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WARNING: despite being a prequel, I really think it's recommendable to have read/watched the original work before Zero. There are so many details that might ruin the first series if you pay a minimal attention (I even had to edit the synopsis of this page, cause it contained spoilers!). So, don't read Zero unless you know the whole story of Another. Understood? Great.
Another 0's story focuses on Kouchi's aunt during her experience with the calamity. Reiko is an ordinary high school girl, that likes to draw until late in night, and has not the vaguest idea of what she wants
to do in the future. Ryoko Akiyama, her best friend and classmate, ask her if she heard the last rumor: she obviously talking about the curse, in which both students and family members die in mysterious ways. Of course, Reiko thinks that's a lot of bologna... until the first poor bastard dies. From there, what it seemed stupid at one point becomes a grim reality, and Reiko seek, first, answers in the mysterious school librarian, and second, consolation from her sister, who returned to the city to give birth.
Story is what to expect in a prequel. The problem is that, it doesn't cover much. Unlike Another, where the uncertainty of who will lives and how many will die, and even more importantly, who's the extra, in Zero that's not relevant. The only character that really matter is Reiko. Other three side character appears (Ritsuko, Ryoko and Chibiki) and does something (barely) relevant. Another thing is that there's not much emphasis on the deaths. Don't expect deaths by cranes, by lightning, by yoga, or any other of those funky causes that made us laugh really hard in the anime. They're just mentioned, sometimes just showing where the incident happened. Maybe this will disappoint some people, but come on, this is supposed to be dramatic and tense. And this prequel is. Although not much is done, and there's barely any character development, the mood is well established. Also, and what I find the most redeemable of this project, is the brutal irony (and little hint) that strikes at the end of the second chapter. Predictable, but well executed.
So, although a bit scarce and not taking advantage of many possibilities, Zero is, at least, interesting. I recommend it only for people who have already completed the main story of Another (and liked it, of course :P). For those who didn't, start with the manga or anime of Another (the two are essentially the same, except for some minor differences).
Advertencia: a pesar de ser una precuela, realmente creo que es recomendable haber leído la obra original antes que Cero. Hay... detalles no muy sutiles que podrían arruinar la primera serie si se presta una mínima atención (incluso tuve que editar la sinopsis de esta pag por que contenía spoilers!). Así que, no lean Cero, si no vieron la serie completa (o si no leyeron el manga o la novela). Entendido? Genial.
La historia de Another 0 está centrada en la tía de Kouchi, durante su propia experiencia con la calamidad. Reiko es una chica común y corriente, que se desvela de noche dibujando y que no tiene ni la más remota idea de a que quiere dedicarse en el futuro. Ryoko Akiyama, su mejor amiga y compañera, como al pasar, le pregunta si escucho el rumor que ronda su curso: obviamente habla de la maldición, en el que tanto alumnos como familiares mueren de forma misteriosa. Por supuesto que Reiko no cree nada... hasta que el primero muere. A partir de ahí, lo que en un momento parecían estupideces se convierten en una siniestra realidad, y Reiko buscara, por un lado, respuestas en el misterioso bibliotecario de la escuela, y por el otro, consuelo de parte de su hermana, que regreso a la ciudad para dar a luz.
La historia es lo que podíamos esperar de una precuela. El problema es que, simplemente, no abarca mucho. A diferencia de Another, donde es una incertidumbre quienes viven y quienes mueren, y lo más importante de todo, quien es el extra, en Cero nada de eso es realmente relevante. Solo un personaje importa realmente, y es Reiko. Otros tres personajes aparecen (Ritsuko, Ryoko y Chibiki), y a penas si hacen algo. Otra cosa a tener en cuenta es que a penas si se hace hincapié en la muertes. No esperen ver en este manga muertes por grúas, por rayos, por yoga, o por cualquier otra pintoresca causa de esas que nos hicieron llorar de la risa durante el anime. Simplemente se las menciona, a veces solo mostrando donde sucedió el incidente. Tal vez esto decepcione a algunas personas, pero vamos, que esto se supone que es dramático y tenso. Y esta precuela lo es. Aunque es poca cosa, y no hay mucho desarrollo de personajes, sí que hay un ambiente bien creado. También, y lo que me parece más rescatable de todo esto, es la salvaje ironía que golpea al final del segundo capítulo. Predecible, pero bien ejecutado.
Así que, aunque un poco simple, y no aprovechando del todo las posibilidades, Cero es, como mínimo, interesante. Lo recomiendo solo para las personas que ya terminaron con la historia principal de Another. Para los que no lo hayan hecho, empiecen con el manga o el anime (los dos son esencialmente iguales, salvo por algunas pequeñas diferencias).
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Another Bangai-hen Japanese: Another 0 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 2
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 28, 2011 to Feb 3, 2012
Young Ace Statistics Ranked: #119022 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #2491
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Your Feelings Categories May 27, 2012
Esta review también está en español.
WARNING: despite being a prequel, I really think it's recommendable to have read/watched the original work before Zero. There are so many details that might ruin the first series if you pay a minimal attention (I even had to edit the synopsis of this page, cause it contained spoilers!). So, don't read Zero unless you know the whole story of Another. Understood? Great. Another 0's story focuses on Kouchi's aunt during her experience with the calamity. Reiko is an ordinary high school girl, that likes to draw until late in night, and has not the vaguest idea of what she wants ... |