Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Monogatari Series: Final Season

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Tsukimonogatari, Koyomimonogatari, Zoku Owarimonogatari
Japanese: 〈物語〉シリーズ ファイナルシーズン


Volumes: 6
Chapters: 231
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 28, 2012 to Sep 18, 2014
Genres: Comedy Comedy, Mystery Mystery, Supernatural Supernatural
Theme: Vampire Vampire
Serialization: None
Authors: NISIO, ISIN (Story), VOFAN (Art)


Score: 8.831 (scored by 54535,453 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #312
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #995
Members: 19,505
Favorites: 496


More Info

Volume 1. Tsukimonogatari (憑物語)
High school student Araragi Koyomi is about to enter the college entrance exams when he notices a change his body is going through; he no longer casts a reflection in the mirror. Koyomi is then told that his body is transforming into a full vampire, and there is no way to stop it other than quit using his vampire powers. However, he receives a note telling him that his sisters and Kanbaru Suruga have been kidnapped, and the culprit wants to challenge Koyomi personally. Aided by Ononoki Yotsugi, Koyomi decides to face the challenge, even at the cost of his humanity...

- Yotsugi Doll (よつぎドール)

Volume 2. Koyomimonogatari (暦物語)
Contains 12 short stories that chronicle through twelves months in the life of Araragi Koyomi. It starts with the new semester after Koyomi's encounter with a beautiful vampire during spring break, and ends before the college entrance exams.

- Koyomi Stone (こよみストーン)
- Koyomi Flower (こよみフラワー)
- Koyomi Sand (こよみサンド)
- Koyomi Water (こよみウォーター)
- Koyomi Wind (こよみウインド)
- Koyomi Tree (こよみツリー)
- Koyomi Tea (こよみティー)
- Koyomi Mountain (こよみマウンテン)
- Koyomi Torus (こよみトーラス)
- Koyomi Seed (こよみシード)
- Koyomi Nothing (こよみナッシング)
- Koyomi Dead (こよみデッド)

Volume 3. Owarimonogatari Joukan (終物語 (上))
The story takes place between after the events of Onimonogatari and Nekomonogatari: Shiro and before Otorimonogatari. Araragi Koyomi is confronted by Ougi who discovered an anomaly in Naoetsu Private High School. They find themselves locked in a time-stopped classroom and have to find a way to get out by solving its mystery.

- Ougi Formula (おうぎフォーミュラ)
- Sodachi Riddle (そだちリドル)
- Sodachi Lost (そだちロスト)

Volume 4. Owarimonogatari Chuukan (終物語 (中))
The story takes place immediately after Onimonogatari and describes what Araragi Koyomi, Kanbaru Suruga and Oshino Shinobu where doing during the events of Nekomongatari: Shiro. Gaen Izuko requests the help of Koyomi, Suruga and Episode to confront an ancient Oddity possibly related to Shinobu.

- Shinobu Mail (しのぶメイル)

Volume 5. Owarimonogatari Gekan (終物語 (下))
The story takes place after the events of Tsukimonogatari and Koyomimonogatari. Araragi Koyomi finds himself in a peculiar situation and, to his disbelief, meets Hachikuji Mayoi again. Meanwhile, Gaen Izuko's plans to confront the menacing presence that seemingly has been the source of the problems in the past few months comes to fruition.

- Mayoi Hell (まよいヘル)
- Hitagi Rendezvous (ひたぎランデブー)
- Ougi Dark (おうぎダーク)

Volume 6. Zoku Owarimonogatari (続・終物語)
The story takes place after the college entrance exams but before Hanamonogatari. Araragi Koyomi wakes up finding himself in a strange mirror world full of new Oddities and old friends...

- Koyomi Reverse (こよみリバース)