Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Overdrive Oniichan!, Yokorenbo, Oneechan to Issho, Cute Toys, Maison de Milk, Brother Wife, Divine Punishment, Together with Onii-chan, My Stupid Brother Japanese: み~とほ~る InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 9
Status: Finished
Published: Apr 28, 2010 to Aug 29, 2011
Comic Aun Authors:
Nagare, Ippon (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: N/A2 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #25317
Members: 465
Favorites: 1 | More InfoOverdrive Oniichan! (オーバードライブお兄ちゃん!); Comic Aun 2010-07Yokorenbo (横恋慕); 2010-06 Oneechan to Issho (お姉ちゃんと一緒); 2010-09 Kawaii Omocha (かわいいおもちゃ); 2010-12 Maison de Milk (メゾンドミルク); 2011-02 Ani Tsuma (あに・つま); 2011-04 Tenbatsu (天罰); 2011-06 Oniichan to Issho (お兄ちゃんといっしょ); 2011-07 Datte Baka nan da mon (だってバカなんだもん); 2011-10 |