Shinobi Life
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Shinobi Life

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Ninja Life
Japanese: シノビライフ
English: Shinobi Life
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 13
Chapters: 64
Status: Finished
Published: Feb 6, 2006 to Apr 6, 2012
Genres: Action Action, Comedy Comedy, Drama Drama, Fantasy Fantasy, Romance Romance, Supernatural Supernatural
Themes: Martial Arts Martial Arts, Time Travel Time Travel
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Princess
Authors: Konami, Shouko (Story & Art)


Score: 7.771 (scored by 98149,814 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #14632
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #735
Members: 26,406
Favorites: 430



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Preliminary Spoiler
Jan 12, 2009
Preliminary (11/64 chp)
Ninja in a Shoujo genre? You don't read that often in these sort of series.

In my own opinion, most of shoujo series often revolves around in school. You got your typical popular main character then for some reason most of the entire campus have a crush on them. Others would form a club that protects him/her and if you are unworthy to get the attention of these popular people you'll be threaten and be bullied etc.... So this series is a nice change from the usual stuff.

Kagetora is a ninja who for unknown reason ended up in the future where he meets a girl that ...
May 11, 2015
This manga is profoundly different in so many ways. Yet in some way reminiscent. While enjoyable to read it went by far to quickly.

The time travel was one of the best parts about this manga. It made me consistently have to think about where the characters where in time. The quickly established relationships between the characters evolved smoothly, even with the time travel. I enjoyed watching these characters grow.

This manga is far too short, I for one wished there was more!

I highly recommend this for a quick, romantic, action packed read!
Jun 5, 2010
Preliminary (Unknown/64 chp)
{ Story-10} Outstanding every heard of never judge a book by its cover...ya this is one of those, i mean i've probably overlooked this one numerous times. Its about a female whose had quite a rough past with her father; doing what he does for his occupation his daughter has been kidnapped and faced lots of near death situations. A shinobi from a different era falls in a lake in a attempt to save his princess who he dutifully bodyguards; unknowingly time slips to present life.

{Art-9} The art is very nice in some mangas i've come across, i had to carefully ...
Feb 3, 2013
Wow, I just taught it will be just another love/drama manga, but when I really got into it, I was overwhelmed!!! It has the love part, sad parts, action, etc., it has all I ever wanted to see in a manga!!! Really loved it, read it in two days, and now I'm so sad it came to an end. Really the best manga I've read so far :* :')
Nov 8, 2009
Preliminary (33/64 chp)
This is definitely one of the best manga I have ever read. It has an AMAZING plot, a bit of action and drama, but then all the lovey dovey things a shoujo manga should have. I can really relate to the characters, and I find myself sitting on the edge of my seat due to the crazy twists and unexpected obstacles. It has so many concepts that make you think, and it just feels good to read. I recommend to anyone!!!! Yes, it's a bit lovey dovey, but overall I could see anyone reading this and enjoying it!
Jun 30, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Time travel is a HUGE aspect of this series, occurring way more than necessary. I feel like the characters are always going backwards and forwards and backwards again; it’s a gimmick that gets old quickly. At varying points in the story I felt that the author could have taken a route separate to time travelling that would have led to the same overall finale. Maybe I’m just upset that she didn’t get more creative with the whole concept. The tedious nature of these “time jumps” began to bore me far sooner than I had anticipated.

The characters themselves are nothing truly special. They follow your standard ...
Jun 13, 2016
I'll keep this short and simple:
Do not let the first chapters fool you!

I had Shinobi Life on my on hold -list for years. And while it kept popping up as a recommended series, I always thought I'd pick it up later.
Today "later" finally arrived. After reading the first four chapters I started feeling quite fed up. Coincidentally my previous attempt at Shinobi Life ended at chap 4 so I thought I'd skim or crawl through a couple more before giving up indefinitely.
9 hours and 64 chapters later I am SO grateful for my stubborn streak!
The cheesy time-travel setup with overreacting characters eventually gave way ...
Nov 7, 2016
I can start to say that I think Shinobi Life (Ninja Life) was a really great manga. After watched a lot of anime I started to feel like some themes and character stereo/archetypes circulated pretty frequently in some genres. So I deiced to give Shinobi Life a try, do to it contained some of my favorite genres (Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Martial arts, Romance, Shoujo, Super Natural), but in a new combination. And I wasn't disappointed.

I can for starter begin with the art. Even do it was really pretty characters, they had a unique kind of look. All have there own personal traits, but ...
Jun 4, 2011
Preliminary (4/64 chp)

ok just let me say this...... A NINJA!.........IN A SHOJO MANGA!!!!

ahh thats better.

Although this manga revolves around a ninja who protects a girl. This is definitely no Naruto romance... It is very unique and refreshing to see a shojo manga dare to put so much action into its story. Don't get me wrong this manga still has that "Lovey Dovey" feel to it, but it also has more action than the usual shojo would.

