Sin duda una obra extremadamente enternecedora, genuinamente hermosa y adorable. Le tomé mucho cariño a los personajes y al imperante mensaje unívoco que tanto se reitera con tanta energía, un entrecruce de historias subsecuentes que se extremecen a medida que se complican y terminan por deshilar oraciones de reflexión y esperanza muy bonitas. Te amo :3
Without a doubt an extremely touching, genuinely beautiful and adorable work. I became very fond of the characters and the prevailing univocal message that is reiterated so much with so much energy, a crisscross of subsequent stories that become more extreme as they become more complicated and end up unraveling
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: It's the Only NEET Thing to Do, KamiMemo, Kami-sama no Memo-chou, Heaven's Memo Pad, God's Notebook Japanese: 神様のメモ帳 InformationType: Light Novel
Volumes: 9
Chapters: 57
Status: Finished
Published: Jan 25, 2007 to Sep 10, 2014
None Statistics Ranked: #17762 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #5041
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