Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Fruits wo Goshomou, Present for You!, Happy Family Sleep, Reversible, Menkui! in Resort, One Step from Perfection!, Cosplay Revenge, Yoi Koi, Voice Training!!, Ui Ui, Erotical Match, A Woman Trained at Perfection Japanese: ハーレムタイム InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 15
Status: Finished
Published: May 29, 2008 to May 28, 2011
Comic Kairaku-ten Authors:
Saeki, Shun (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: N/A2 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #6917
Members: 3,068
Favorites: 37 Available At | More InfoIncludes a 9-page tokuten booklet if bought from Toranoana.Harem Time (ハーレムタイム); Comic Kairaku-ten 2011-05, 06, 07 Fruits wo Goshomou (フルーツをご所望); Comic Kairaku-ten Beast 2011-06 Present for You! (プレゼントフォーユー!); Comic Kairaku-ten 2011-02 Happy Family Sleep (ハッピーファミリースリープ); Comic Kairaku-ten 2010-12 Reversible (リバーシブル); Comic Kairaku-ten 2010-08 Menkui! in Resort (めんくい!inリゾート); Comic Kairaku-ten 2010-05 Kanzen Ikketsu (完全一欠, One Step from Perfection!); Comic Megastore 2009-09 Cosplay Revenge (コスプレリベンジ); Comic Kairaku-ten 2010-10 Yoi Koi (酔い恋); Comic Kairaku-ten 2011-03 Voice Training!! (ボイトレ!!); Comic Kairaku-ten 2010-11 Ui Ui (初初~ういうい~); Comic Kairaku-ten 2010-06 Erotical Match (エロティカルマッチ); Comic Megastore 2010-09 The top ranking girl in the class has competition that is beating her in all subjects. However, there is one subject that she may have a chance in emerging victorious. Choukyougo no Onna (調教後の女, A Woman Trained at Perfection); Comic Kairaku-ten 2008-07 |