‘Free Soul’ is an interesting manga.
It’s about a woman named Keito. She is a lesbian who got kicked out of home and is now staying with a kind painter woman and her cook who graciously offered her a place to stay. She also pursues romances with various women who ultimately just use and leave her, though she also meets others who want to love her.
That description of the manga is an apt description of Keito herself. She has been abandoned by many while also offered kindness by others. She expends a great portion of herself trying to make up with her mother and pursue seemingly
Alternative TitlesJapanese: free soul InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 13
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 2004
Feel Young Authors:
Yamaji, Ebine (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: N/A2 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #6767
Members: 3,150
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Your Feelings Categories Jan 20, 2021
Reading Free Soul feels like pausing time. There's not much too it and very little significant progression. Because of that, it starts inviting questions about why we choose to be where we are, why we choose to be with the people we're with, and why we choose the path in life that we do. Also, somewhat, the reverse: there are some things about us that we cannot change and people we feel that we cannot let go of. It doesn't say a lot about these things directly, but it presents a lot of scenes that evoke our feelings about those scenes. If you give more