Light spoilers (only up to chapter 8 so far I think I typed up to, may have edited it but have finished all chapter since)
This manga is from the perspective of a cat, a calico that's 5 years old called Count. They tell you these on almost all chapters which for magazines sure for chapter after chapter reading can get a bit annoying. The viewpoint is from the cat seeing the Fujiwara family members situations.
Now while it's the perspective of a cat it mostly covers either what the cat experiences out and about (talking to another cat) or mostly what we see is what the
cat sees of the family members specifically the two sisters daily lives. The different perspective from the cat intrigued me, it's not exactly fly on the wall but it's different and I like it for that. Sometimes some anime/manga have a cat's thoughts or it's just a human character with a cat but having more around the cat's perspective is nice to see. It's not a statue or some camera or some other viewpoint of just seeing them talk and walk by things it's the house pet perspective.
If your fine with a cat perspective show (it isn't that weird I think it's a great concept), or the perspective type shows like One Room/Room Mate, NEET characters then I'd say there is something to enjoy here. Besides if maybe seen/read Inu ni Nattara Suki na Hito ni Hirowareta (dog not cat in this one) but want something different or less ecchi then I'd say it's fair. The reviews for that show are hilarious I think people are overthinking it. Wouldn't be surprised if people think this manga is trash/creepy when it's perfectly fine. What's wrong with a house pet that oversees the family members not a mentor character I think but probably like any harem protagonist or just a helpful characters just happens to be a cat then human. Like those male/female friend character that's just a cool and is by your side when you need them.
The cat is a great character even if it's thoughts, it's not Garfield they do step in for things even if they can't talk and is usually to the family members just someone to comfort/talk to. The early chapters do give off that 'oh of course the animal is to blame' but over time or with certain chapters it doesn't give off that vibe. It's always interesting to see if the cat steps in kind of like another family member helping out but it's from an animal than another human family member assisting.
There is bits of fan service but not much so much so it's not even a factor really (only pointing out as when I looked for tags it said ecchi so felt like covering what I have so far of it). I mean the cat snuggling is very clearly a first or second chapter (I think it was at the end though) but inside her clothes to keep her warm because reasons. Otherwise there is the chat teasing her to strip also that's brief. That's about the only two scenes I can think of that give off that impression. But there is nothing of skin or anything or slipping and the cat there or whatever kind of situations it's very tame mostly. It isn't like another anime/manga airing that I assume would likely have that kind of thing or is looking up at places while being an animal and is a fan service focused one (Inu ni Nattara Suki na Hito ni Hirowareta which i have not seen yet but I don't mind perspective shows and if this is a bit of a more ecchi perspective type works then I'm fine with that). Anyway back on topic.
The sister on the cover and the one we see most of with the cat is the NEET, streamer, only goes out to buy anime related things type (has to get the cat to get food for her at the end of that same chapter). Hasn't gone to school in years. We do see backstory of the cat from stray to house cat and she is outside but for the present she is inside all the time. You see more of what happens to her and the cat then the other character in the family.
The other sister is the younger one that does go to school, seems fine at first and then has an alternate personality, I get giving the character more to them but I'm not fond of this character and glad she doesn't show up as much.
You'll encounter things like how the NEET big sister deals with going outside to buy something and it's a 'dress up not giving away what she looks like and try to buy the item she wants', how her chat responds to her (in two different ways, one that's an infamous person targeting her and has researched up on her, the other chat just teasing/wanting to see her body and the cat is like nope don't go there and blocks the webcam view). One where she is sick and the younger sister 'cares for her but it's a ritual or something'.
Stuff like that. The little sister is more there to either talk to the cat or have some complex about her sister. So I'm glad the events mostly focus on the NEET and cat moments more. There usually better scenes and also the better characters so it's good to see that. Whether we see her have a character arc I don't know but maybe.
I'll update this more after my more than 8 chapters review here but I like it so far. If you want a different perspective, are fine with it being a cat then a more human family member and a slice of life where a NEET tries to do day to day things besides whatever the cat experiences on it's own from time to time but not in the same way as a Neeko wa Tsurai yo to overcome a job or Umaru just doing things of perfect but Otaku at home or something then I'd say go for it, it's a pretty enjoyable manga so far.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: 藤原伯爵の受難 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 3
Chapters: 28
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 26, 2014 to Jun 25, 2016
Shounen Sirius Authors:
Aobe, Mahito (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #153702 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #13882
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Your Feelings Categories Feb 1, 2023
Light spoilers (only up to chapter 8 so far I think I typed up to, may have edited it but have finished all chapter since)
This manga is from the perspective of a cat, a calico that's 5 years old called Count. They tell you these on almost all chapters which for magazines sure for chapter after chapter reading can get a bit annoying. The viewpoint is from the cat seeing the Fujiwara family members situations. Now while it's the perspective of a cat it mostly covers either what the cat experiences out and about (talking to another cat) or mostly what we see is what the ... |