Jul 23, 2008
When I first found the Eerie Queerie manga page, I was like, "Oh, this is SO COOL! Unfortunately, it took me a while to track it down online (head to mangafox, peoples!) so by the time I actually got to reading it the glamour of finding a cool-sounding manga to read had already worn off. None-the-less, once I sarted reading, that feeling was back in full force! I actually growled every time I was called away from the computer, I was so captivated by the story. The series itself definitely gives off a warm, comfortable aura that makes it easily memorable.
The art was pretty
cool, actually. The characters had the best expressions, with really added to the warm fuzzy feeling I was telling you about earlier. The panels were pretty easy to follow, and there's no wasted space.I loved the little chibis at the beginning of each chapter, too! ^^
The characters were, no doubt about it, the BEST part of Eerie Queerie! Every single character was so unique, yet you could still connect them with mannerisms and relationship ties. In fact, whenever something major happened, everyone just seemed to shake it off. It was even pretty hilarious whenever Mitsuo became possessive of Hasunuma! Sometimes it felt like my emotions were n a roller coaster, and they seemed to change every time there was a turn in the manga. (Hehe, Mikuni was definitely MY favorite character, but you have to read the series to find out why! XD)
I'm pretty sure it's obvious, but I really enjoyed this manga. I'm hoping to buy it the first chance I get, it was so good! ^^
This is definitely a manga that shouldn't be overlooked. Very unique, and gives ya a good laugh when ya need it! ^_- Plus, it's not unbearably long, so it wouldn't even take that long to read. I finished it one day! All four volumes! (There are 4 volumes, right? *nervous laughter*) Anyway, please give it a try!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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