Nov 10, 2021
Since there are no forums or reviews for 'Two Flowers for the Dragon', I'll do the honor of writing it's first review!
-Story: 6
The story itself is good for what it is, technically. Each character had their own arc which was done well. There were parts of the story that even took me by surprise the first time around. One of the biggest criticisms I have for the story though is the "villain". The last two volumes (6 and 7) was not enough time to build up this villain in particular. The climax was done last minute and the buildup was not really there to leave
a huge impact. Some of the story was hard to follow in spite of this and I felt myself a little bored, especially toward the end. In fact, most of the time I felt bored reading this manga. Which leads to my next point..
-Art: 5
The artwork is not "bad" per say, but the art style can be boring to look at. At times, the panels were confusing and hard to follow, which leads to confusion with what's going on in the story. The architecture of the ancient buildings and oases were underdeveloped in the background. In fact, most of the artwork felt underdeveloped. I think Shakuya (FMC) was the most interesting design out of all the characters; and of course, the cute tiger cubs, Lu and Ku. The tiger cubs and Shakuya were probably the most pleasing to the eye artistically. Otherwise, the art style overall was pretty bland and does not stand out.
-Character: 6
+Lucien, one of the two fiances, was probably the most fleshed out character compared to everyone else. His personality stood out a lot. Even his subtle moments are precious.
+Shakuya, on the other hand, is stubborn as fuck in the majority of the manga, if not all of it. Being stubborn 24/7 is an overused character trait, and it was too much for this story. I do have to consider she's under a lot of pressure due to her role in becoming the heir to the Dragon Clan and has to choose between two fiances, but honestly even by the end of the manga she was still stubborn af. Enough is enough lol. I did enjoy that she is very headstrong and is willing to put herself out there regardless of her age and role to the story.
+Kuwan, the second fiance, has literally no personality. His main role is to protect Shakuya and that's it. Even when there is tension between both fiances, his smooth talk is blank and forced. Not to mention, his creepy age gap being 26 and Shakuya is only 15...ooof. (rest assured, this is very much addressed in the story. If this is a story component you are not comfortable with, don't read this series)
The side characters practically put me to sleep; except for the arc with Lupina (Shakuya's handmaid) and a mysterious man (that I will not mention here for the sake of the story). I really enjoyed this arc, but the end result could've been fleshed out more.
-Enjoyment: 5
With the confusion of the artwork not really blending in with the story, I had a hard time focusing on the overall content. It's a shame because the story is not bad at all. This manga just did not stand out to me as much as it used to back when I first read it.
-Overall: 6
I will give TFFTD this fair rating of 6/10 because it does deserve more love. Perhaps there will eventually be other people to review this series or make forums, but for now, this is where I stand with TFFTD.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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