Monster Musume Paradise
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Monster Musume Paradise

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Falling Prey to a Flower, One-Shota Slime Dinner, The Charybdis' Delicious Dining Table, Wild Horse in a School Uniform, The Demon Lord of Drogskol, Futakuchi-Onna to Kyokon Otoko, Good-Day, Good-Night, Some Love Starts with Stone, Sweet Mermaid
Japanese: モンスター娘パラダイス


Type: Manga
Volumes: 5
Chapters: 47
Status: Finished
Published: Jul 28, 2012 to Sep 29, 2017
Genres: Supernatural Supernatural, Hentai Hentai
Serialization: None
Authors: Inui, Takemaru (Story & Art), Shiraha, Mato (Story & Art), Horitomo (Story & Art), Shidou, Mayuru (Story & Art), Tetsuwan, Woopie (Story & Art), AHOBAKA (Story & Art), Tsukasawa (Story & Art), Kuroshiki (Story & Art), Niimaru, Yuu (Story & Art), Rib:y(uhki) (Story & Art), Urokozuki (Story & Art), Z-ton (Story & Art), Kirisaki, Byakko (Story & Art), Takayuki, Hiyori (Story & Art)


Score: 6.921 (scored by 337337 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: N/A2
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #9834
Members: 1,966
Favorites: 19

More Info

Contents below reflect physical versions. Start date is of digital version's volume 1.

Volume 1 (2012/9/24)
■Cover illustration: Kenkou Cross (健康クロス) / Rokushou Kokuuu (緑青黒羽)
1. Hana ni Ochite (華に落ちて) [AHOBAKA]
2. Moopai! Melist-sensei (もーぱい!メリスト先生) [Amagi Michihito (あまぎみちひと)]
3. Itoshi no Lamia (愛しのラミア) [Horitomo (ほりとも)]
4. Jajauma Sailor-fuku (じゃじゃ馬セーラー服, Wild Horse in a School Uniform) [Kuroshiki (玄式)]
5. Futakuchi Onna to Kyokon Otoko (二口女と巨根男) [Tetsuwan Woopie (鉄腕うーぴー)]
6. One-Shota♥Slime Dinner(おねショタ♥スライム夕食〈ディナー〉) [Tsukasawa (塚沢)]
7. Drogskol no Maou (ドラグスコルのマオー, The Demon Lord of Drogskol) [Takayuki Hiyori (宇行日和)]
8. Charybdis no Oishii Shokutaku (カリュブディスの美味しい食卓, The Charybdis' Delicious Dining Table) [Shidou Mayuru (志堂マユル)]
9. Good-Day♥Good-Night (good-day♥good-night) [Niimaru Yuu (ニイマルユウ)]
10. MonMusu Report: Ajin Chousaki (モン娘レポート 亜人調査記) [Okayado (オカヤド)]

Volume 2 (2013/5/29)
■Cover illustration: Kenkou Cross
1. Squid Love! (スクイッド・ラヴ!) [Z-ton (Zトン)]
2. Ishi kara Hajimaru Ai mo Aru (石から始まる愛もある, Some Love Starts with Stone) [AHOBAKA]
3. Sweet Mermaid (スウィートマーネイド) [Horitomo]
4. Wayashi datte Centaur nanda kara ne! (私だってケンタウロスなんだからね!) [Horitomo]
5. Monster☆Cafe yori Ai wo Komete♥ (モン☆カフェより愛を込めて♥, With Love, The Monster Cafe) [Kuroshiki]
6. Harpy no Otodokemono (ハーピーのお届けもの) [7010]
7. Ikkaku Bitch Destroyer (一角ビッチですとろいやー, One-Horned Bitch Destroyer) [Shiraha Mato (白羽まと)]
8. Hydrog Tranquillity (ひゃどろぐ・とらんきゅりてぃ) [Ribyuhki (リブユウキ)]
9. Makai no Bishu no Tsukurikata (魔界の美酒の作り方, How the Demon World Makes Superb Wines) [Urokozuki (ウロコヅキ)]
10. Mori no Ito (もりのいと, The Thread in The Woods) [Kirisaki Byakko (霧咲白狐)]

Volume 3 (2014/6/27)
■Cover illustration: Bubuzuke (ぶぶづけ) / Kenkou Cross
1. Slime Slave (SLIME SLAVE) [Z-ton]
2. Gokuochijima (獄落島) [Takayuki Hiyori]
3. Kurage no Oneesan (海月のお姉さん) [AHOBAKA]
4. Watashi no Karada, Shirimasen ka? (私の身体、しりませんか?) [Horitomo]
5. Tokimeki♥Sabbath (トキメキ♥サバト, Throbbing Sabbath) [Kuroshiki]
6. Meruko no Ongaeshi (める子の恩返し) [majoccoid]
7. Oppai no Shinpai (おっぱいの心配) [Acht (あちゅと)]
8. Kairaku no Mandragora (快楽のマンドラゴラ) [Shidou Mayuru]
9. Raburaune (ラブラウネ) [Shiraha Mato]

Volume 4 (2014/9/30)
■Cover Illustration: Kenkou Cross / Ban! (ばん!)
1. Otonarisan wa Hanagumo Konoha (お隣さんは ハナグモこのは) [Horitomo]
2. Harpy no Manabiya: Kashimashi Class (ハーピーの学び舎~かしましクラス~) [Horitomo]
3-4. Nemuri no Nie Zenpen (睡の贄) [Z-ton]
5. Scylla Oneechan to Boku (スキュラお姉ちゃんとぼく) [AHOBAKA]
6. Kuiai (喰愛) [Nakamura Regura (仲村レグラ)]
7. Nikushokukei Q&A (肉食系きゅーあんどえー) [Sabi Wasabi (錆わさび)]
8. Yasahii Yume ni Idakarete (優しい夢に抱かれて) [Konshin (魂神)]
9. Kaiki Nantai Katatsumuri Musume (怪奇軟体蝸牛娘) [Gamma Ray (眼魔礼)]
10. Kanojo ni Haiyoru Hebi (彼女に這いよる蛇) [Kirisaki Byakko]

Volume 5 (2017/9/29)
■Cover Illustration: Konshin / Kenkou Cross
1. Akai Konomi no Naru Mori de (赤い木の実のなる森で) [Konshin]
2. Demonic Sister (Demonic Sister) [Gamma Ray]
3. Oneesan Sandwich (おねえさんさんどいっち) [Kirisaki Byakko]
4. Kemonokko Tsuushin: Torimusume Rupia (けものっ娘通信~鳥娘ルピア~) [Jun]
5. Shundou no Kokoro (蠢動のこころ) [Nakamura Regura]
6. Onikko Aftercare (鬼っ娘アフターケア) [Uno Ryoku (温野りょく)]
7. Hitomi, Kasanete (瞳、重ねて) [Anchors]
8. Omae no Sewa ni Natteyarou! (お前の世話になってやろう!) [Niwatori Gunsou (にわとり軍曹)]

Hana ni Ochite
Man is trapped by a half-flower, half-human and is forced to endure her seducing.

Hydrog Tranquillity
Hydrog (amphibian-girl) Tess was taken in by a human named Neige after being abandoned as a child. As she has grown up, however, she has become more and more beautiful and their relationship has transitioned into that of lovers. On Tess' fifteenth shedding the two celebrate with sex.