Jun 11, 2011
For Wallaby, happiness is when he doesn't get punched in the face by Kokoro, or when she allows him to share her warm bed. After all, she doesn't seem to appreciate the company of a doll with a soul of a dead student from school. The point of this short story is how Wallaby finds happiness in the room he wasn't welcome in, and how Kokoro starts appreciating him as a person, instead of a toy. For a story barely 30 pages long this light, short and sweet story is pretty well fleshed out.
We do not find out much about the characters, it is pretty
obvious that while Wallaby is pretty much of a regular boy introduced as being popular among the girls while alive, Kokoro is one of those typical comedy dumbasses Azuma-sensei tends to throw in in his other works, which I guess makes a magical comedy due of sorts.
The overall point of the story is pretty much the only thing you're here for, so there's truly not that much in terms of a quality ride aside from cuteness and comedy skits.
Short and cute.
Sweet story of a friendship formed under odd circumstances, and finding happiness.
Sprinkles with W H O L E S O M E N E S S .
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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