Hell's Kitchen
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Hell's Kitchen

Alternative Titles

Japanese: ヘルズキッチン


Type: Manga
Volumes: 13
Chapters: 53
Status: Finished
Published: Feb 4, 2010 to Aug 19, 2014
Genres: Comedy Comedy, Gourmet Gourmet, Supernatural Supernatural
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Shounen Rival
Authors: Amazi, Gumi (Art), Nishimura, Mitsuru (Story)


Score: 7.431 (scored by 26532,653 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #35472
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #2820
Members: 7,993
Favorites: 118



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Preliminary Spoiler
Nov 27, 2012
Preliminary (33/53 chp)
When looking at the cover art, you might think something like, "A manga about a some bishounen underworld guy who cooks or whatever ('cause that's what I originally thought)," but what you get is something very, very different. Like I said, it's different from my impression of it and I am so glad it is.

Story: (some spoilers will be coming ahead later) It's really something when a manga is able to knock out every other favorite I have and achieve top rank. This doesn't apply anymore as I'm re-editing this review a bit, but it definitely did achieve that for awhile in the past. Unfortunately, ...
Aug 28, 2018
I jumped into this manga even though I was somewhat aware that this series was dropped. However, in order to quench my thirst for manga and from being tired of searching for a good manga that suited my taste, I decided to dive into this one since the ratings seemed somewhat decent.

The story is quite simple - a devil (Dogma) is thirsty for a soul to consume; the soul of a 'true chef'. He has met so many chefs but their souls tend to be corrupted with pride, greed, and arrogance which leaves a bad impression on the devil. So he meets an ordinary ...
Mar 26, 2015
Mixed Feelings
Ehh a cooking manga. I started this manga because the cover art looks nice, and the story seemed okay as well. I didn't really know what to expect from this title since I knew nothing about the story beforehand, but after gulping three volumes (in under an hour) it was... meh.

Story seems interesting, albeit with a really overused cliche that follows the our-main-character-is-plain-but-one-day-somebody-comes-and-wrecks-his-everyday-life formula. I haven't actually read a manga where that somebody who wrecks the main character's everyday life is an Earl from Hell, and that he's planning to eat the guy later! But in the end, the story lacks depth. It fails to ...
Nov 6, 2012
Preliminary (11/53 chp)
A good-for-nothing child is chosen by a demon whose sole purpose is to consume the most delicious souls. The demon decides to "tutor" the said child and make him into the "soul of a true chef". The story focuses on the boy's journey as a budding chef, and all the eccentric characters he meets.

And he meets plenty of them. A fangirl whose only love is knives, a masked boy with an extreme dedication to spices, and many others.

The artwork is quite stunning. I take minor issue with the shading in some instances, but it still fetches an overall rating of 9. The food art is ...