First of all, I should say how intriguing Model is, as you are first starting to read it. At a certain con (coughOHAYOCONcough) my mom bought me the first 3 volumes, just to try it out. We had to go back the next day to get the last 4 volumes, b/c I had already finished the first 3 and still wanted more.
The story in itself is very unique. I have never read such an interesting vampire story, and with such a quirky twist here and there. The ending was a bit rushed, if there isn't a better word for it, but otherwise it left you
Alternative TitlesJapanese: MODEL 모델 More titlesInformationType: Manhwa
Volumes: 7
Chapters: 10
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 2000 to Oct 2002
None Authors:
Lee, So Young (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #47592 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #3433
Members: 6,523
Favorites: 150 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 9 / 10
Your Feelings Categories Aug 18, 2008
The synopsis for this manga drew me in and the artwork was both different and beautiful.
However at times I found the story hard to follow, sometimes I wasn't sure if I was reading current events or past. The artwork and colouring also made it hard to see who was talking and at times I would miss speech bubbles due to them being on a dark background. The plot, to me, changed priorities; somewhere along the line it became less about their contract and more about the mysteries surrounding the mansion. That storyline was interesting, don't get me wrong, but that wasn't what drew me in, to ... Aug 6, 2009
The first thing catching my eyes was the art. It is unique and is unlike anything I have ever seen, although it reminded me ever so slightly about the art by Kang-Won Kim (I.N.V.U) and Tomu Oomi (Midnight secretary). All the characters have feminine faces and masculine bodies, which can be very confusing when figuring out their genders. It took me around an hour to get used to the art. Honestly, first I thought it was quite horrible, but as time passed I saw it as beautiful in its own unique way. That it is a Korean manga (manhwa) does most likely have something to ... May 22, 2010
Yea, well model is pretty awesome. I could say i enjoyed it. But, it was very hard to read some pages were right to left and some were left to right. i probably had read some wrong possibly, but who knows! though it was hard to read i believe that was the most gothic horrible yet enjoyable manga ever.
Sep 28, 2010
Model was one of those Manga's that I saw sitting there on the Barnes&Noble shelf, said "Hey, never heard of that one!", and bought it.
The art was one of the first things that I found wonderful about the story. It has a very unique style and it captivated me with the eye-catching scenery and beautiful character design. Although more Feminine, the style was a perfect fit to the story. The plot reminded me of a a half-started puzzle. It never really made sense at first. It gave you bits and pieces but nothing that really showed the big picture. But slowly, the story comes together to ... Jul 2, 2010
This story is like walking into an unknown world. You want to stay, yet you're afraid. The loneliness and peace is heavy on your soul and it's is impossible to stop reading. This is how I felt the moment I began reading. There was humor, sadness, love, and adventure on every page. You could feel what the reader was feeling and understand where they were coming from. Even if you detested them you could still feel the passion in their voice.
The art is breathtaking!! The tale is immortal. My advice is to take it in slowly. No need to rush! Savor it and you will ... Aug 2, 2017
I really enjoyed this manhwa. Was searching for some good love story with the vampires, and I found this one.
My second time reading it, cause during the first read I was a bit confused. Now things got clarified a bit, and I still love it. Story 8/10 I didn't expect love between the guys, but the story is done in a way in which I didn't mind. So don't drop it if you're not into it. It's a good story which might be confusing when Adrian shows up because the shit is about to go down lol. So I recommend you read it carefully, it's ... Jan 1, 2009
I have read a lot of different vampire mangas , each one having a certain view over a vampire’s psychology and way of behaving. Model is the type that sees them as human-like creatures, from the way they look to the way they think and feel. Yet, in this manga, vampires still hate daylight, are cold-blooded and immortal and obviously drink blood.
The plod is very well built-up and there are only 7 volumes, so you won’t get bored. Also, this manga is well drowned. Reading this manga gives you a great feeling, I recommend ... Sep 13, 2010
OH ,MY GOD I totally love this manhwa--its a master peice ~..the way its drawn its so unqiue even the lips are so awkard to say still its really good suits the characters thou---characters looks quite cold BUT THEY ARE SO COOOLL--in love with this mahwa and the MODEL~~~~