Alternative TitlesJapanese: BRII/ブリッツ・ロワイアル InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 2
Chapters: 19
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 11, 2003 to Mar 9, 2004
Young Champion Statistics Ranked: #205112 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #5481
Members: 3,984
Favorites: 12 | Reviews
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Your Feelings Categories Jul 24, 2013
This is a sequel to a good manga. This is not a good manga. As a matter of fact, I rank Battle Royale 2 among the worst manga that I have ever read. I had always heard bad things about it, but I assumed they must have been exaggerated or superficial. All of my expectations were shattered. This is the exact opposite of what a sequel should be. Everything that the first Battle Royale did right, this manga does entirely wrong. It takes all of the first's strengths and turns them completely on their head. Battle Royale featured a cast of very flawed teenagers and
Jul 7, 2009
I can say this right here and now to get it out of the way. I DO NOT care about the art of a manga I care for a story. But I despised this art with every fiber of my being.
I really really liked the first Battle Royale, I would put it in my top 3. When I heard there was a second Battle Royale I bet you could see the joy on my face. I was so very disappointed. The Storyline was too different from the first and the art and characters were not developed whatsoever. This is the only manga I have ... Sep 2, 2010
Let's get the basics out of the way first; Battle Royale II is as much of a sequel to Battle Royale as Predator 2 is to Predator. Meaning it takes place in the same world and have a similar theme, but that's about it. You won't be seeing any of the characters from the first part, and the story doesn't revolve around the program this time around. Instead, it's a different type of survival game, centered around teams.
Battle Royale II: Blitz Royale is not as horrible as some will lead you to believe. In fact, it's a fairly good story, and every bit a spiritual successor ... Dec 12, 2012
Battle Royale 1 is one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite manga. I heard that people didn't like Battle Royale 2: Blitz Royale because of the artwork, so I decided to give it a try knowing that I'd have to ignore the artwork and look past it to the story.
It didn't help. There is no maturity to this story. In fact, there is almost no story what-so-ever. The characters are one dimensional, and the relationships between the characters are practically non-existent. The setting is below average at best, and has little-to-no description. And as mentioned before, the artwork is terrible. Everything good about Battle ... Jan 13, 2017
It takes a lot to get a score under 6.5 on MAL, but man does Battle Royale II deserve it. Battle Royale is hard hitting and serious. Battle Royale II is... not. It's set in the same universe as the movies.
To start, the art is awful. I do not say this lightly. The ears are massive, the noses are practically falling off the face they're so low, and the center of the face is a giant blank space. The art is so jarring and bad that it makes the extremely violent content downright bewildering, like turning on Barney and watching him murder people. The artist ... Jun 23, 2023
So we have a Sequel based on a follow up movie (That I haven't seen), rather than a continuation of the first manga... This is not the same as Battle Royale, but going from a 100 chapter manga to 19 should have been a clue.
Battle Royale 2 is pretty much divorced from the original Battle Royale. It feels like a fan created doujinshi at times, and yet also doesn't, as there's clearly a connection to the original works, even if it's not a direct sequel. But everything here changed, and the biggest change is the art. I personally don't think the art ... |