Okay, let's be honest right up front. You aren't reading this for the story. You aren't reading this for the deep characterization. You're reading this for the myriad of schoolgirls in a world seemingly devoid of a Y chromosome who fawn over one another like dogs in heat. That said, for the bite-sized morsel of a manga Strawberry Panic! is, few yuri manga come as decadent as this one.
However, decadence leads to overkill, and when you have not one, but two plain transfer students sought after by the goddesses of their respective schools, you know you're straddling the line between overkill and parody. In fact,
Alternative TitlesJapanese: ストロベリー・パニック More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 2
Chapters: 14
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 30, 2005 to Dec 28, 2006
Dengeki G's magazine Statistics Ranked: #84092 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #2812
Members: 7,996
Favorites: 134 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 4 / 4
Your Feelings Categories Nov 27, 2013
Strawberry Panic is, in a strange sort of way, like Naruto. It's the most popular in it's genre, and even if you've never read either of them, you know they exist and their basic concept. However, the important thing I'm getting to here is that they are both overrated and suck. As this is just a review for Strawberry Panic, it is now time to drop the topic of Naruto and move on.
Story: 5. Simple story that is executed poorly. The story of Strawberry Panic is fairly simple and nothing special; a transfer student moves into an all-girls highschool full of- you guessed it- lesbians. ... Dec 24, 2023
It doesn’t take much digging into Yuri fan spaces to hear what an absolute disappointment “Strawberry Panic” is to fans of the genre. I really wanted to be a contrarian, able to write a review in defense of this manga. I really, truly did. There were so many signs of this media having been presented to the wrong audience, with this story being fundamentally misunderstood as the wrong genre, its strengths brushed under the rug in favor of its failures. Unfortunately, I failed in this endeavor and have succumbed to the same disappointment of generations’ past. “Strawberry Panic” presents itself as a Shonen battle
Jan 6, 2021
I did not enjoy this series. Read another review if you would like to gush about this series with someone else.
I did not read the light novels and I'm not planning to. I was hopeful in the first volume but the way the relationship developed made me uncomfortable, even though it started out okay. But I'll get to that later. The art is pretty for a series like this. I like the designs as they are extremely memorable, and I liked the background art as well. However that is probably the only praise I can give to this series. The story makes no logical sense and ... |