No reviews so what is this? A waste of time. It's 15 one page "stories" in the 4-koma style. In general it has most of the characters return along with something about a train. The character artwork on the side is cute and you can finish this in minutes. There is no story or any real point to any of the chapters. Just a quick glance back at most of the characters.
The art looks the same as the series so it's nice to look at. It's nice to see the characters again but this is nothing you'd have to go out of your
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Hiseki no Kaitou Albatross, Koishite!? Kamisama!!, Yougashiten Galaxy, Western Sweet Shop Galaxy, Yogashiten Galaxy, Make Love?! God!!, The World God Only Knows Pilot Japanese: 神のみぞ知るセカイ on the train+パイロットフィルムズ InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 4
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 2, 2004 to Nov 7, 2014
Club Sunday Authors:
Wakaki, Tamiki (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #70752 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #3897
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