Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Dandelion, Shiro Kuro, Black and White, Shirokuro, 13, Thirteen, Bankara-san ga Tooru, Here Comes Mr. Uncivilised, Silver Soul Japanese: 銀魂 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 77
Chapters: 709
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 8, 2003 to Jun 20, 2019
Shounen Jump (Weekly) Authors:
Sorachi, Hideaki (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #882 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #154
Members: 98,546
Favorites: 8,358 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 28 / 29
Your Feelings Categories Jun 5, 2009
Ah, Gintama. One of the best and most complete current manga in Jump. Its premise is intriguing and unique (aliens in historical Japan? Who would have thought it?). It has great characters--ranging from the diabetic lazy samurai Gintoki to the samurai who has a mayo addiction Hijikata to the stalker ninja Sa-chan and so on. All of them blend together well without feeling out of place and flat. No matter where Sorachi puts them in, they always get at least one huge guffaw from me. Its brand of comedy doesn't consist only of repetitive and sometimes obscure references, but it's also a very satirical commentary
Aug 12, 2019
I have never written an review for any anime or manga before, but I absolutely had to make the exception for Gintama. (I apologize if my English is not perfect before hand...)
It always feels so much easier to start series that have only 12 volumes or episodes. I have always personally stayed away from the longer running shows, as I have thought for them to be a waste of time, when I could finish 20 or more series in their time. Gintama truly showed me how wrong I was about how I thought. Gintama does not only have the most colorful and large cast of characters ... Apr 8, 2010
"At its heart Gintama is a science fiction human pseudo-historical comedy. The bottom line is that this is a nonsense manga. But I don't believe in telling readers what to think, so read it any way you like." - Hideaki Sorachi.
Gintama is a fantastically creative work with an endless appeal; as consistent, funny and compelling now as it was five years ago. The story - for the most part - is told in a rather episodic fashion, with each chapter presenting a different plot. These chapters are largely comedic and follow the huge cast finding themselves in all sorts of hilarious situations. Hideaki Sorachi - the ... Aug 16, 2019
I can´t express how much Gintama change me and my sourrounding. How much I LOVE this series from the VERY bottom of my heart. The characters were real, complete real persons in my eyes. heart and soul.
There is no series perfect in every aspect in every moment, and Gintama is no exception. Even thought is very close to that in so many times and aspects, and yet is not a series that apeal to the objective aspect of a Series. Gintama want to apeal to the heart and soul of a person. The meaning of Gintama as silver soul is no "joke". As the same way ... Apr 25, 2009
*This review was originally for 13 and has consequently been merged into Gintama*
Story: It's from the creator of Gintama, Hideaki Sorachi so you would expect some ridiculous slapstick humour, action and even a bit of drama, this one shot definitely delivers in aspects in even with its length. This could have even worked as an episode of Gintama. Despite being a One Shot, it manages to make a the story interesting enough, although it does help you appreciate it more if you're already a fan of Gintama since it would be easier for you to "get" the humour. Art: There isn't anything about the art ... Oct 21, 2010
*This review was originally for Bankara and has consequently been merged into Gintama*
This a one shot, that was like been written like one, so I will try to be fast. Bankara is a parody of the society, and some other things, written from one my favorites mangakas Sorachi Hideaki. It talk about the way that our world is walking on and "growth" on. It's a society with many problems, more of them even the people don`t really understanding them. Most of the people are trying to find there way to the freedom, delinquents often are being seen like that. In this manga they are like the ... Mar 22, 2010
Who doesn’t enjoy reading idioms and puns almost every other manga window? Granted that you also don’t mind some fun jokes tossed in your direction, I’m pretty sure that you’re going to be satisfied with this series. One can be sure to say that resistance to at least some laughing is purely futile in this series. From chapter one, I cannot say that I have not at least laughed less than perhaps 50seconds to almost every single chapter. Maybe it’s just me that is often easily amused, but this series is anything but commonplace, dull, or morose.
Revolving around the last reigns of the samurai era, ... Sep 3, 2024
Easily the best animanga of all time, shit I just might even say my favorite piece of media as a whole. Nothing has impacted my life as much as the lessons I've taken from this story (next to Mob Psycho, OPM, Ping Pong, bobobo, GTO, Cromartie High, Mashle, and nichibros as well as Berserk, Golden Boy [THE OVAS], Saiki K, etc.) huh thats alot, but hey, that's just a few examples of my efficacious love for this medium, manga. Which REALLY started with this series, but don't close off the tab just yet! Daijoubu, although I will briefly touch upon my personal love and connection
Jul 26, 2020
To get something straight right off the bat, you will find flaws with the artwork. In the same way that you will flind flaws with works like Kaiji, Shingeki no Kyojin, and Hunter x Hunter, you will have to move past these to appreciate the rest of it.
That being said, this manga is probably my favorite of all time. The characters and the world they live in is colorful, over-the-top, and downright cartoonish, while at the same time being relatable, sympathetic, and strangely unforgettable. Gintama is a sort of subversion of the "steampunk" archetype in that it places samurai era Japan amongst high-tech modern and ... Dec 1, 2016
Gintama is like a toilet seat.
