This manhwa is the best art-wise I've ever read. I love this style - detailed, with a lot of heart put into clothes, enviroment. Therefore: 10 for the art.
Story: 7
At the beginning I though it was heading for some master-servant plotstyle, which can be enjoyed, of course, to some extent. But it did not.
There are moments, when the plot goes a little bit too fast to really enjoy it, but there are really great moment, like Yuri revealing her family's secret, and Boris' actions at the end.
The story had a lot of comical situation, that can be enjoyed. There were really WEIRD situations, but
Alternative TitlesJapanese: Angel Shop More titlesInformationType: Manhwa
Volumes: 4
Chapters: 19
Status: Finished
Published: 2003 to 2005
None Statistics Ranked: #113492 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #18264
Members: 825
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Your Feelings Categories May 26, 2012
I've got to say, I didn't jump into this manwha expecting to enjoy it. However, I was completely wrong in this assumption, and ended up really liking it.
ARTWORK As far as the art went, I found it very pleasant to look at. The art was very detailed, and very soft and inviting, almost giving off a warmth that few artists can effectively achieve. The artwork itself LOOKS like it belongs in shojo, adding to the tone and feel of the entire series. CHARACTERS I did have a hard time relating to some characters, because their personalities seemed so unrealistic and dry. This was contrasted by other ... |