Story : My first sentence of this review is basically the reason why I've rated this so high. Very nice story plot so far and has me on ...
Jun 20, 2016
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (15/64 chp)
The beginning of the story, I felt like most of the other reviewers here, but I dropped the manga as soon as Beni started having feelings for another guy. I know there is a tag for love triangle, and I expected a love rival to appear for Kategora. However, the person that Beni started having feelings for is a possessive, rapey, jerk. No matter the reason behind his actions, or personality, to have feelings for that type of person, I lost all respect for Beni. Kategora is a cool, strong guy, that will die for Beni, but to have a rapey ...
Oct 28, 2009
Preliminary (Unknown/64 chp)
Well i like a lot about this manga but i would have to say what i like the most is the overall story a ninja that falls in a time hole to the future thats freaking awesome the art is pretty good very funny parts and it keeps getting more tense with the romance and story and very dramitic at times so i like this manga i hope they make a anime when the manga is done i recommend.
Oct 5, 2010
Preliminary (Unknown/64 chp)
Shinobi Life truly was a awesome manga! I'm not just giving it 10s for nothing, after all. It was unique in storyline, had lovable characters and simply made me want to keep reading forever.

Story - 9

Might have been a 10, but there is a point where the story seems to be repeating itself - the characters getting into the same situations and not learning from it - but that changed and an exciting element was added.

Art - 9

Effort and creativity was put into the art. Also, there would have to have been a bit of research and practice on drawing the historical images.

Character - ...
Feb 24, 2018
✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ Historical fantasy is always a little fun, thus quite a few shoujo manga are centered on the interesting genre. Add the fact that there are ninjas involved and you already have quite the devoted fan base. That's "Shinobi Life" for you.

✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ Right from the beginning, this series starts with a little bit of a melodramatic scene. The mangaka paints Beni as an angsty teenager who'd throw her life away to spite her cold-hearted father, but that's only what's on the surface. As we delve into her life, we see that her father's attitude toward her is ...
May 4, 2010
Preliminary (38/64 chp)
This is a story with romance, ninjas and time travel.

The plot is continuously evolving, always keeping the reader in question.

The relationship between the main characters would be described as a typical "shojo" level, and does not involve mature content (at this time).

Overall this story produces a hate-love type of relationship between the characters and the readers, as the author will evoke strong feelings as you progress.

I strongly recommended this series!
Nov 23, 2018
When I first saw the tags for Shinobi Life, I was surprised. A shoujo manga with ninjas and time travelling? Shinobi Life has a great premise. Unfortunately, as with time travel plots, not much happens, instead most of the manga is spent figuring out the current situation. Everything starts going downhill after chapter 22, because it starts getting repetitive, which leads me to my second point: the events that happen in the manga are contrived as hell. It's like all logic is thrown out of the window just to have have one character meet another and to add more drama and plot points.

Nevertheless, I ...
May 9, 2020
Loved it :D

I thought it would be the usual shoujo manga, but I was totally wrong.

The time travelling plot was very interesting and I did not guess what will happen next. Also, it was a happy ending :)

The reader will experience laughter, sadness, pain, love, friendship, brotherhood, etc.

The manga has an unique and beautiful art. It has awesome characters where at first when you get to know them, you think they are in a certain way. However the more you continue reading, you find out the reasons why they are in that why, learn to ...
Feb 1, 2013
I like the romance/relationship between two main characters so much.
They overcame obstacles and bittersweet memories. I was moved to tears.
*clap clap clap
Sep 26, 2018
Shinobi Life is a 13 volume shoujo manga series by Shoko Conami and published between the years 2006 - 2012.

In North America, Tokyo Pop only published volumes 1-7 in English before shutting down shop.

In this review I will only spoil a few plot points to explain the series overall, but I assure you, this character driven saga has much more to offer than bones I'll extract here.

The plot opens with Beni Fujiwara, daughter of a wealthy Japanese family, being kidnapped. Only there is something off about this kidnapping. Beni does not seem fearful, but her kidnapper does.

Before we get an answer on ...
Feb 26, 2019

Story: 8/10
It's not your typical romance manga but a time travel twist added to it. This makes the story quite interesting. The story has a happy ending for the main characters but sad endings for 4 side characters. Renkaku and Enji, Hachikuma and Hirono [I think I took the name right] have tragic fate. Other than that, it was mysterious and happy ending.

Art: 8/10
It was good.

Character: 9/10
They are relatable and you will feel for them in case you are capable of attaching yourself to the situation.
Dec 13, 2012
I haven't read a lot of mangas since most of the mangas I like are still going on. I stumbled Shinobi Life here on my page under recommendations for my life of Inuyasha.

Plot wise, kinda common but progress of the story was good. A bit predictable but I can say it was entertaining. I enjoyed every bit of twist it presented though the ending was rushed (especially the last chapter which felt like an Omake instead of the real ending) I had fun reading this manga.

Art is beautiful! It didn't give me the "ZOMG THIS ART JUST GAVE ME ANOTHER BISHIE FETISH" kind, but ...