Alternative TitlesJapanese: 切子 InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 5
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 25, 2014 to Dec 25, 2014
Bessatsu Manga Goraku Authors:
Honda, Shingo (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #202652 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #3407
Members: 6,565
Favorites: 11 | Reviews
Filtered Results: 6 / 6
Your Feelings Categories Jul 1, 2018
This is a pretty typical splatter-revenge horror manga. The story is nothing special, it's about four adults on a school reunion to celebrate the 16-year anniversary of the death of their classmate, the titular character, Kiriko. Then, that same girl begins to pick them off one-by-one in orderly fashion. It's pretty straightforward and I was really trying hard to like it, but I just felt bored throughout its entirety. The art was fine. I was just unimpressed with the gore, and the monster didn't look that scary to me. But the gory scenes do have a considerable amount of detail and may look cool to
Aug 29, 2018
I enjoyed reading this manga; however the storyline is pretty simple. I enjoyed the art style and the design of Kiriko the most out of the manga, especially how her form evolves throughout the story. I still was not able to identify if Kiriko is really a monster, or maybe a very realistic illusion formed from the feeling of guilt. But I don't think that this is a flaw, more like something that makes the story more psychologically interesting. The characters are not very memorable and pretty mediocre but they are understandably this is a short manga so not much backstory could be provided, it
Dec 7, 2018
Just personal scratch. Advised, possible spoilers. Opinion & Informal Art: 7/10 The anatomy and proportions of the human characters checked out. There were a few convincing scenes of nature shots. There were maybe one or two showcases of artistic skill. There were a few normal-looking wide shots. The environmentals and backgrounds looked a bit above average as they were a bit more filled and detailed. The impact shots were nice looking and did their job. The impact shot with the "Sorry for being a monster." looked creepy enough. The style was more realistic and leaned towards more real-to-life body proportions. Facial expressions were believable too but overall didn't feel ... Sep 20, 2022
Kiriko was a really whatever manga. The gore was good, I guess, but on the whole it was painfully generic and half baked. At least it's short, only took me around 10-20min to read maybe, but it comes at the cost of the characters having no character whatsoever.
Art: The art is pretty alright, nothing that will wow you, but it does the job. A good amount of detail is added when needed, and some art of the interiors is pretty good. Some of shots of the monster did unsettle me a bit and I like how it changed throughout the chapters. Story: Typical "oh we're in ... Apr 11, 2024
Edgy fiction truly fell off with this one.
The story's extremely basic. A group of people are given a letter to reunite years after the tragic suicide of the school idol, according to the main character. In reality, he's looking for a culprit, or information. It all crumbles down as they encounter the vengeful spirit. It's the most basic slasher, Japanese horror you can imagine. The spirit, the vengeance, the horrible characters, the “twists”. It doesn't even sound that bad for a simple b-movie plot, but the point of the story isn't even on proper display. Everybody trying to read this one knows about the edgy, violent ... Feb 24, 2025
On one hand it's quick and some moments are fun to read. On the other hand it feels pretty cliche. It feels like a lot of manga I've read before and the art isn't a standout for me. It's not bad, mind you, it just doesn't have anything truly unique. The characters are one dimensional and predictable, and the main character only has a bit of a personality to hang onto. It feels like the memory loss aspect was contrived so just for the twist ending, which wasn't even that surprising.
I can see someone liking the story if they've never read this type of manga ... |