagination or creativity. Everything Platinum End does has been done hundred times before, and done better. The story it tells comes with no strong distinguishing elements, and no true identity of its own.
“How is it,” you wondered, “that Death Note was more exciting when Light was EATING A BLOODY BAG OF CHIPS than Platinum End is when our characters are fighting for their sorry lives?!”
And that's how you understood why almost nobody talks about Platinum End. You understood the lack of hype and enthusiasm.
Perhaps you did the smart thing and just dropped it. Perhaps you refused to give up and slogged through it, hoping that a miracle will happen and the manga will eventually get good. If you did the latter, congratulations! You are one of the majority of Platinum End's “fandom”, if we can even call it that.
We follow Platinum End out of loyalty for Ohba & Obata duo, nothing more. If it wasn't for those two names, we would have forgotten it ever existed a long time ago.
We read the chapters when they come out, we get bored and annoyed, and we visit forums to practice the ancient and noble art of bitching. You'll find far more people who enjoy complaining about Platinum End than those who enjoy Platinum End itself. But, of course, you'll have a very hard time finding anyone who talks about it at all.
Or maybe I'm wrong, and this isn't your story at all? Maybe you are just at the start of this journey, and you only dropped by to read the reviews and find out if Platinum End is worth your time?
Short answer—it's not.
Don't just take my word for it. Notice that all the glowing reviews were written after the author had read only a few first chapters, and all the others offer almost nothing but criticism, even if they give the relatively lenient score of six.
We all want to go easy on Ohba & Obata, but this work of theirs just doesn't deserve it. It's a generic, by-the-numbers story, sub-par in many aspects, and I will only rate it as high as five because of the great art. If I were to sum up Platinum End in one word, that word would be "meh".
Let's all cross our fingers and hope that their next manga will be a return to form.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: プラチナエンド More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 14
Chapters: 58
Status: Finished
Published: Nov 4, 2015 to Jan 4, 2021
Jump SQ. Statistics Ranked: #149412 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #258
Members: 65,518
Favorites: 885 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 41 / 46
Your Feelings Categories Feb 8, 2017
Hello, my dear reader.
Let me tell you a little story. What story, you might ask? Well, it's your story, and mine, and that of many others. How do I know? Because it always follows the same pattern. It all started when you heard that Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata were working on another manga together. Great news, right? You loved Death Note and/or Bakuman, and you were instantly hyped up for more awesomeness from the power duo. You were perhaps a little surprised that a new manga coming from them didn't have any buzz, but you thought nothing of it at the time. "It's just ... Jan 8, 2021
Platinum end is a bizarre manga, and an interesting failure.
Story (3/10): The plot of platinum end starts out as a death game/sentai parody. It's an exaggerated action manga that is played mostly serious. It has its moments but ultimately just feels over the top in its set pieces and gore, with a cast bizarre side characters who don't last very long. They aren't entertaining and some are just unpleasant to read about, namely the 'ugly' guy and the 'disease' girl. However half way through there is a direction change, and the plot becomes more of a slow paced political thriller with some moral and philosophical arguments. ... Nov 20, 2015
I know why you are here!
It's because real life Ashirogi Muto is back for one more masterpiece up their sleeves!! You know what I am talking about if you have seen Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata's Death Note and Bakuman. I know it's too soon for me to write a review on this manga but I will keep on updating it as some new chapters are released. Story - Fed up with the depressing nature of his existence, Mirai Kakehashi, decided to suicide. After jumping off a nearby skyscraper, when he opened his eyes, he found himself in the arms of an angel, Revealing herself to be ... Jan 7, 2021
I can't believe i got excited to read this trash.
