Mar 29, 2015
Kirarin(star) Revolution starts out with the typical "kid wants to be a famous star and immediately gets an audition/record contract with a huge music corporation or the coveted lead actress role.
However, the difference in those other cliche shows are the characters and the wacky hijinks they go through before getting to that high status of life. It's a lot more fun seeing the journey, you know! I would have loved a few scenes of the idol auditioning process being much harder (especially since they weren't even looking for her type). She should have had to go through rounds of eliminations and call backs, but
against the (shoujo) odds she beats out hundreds of others.
I don't mind the unrealistic plot. Being a shoujo reader means you have definitely seen more far-fetched junk. We all love a dose of fantasy and once in a million chances, but that's really the only thing KR has ... Kirari is super lucky .
I mean she is the epitome of luck (even throughout her clumsy mistakes). I ain't gon be mad though. I would love to have the ability to transform into a brand new, flowing gala dress after a mere poker card ripped my blouse and pants.
As far as the artwork, it is the trash of the Earth. I know that is super harsh, but it is how I feel. It is also the epitome of poop. Some animes/mangas get flack for oversized eyes. Mind you, this is one of them. The flack is well-deserved. This chick's eyes take up 3/4's of her face in huge oval mirrors. There are literally pages with disproportionate eyes which no one but the reader points out (maybe the editor thought the manga was too far-gone to care anymore). It's a shame that a huge focus is on her eyes because they are beyond ugly to me.
The outfits are okay. Hiroto and Seiji's idol outfits make me snicker a bit because they look like white geese with fluffy collars. Some of Kirari's outfits are cute.
The art's not very detailed besides a few fold lines here and there.
Also, don't read this manga online, because a bunch of the scanlations are too dark and an eyesore.
The thing about good art is sometimes it will make you continue a terrible manga just because it's so visually appealing. I remember wanting to drop Black Bird a few times, but I chose not to because of the excellent artwork (and a few other characters I liked). Maybe if I liked the art here more, it would have had more of a chance.
The characters are flatter than a pancake butt. None of them were endearing to me. I didn't even like the cat, but I'm not a cat person so... I did like Kirari's school friends and Kaname to an extent.
Kirari is the usual good girl with a heart of gold who loves to eat and make friends, but, unlike let's say Mikan (from Gakuen Alice), I never cared for her. She just came off too annoying. At least, it's acknowledged she's a bad singer.
Hiroto is the worst tsundere ever. It would have been more believable if he was a sensitive guy who was trying to be more bad-boy like and tough. None of his cold-hearted responses or mean jabs felt sincere. It's like he picked at everything Kirari said just so he could have the title of tsundere. Some things were said for almost no reason.
Loose Example:
Kirari: I look so nice in my new clothes
Hiroto: Those clothes would look good on a horse *cue frown-y, emo face*
Erina was just ugh! I hate the jealous, female love rival character that appears in almost EVERY shoujo manga ever! She's not cute enough (like Elmo) or cool enough (like Numbuh 5) to be talking in the third person.
Seiji was flat too. I suppose he was the princely, sweet guy to Hiroto's tsundere guy. His swirly glasses were cool though.
Also, I didn't like the childhood lover who waited all this time to but into her life.
I never went far enough into the manga to see when and if Seiji began to like Kirari back.
I do like SOME cliches like the tsundere acerbic boy falls in love with the cute girl who is the epitome of sunshine. In this case, I didn't care who ended up with who. My guess is Fake-tsundere (Hiroto) and Big Time Popstar (Kirari) probably ended up together.
I tried to skip to later chapters to see who Kirari went with or the big shoujo kiss every manga has but I couldn't do it... I got so BORED! X___X
I had to force myself to keep reading this manga. If you don't get enjoyment from reading it from the get-go, then drop it!
Perhaps, the anime is better?
Anyway, if the plot doesn't defeat you then the artwork will or the characters' flatness will deal you fatality! Kirarin(star)Revolution is a critical K-O!
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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