Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Full Metal Panic! SS Japanese: フルメタル・パニック! 短編集 More titlesInformationType: Light Novel
Volumes: 9
Chapters: 51
Status: Finished
Published: May 30, 1998 to Jan 20, 2010
Dragon Magazine Statistics Ranked: #38022 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #17734
Members: 865
Favorites: 4 Resources | More InfoIn Full Metal Panic! Tanpenshuu:1. Hanatte Okenai Lone Wolf? (放っておけない一匹狼〈ローン・ウルフ〉?, The Lone Wolf I Can't Leave Alone) 2. Honki ni Narenai Nishi Manrui? (本気になれない二死満塁?, Can't be serious at Two Outs, Bases Loaded?) 3. Jiman ni Naranai Sankanou? (自慢にならない三冠王?, The Unenviable Triple Crown Winner?) 4. Doujou Dekinai Shimensoka? (同情できない四面楚歌?, No Sympathy for the Surrounded on All 4 Sides?) 5. Dounimo Naranai Gorimuchuu? (どうにもならない五里霧中?, Helpless and Lost in 5 Miles of Fog?) 6. Ate ni Naranai Roppu Zenshou? (あてにならない六法全書?, The Undependable 6 Statute Books?) 7. Anshin Dekinai Nanatsu Dougu? (安心できない七つ道具?, The Uneasy Seven Tools?) 8. Nayanderarenai Happoufusagari? (悩んでられない八方塞がり?, Can't Worry About Being Trapped On 8 Sides?) 9. Maji de Abunai Kyuushi ni Isshou? (マジで危ない九死に一生?, Seriously dangerous narrow escape from death?) |