Story(3.5/10): I never thought a Tsugumi Ohba story, would remind me so much of all of the super cringy, gorefilled edgy manga, that were funnily enough inspired by Death Note, it's like seeing Akira Toriyama writing the FanFic plot for Dragon Ball Super. There was no real meaningful development aside of the first few chapters, no new powers, no new rules, no interesting new concept or even any event that would give any motivation whatsoever to the main character, or maybe make we see him in a different light. The story grew stale even before the end ... Jan 7, 2021
Simply put, Platinum End is a story about a boy who commits suicide, but is saved by an angel so that he may participate in a battle royale to become God.
Disclaimer: Platinum End takes a very cynical view on the concept of God. If you love listening to Pastor Dave preach every Sunday, I would not recommend this to you. Tl;dr Platinum End is philosophical and presents interesting questions on the role of God, but suffers from a lack of character depth. However, I thought it was interesting and I think you should give it a chance and read with the ... Jan 20, 2016
Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata's 3rd Manga to be my next obsession. First Death Note and then Bakuman. A manga worth crying for :'(
The two artists are well renowned for their first manga Death Note which was thoroughly set the dark mood for the readers. Based on the current chapters it has the potential to be as interesting as their first work. I believe that with they themselves it will be impossible to beat death note. People are reading this manga and cant forget how well Death Note did and feel like they are trying too hard and pushing their luck. This manga should be ... Jan 2, 2016
Two months since i'm deciding to create account and starting to arranging my old anime and manga that i've ever seen in my life without any desire just to post or reviewing anything here
And what i got? My favourite author Tsugumi Ohba with his dynamic colour of intencity that can we seen clearly enough on his past works (Death Note and Bakuman) and the soulful art by Takeshi Obata that i knew it since his works at Hikaru no Go, has back to the party! what a nice time for me to be alive.. :D and thats why i decided to make an early review.. and ... Feb 25, 2021
Are you a fan of Death Note? Well look no further cause this is the awkward version of it. Heck even the MC is like Light except all his cool qualities got showered down to make him look like a normie. Instead of BiG BrAiN plot, we get something downright normal, almost making it closer to a slice of life anime then a thriller.
The Beginning of the manga was not all that bad, but everything starts looking bland as the series enters its middle stages making me question is "this" or is "that" necessary, for instance the presence of romance in this part ... Jul 8, 2017
Platinum End - A manga work... about to die.
When people known that Ohba Tsugumi and Obata Takeshi would work together again, it was only logical that I became very enthusiastic in what they were going to do for this third work/manga together. People already knew this but for those who don't, these two authors worked together on past works such as Death Note (2004) and Bakuman (2008) as Ashirogi Muto. With this information previously known, Death Note has succeeded in being one of my favorite works so far succeeding consequently other works with the same legal value as this. This manga, Platinum End - or in ... Oct 11, 2021
This is my first review and i translated from my native language to english in google translator, so maybe the text will have several languagues issues, i'm sorry about that.
Platinum End review- Minors spoilers Summary: After the death of his parents ,and a life of suffering, Mirai tries to commit suicide, however he is saved by an angel Nasse, and she then reveals that he was chosen along with 11 other people with no will to live, and that they should compete with each other until they choose a new God for this world, and thus the story begins. Story-2/10 The story starts with a touch of ... Dec 31, 2018
First of all this might have some spoilers.. you have been warned.
OK so first i have to say i love this manga as much as death note, allot of people would call me insane or stupid for that but, hear me out. Before we get into why i like it let me introduce some problems people have with this that i didn't, which is probably why i like it more then them. First is that people were wanting something like "Death Note" i loved death note its what got me into Physiological stuff, but i didn't want something too similar to it, so if u want ... May 31, 2016
After giving us Bakuman and Death Note, two works which had each their own appeals and were really great, you would of course expect a lot from this new work of Ohba, the mysterious author who sometimes cooperate with Obata. Unfortunately, this is nothing like their previous combination, and here we have a rather disappointing and even mediocre manga.
