Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Nekomori's Secret Door Japanese: 猫森くんの秘密の扉 InformationType: One-shot
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: 1
Status: Finished
Published: Mar 19, 2011
Hana to Yume Authors:
Tsutsumi, Kakeru (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #44652 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #8850
Members: 2,188
Favorites: 5 | New Interest Stack Interest StacksSelf-explanatory. Generally, this includes any one-shot I have scored 7 or above. This list also could be titled something like "One-shots worth reading", but that sounds kind of "self-centred", for lack of a better word. Here is a list of 50 one shot manga you probably haven't seen yet but wanted to read something light and short! mind readers! every title on this stack has a primary character that can perform a version of mind reading/telepathy, either through physical contact or by being within the radius of another person. emotion-sensing, hearing of an 'inner voice', ability to tell if someone is lying, or any other miscellaneous readings or revealing of another person's self will also be accepted. |