(I don't know if this applies to women.... please tell me...) When you want to take a dump, where do you want to do it? Most likely at home right? Where your ass is already used to the shape of the toilet seat and it just... you can't explain it but..... it just feels right. I mean, when you use the schools toilet or anyone else's toilet, it just feels weird and even uncomfortable. ... Oct 2, 2020
After finishing the anime, I couldn't let the story end, so I took myself over to the manga; oh boy, was I not ready for the feels.
How can I sum up the entirety of Gintama? I really don't think it's possible. From comedy to drama to action to tragedy to triumph, this story and its characters have blown me away from start to finish. Not every chapter is perfect--some don't even come close--but the bonds that come out of this manga are an incomparable reward that I haven't found anywhere else. It's well known that Gintama has set a never-before-seen precedent for comedy. Whether it's insulting ... Nov 20, 2012
"One of the best mangas you will ever find in mangaland." - Shintako Inari.
Alright, I'll be honest- I kind of. . . didn't like the anime, so I ditched it for the manga. I watched the first three episodes, then decided to skip a hundred episodes, then skip a hundred more, then decided to abandon it. . . . making a V-line for the manga adaptation, and now I have to say that was probably the smartest random thing I've ever decided to do. Besides the art which I gave a 9/10, everything else is all tens. . . which is rare. Extremely rare. What ... Jun 3, 2021
"I started chasing after that weirdo samurai's back, and without even knowing why, I kept chasing after it and never stopped."
- Shinpachi, Lesson 601 This is going to be a long review, so buckle in. There is a short summary at the end to round everything up. So, where do I start with Gintama? Easily the best element of this incredible series is the cast of characters that populate the pages. It is a unique skill to be able to write so many well-developed characters and to have them remain memorable. Where other mangas would often cast-off characters, or struggle to balance a large cast, Sorachi ... Aug 29, 2010
*This review was originally for 13 and has consequently been merged into Gintama*
This was a short story, but never kept me bored when reading it! Its not a waste to read since its so short, hilarious, good art and overall a blast. The story line was very..... unique(: ! I've never really read a manga like this and that's why its on my top manga's :D! Id definitely read it alllllll over again if i had the chance! So i recommend this manga to every manga reader. Apr 26, 2012
HILARIOUS. Witty and well-written.
It's episodic, mostly, but has that awesome story of Gintama's past running through the entire thing (and I actually wish the mangaka would focus more on that because it's fascinating and the best arcs are always the ones that elaborate his past a little more). Super funny and great use of gags. There's even like four chapters devoted to people getting trapped on the toilet without toilet paper! HAHAHA! It was ingenious. Although this manga deals with samurai and shinsengumi and aliens and other mythical creatures, it's so refreshing and honestly AWESOME to throw all of ... Dec 10, 2021
Another amazing ride has ended.
I'm an anime watcher of Gintama(been a fan since 2016) ,but after watching it , I wanted to see how the manga is , so I took it from the beginning and I'm glad I did,it is my favourite anime after all. There were some difficulties while reading it ,like the fact that till chapter 200 the scans are most of the time mediocre at best and many times horrible. But that didn't stop me,it's more of a warning to new readers. For me Gintama has probably the best way to unfold its story, the fact that between comedies are serious arcs makes ... Sep 18, 2020
I love Gintama, it had been such an integral part of my life and balancing the seriousness while still. making the comedy take first priority as it is a gag mange. It's the story of a man who has lost everything he needed to live for, and eventually finding it. The trio which eventually becomes akin to a family, the ever expanding cast of characters.
Sorachi-sensei is amazing when it comes to the characters and making you care for them, even more so when it came to female characters. Something that did amaze me a lot was how he didn't define girls as one thing ... Oct 11, 2020
I cant express with words what Gintama means to me so i really don't know what to write i have so many things to coment, so many life lessons, but i have to write about it because of that.
Before I start I am going to leave a personal "complain", and this rewiew may contain spoilers,if you skipped gintama comedy arcs or chapters you will never understand the amount of 10/10 this manga has, Gintama is not a story driven manga, ... May 12, 2019
I love everything about Gintama. From the way that gorilla jokes are somehow blended perfectly into serious moments; to the way that the series keeps ending, yet the ending never comes. And don't forget about the mosiac humor and dirty jokes. Those are all aspects that don't sound appealing at all, but somehow it all fits perfectly together and creates a series that you can become invested in emotionally.
I can't think of another manga that's had me laughing and crying within the same chapter. Gintama will have a dirty joke right in the middle of a serious tearjerking moment, and it won't ruin the ... Dec 10, 2009
*This review was originally for 13 and has consequently been merged into Gintama*
Story:(8/10) The author of this manga is the author of Gintama, so if you know Gintama,you should know that there's going to be ridiculous humour.If you're a fan of Gintama, you probaby like this manga.The story is just about a very weird love between Izayo Gorugo(the girl) and Mondo Fujieda(the boy). Art:(9/10) The art was Great!In the end,Mondo Fujieda look like Gin-chan from Gintama.And Izayo Gorugo look like Sarutobi Ayame from Gintama(only with black hair and definitely not a masochism! If you don't like Gintama,I don't think you will like this manga. |