The first chapter did not have anything amazing, however we were still given a sight of how much Obata's art has improved over the year, and finally there was indeed something which looked like an interesting idea, the premise being that an angel gives our main character ... May 21, 2017
Platinum End Review
Chapters 1 -18 Hm. I think the proof to some degree is in the pudding here. The fact that I don't see many people reading or talking about a new series by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata (the creators of Death Note and Bakuman, but I think you all know that). These are some of the biggest names in the game and yet people don't seem to be taking much of any notice at al in the couple of years since this series started. At first, I was a bit confused as to why this was the case, the first volume (Chapters 1 - 3) are ... Dec 21, 2022
This Manga is underwhelming, in its premise, its execution of the core themes and its progression of plot and characters . It is not outright bad, though there is a lot left to be desired from Platinum end. Even without comparing it to the previous work of the manga creators, Death Note, this manga does not add any significant creative value in the battle royal, psychological action Shounen space. I'd rather check out Future Diary, and that is already a worrying bar to fail to meet.
The story is difficult to take seriously in the first half of the manga. It takes a very questionable idea; ... Sep 28, 2016
Well, I started to read this when the 4th, 5th Chapter got out, right now I've read for about 8 Chapters (?)
Note that the creators of this manga are the same creators from Death Note and Bakuman, both really good and known by almost everyone (Even though I haven't watch/read Bakuman until the end). So, as may think, this manga has a great potential and also, became popular because of their creators. Moving forward, I enjoyed the beginning of the story, it was interesting, depressive boy wants to die, an angel saves him and boom, magic happens, all that thing about being the god and introducing ... Dec 23, 2020
Platinum End is a manga from one of my favourite author which are Tsugumi Ohba who handles the art and Takeshi Obata who handles the story. These 2 are my favourite duo and they made my favourite manga(Bakuman) and Death Note that has a really thrilling story and great mind battles.
At the first few chapter, this manga seems totally like a normal psychological manga and i thought that it's just a few chapter and it will get even better. After getting introduced to more of the character, i was really dissapointed and I don't like it, i expected much action like death note, but ... Nov 2, 2021
This is my First Review, will try not to give any spoilers.
So Ohba sensei and Obata sensei are here with a new manga, Platinum End. If you are looking for something similar to Death Note or something as Death Note's successor, you better don't read this manga, cause you'll be disappointed. Story (9/10) So a depressed guy, Mirai Kakehashi tries to commit suicide but an Angel Nasse saves him and gives him arrows and wings and from there starts the journey of choosing the next God of this world. The story from the beginning had a subtle philosophical approach which got stronger and more prominent near ... Mar 1, 2023
After the terrible and untimely passing of his parents and younger brother, Mirai was forced to live with his violent uncle and aunt. Later, he makes the decision to terminate his life before being spared and granted a second opportunity by Nasse, one of the thirteen angels sent by God. She tells him that before the old God retires in nine hundred and ninety days, he must compete against twelve other God contenders. From this point on, Mirai must start again and determine whether or not his second shot at life is worth fighting for.
The characteristics of the characters were all very different from one ... Mar 23, 2016
I'll make it short. This manga stunned me. After reading Death Note and Bakuman, Tsugumi Ohba's story was once again a masterpiece. I've read 5 chapters and its potential is huge. The character designs - especially Mirai and Nasse seem to be really well done. Reading this really shows the reader that Ohba and Obata do what they always do.
The first chapter was very interesting and reminded of Death Note. Mirai seems to be a total opposite Light. The final showdown will PROBABLY be Mirai vs Metropolitan Man though it is safe to assume that Saki might try to do something. I can't wait for ... Nov 11, 2018
My initial interest to read this manga sparked from the fact that Platinum End has the same artist and author as Death Note. A series that is arguably one of the most popular and most liked Manga series of all time.
As you can imagine my expectations were quite high when I started reading this one. I have to get this out here as fast as I can: Platinum End is in no way similar to Death Note! In the beginning you might find some similarities like how both MCs have some supernatural being as a companion and godlike powers to change the world but the whole atmosphere ... |