Bored one evening I saw the high rating of this manga but not many reviewers so thought I would give it a try. I can't believe this manga isn't more popular.
We'll start off with the story. The main character isn't some sort of tragic hero, he is somebody that you actually start off disliking straight from the bat. His arrogance, weakness and selfishness are somewhat irritating when compared to the other characters, this however doesn't last very long.
The protagonist doesn't suffer from some cruel fate or poor upbringing and become a hero overnight. There is a long journey ahead of him and many hardships.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: The Legend and the Hero, Chronicles of the God's Order, The Legend and the Hero Japanese: 封神記 InformationType: Manhua
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: 38
Status: Finished
Published: 2010 to 2011
None Statistics Ranked: #4992 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #694
Members: 27,606
Favorites: 566 | Reviews
Filtered Results: 11 / 11
Your Feelings Categories Sep 2, 2014
These days, seinen, geared towards young adult men and older, are thought of as the mature, intelligent evolution from shounen. In turn, shounen are seen by some as mindless and flashy acts of violence and softcore eroticism meant to feed young boys’ growth in testosterone. Both vast opinions have flaws, just like any opinion born from the extremely flawed mind of a human, but the stereotypes of each genre are true in some way: shounen are indeed geared toward young boys and seinen are geared towards men who want a story with more mature themes. Having this in mind, the manhua Feng Shen Ji completely
Mar 15, 2013
I have recently added this series to my favorites list because I find myself craving more. This is one of those manga (in this case, manhua) that gets your attention and leaves you desiring the further development of the story line. The main character, Wu Geng, is a prime example of good character development in a story. Not to mention, the full color pages are beautifully done and add to the overall quality of this manhua.
Without delving too much into the story, we start off with a great tragedy that occurs in a young boys life. It may appear that fate is not on Wu ... Feb 3, 2013
First of all, Feng Shen Ji is drawn in very beautiful full color and many of the panels show are as a feast to the eyes. The battle scenes are particularly well done and are a delight to read.
The story, however, takes a couple of chapters to really kick off and a few more for you to begin to like the main character. But unlike the standard manga, the main character grows as the series goes on, becoming more mature and worldly at a steady pace rather than the random spikes and dips normally seen. The plot is more akin to a novel or ... Jun 19, 2018
On the surface Feng Shen Ji seems like a mix of Hokuto no Ken and God of War. Buff Chinese dudes going around punching gods and the art looks great, what’s not to like, right? As it turns out, plenty.
In case you were attracted by the extremely well drawn covers and some painted panels then you’ll probably notice the gaps between them and everything rest. Basically there’s two types of panels in this manga. Some are painted from scratch and are usually really detailed and good looking. The rest is usually normal drawings that are later colored with various degrees of success. While by no ... Jun 10, 2015
Feng Shen Ji 1 had the great character development and is also quite unique in comparison to you typical manga main characters but since this is a Manhua I guess that differs him. Feng Shen Ji 1 is a masterpiece in my book. No OP main character that whoops everyone he sees which I'm tired of and I'm glad I found this series for that. The main character through out this series used his brain more than any other tool or strength given to him and I love that about him, he is always up against someone way out of his league and you could
Jun 17, 2013
this is my first time reading a chinese manhua but i can tell you that after reading this one you will never again be satisfied with japanes manga^^ i think this is the only manga which got my heart pumping in excitement and which i thought that both Story and Character development couldn't have been done any better. The Problem with seinen Action manga is that they usually tend to lose their direction after a while but this one sticks to it till the end and the development never ceases in any aspect, so i can give a 10/10 score without hesitation. i can
Feb 28, 2014
Feng Shen Ji goes hand-in-hand with a certain concept in reading and enjoying manga (or alot of things for that matter) that I like to call Closed Accomplishment. A manga with closed accomplishment is one that is not trying to be stunning in every category of writing etc, rather it attempts to be the very best at what it is at its core. Feng Shen Ji is just Feng Shen Ji, and because of that can be enjoyed in a sort of vaccuum, with there being no need to judge it in numerous factors to enjoy it fully, this being due to its unique artwork
Feb 8, 2014
Imagine if you decapitate someone but instead of blood a rainbow is splattered across your face. This is the core of Feng Shen Ji manhua. It throws us into the fantasy world where Gods are slavers and humans exist for servitude. Welcome to Zhao Ge, the bustling capital of Shang dynasty whose emperor has refused to serve Gods any further. What follows is a feast for eyes.
Art: gorgeous, exquisite. I will run out of adjectives to describe the art and still fall short. From fighting scenes to landscapes from mines to facial expressions everything is pitch perfect. This perfection becomes bane in this case; every ... Jun 16, 2013
Feng Shen Ji is the highest rated Chinese manga on MAL and it damn right deserves it. While it may be very dialog heavy, it is necessary to fully understand what is going on. It will be worthwhile reading this as you will learn or get inspired by certain characters in this stories
Story It starts off with introduction of the father of the main character the emperor of the Shang dynasty and shows exactly whats the story is about. Humans vs Gods, humans who obey them and humans who rebels against them, fallen gods who don't see the way the other gods do things and ... May 30, 2022
Years ago, I came across with a panel of Feng Shen Ji on the internet randomly. I've been in love with its art ever since that day and now, years later I finally found it again, went for it immediately and I can say it was definetely worth waiting.
Story was rather cliché especially in 2022 but the pacing was very well done, I've not even once felt like some parts of the story were being rushed. In 38 chapters, you get to witness decent character developments, amazing battle scenes, some pretty interesting characters and eventually you end up wanting for more. (well we have part ... |