First of all, I usually don't write reviews for this website. I review anime and manga when I have time on my personal blog, but I tend to stray away from MAL reviews, simply because I've seen so many outstanding reviews on here that I feel like whatever I write will be utter crap.
But when I finished The Music of Marie, or Marie no Kanaderu Ongaku, I felt like I just had to at least say something about this remarkable manga.
The Music of Marie is one of the most underrated manga I've ever had the pleasure of reading, underrated in the sense that almost no
Alternative TitlesJapanese: Marieの奏でる音楽 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 2
Chapters: 17
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 10, 1999 to Sep 12, 2001
Comic Birz Authors:
Furuya, Usamaru (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #10732 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1427
Members: 14,822
Favorites: 257 | Reviews
Filtered Results: 9 / 9
Your Feelings Categories Mar 20, 2009
There is an astounding level of imagination on display in this tale of unrequited love of more ways than one.
The concept is kooky and mysterious as hell, and it’s all complimented by an aspect lacking in the majority of manga: world-building. Sure characters should be the main priority in a story, but the world they inhabit should also be developed and at the very least drawn with some level of detail, to further pull the reader into a story. Most authors either are not bothered, not capable or don’t have the time to fill out their backgrounds, either in art or story ... Feb 19, 2014
I disagree with most of the fans of this.
Is it good? Yes Is it underrated? Yes. Do I like it? no. The art style felt way too shoujo which distracted me from what could have been very good looking artwork The story took too long to go anywhere, half of the entire thing and even then it wasnt satisfying considering I had to slough through half slice of nothing happening. ... Jan 19, 2019
The world in this manga was without doubt the main selling point, or rather, the only selling point. Which is perfectly fine for me, as I can easily enjoy a piece of work immensely as long as it has at least one very strong and creative point.
Unfortunately, I can't say the world was perfect, or even brilliant; at most, I can say it was decent. I found the world presented in the early chapters highly bizarre and full of wonder. Yet as the manga progressed, I couldn't help but lose interest in it. The main cause of my disinterest was the fact that the author didn't ... Nov 3, 2021 did god create man or did man create god? an ambitious and unconventional work, Osamu Furuya's masterpiece The Music of Marie is a thoughtful and psychological manga that, despite its few chapters, presents a story full of meaning, accompanied by multiple points of reflection. story The world is watched over by the mechanical goddess Marie, who watches over her creation from above the heavens. Life flows peacefully and serenely in a world with advanced technology that makes men happy and immune to all desires. But why can't knowledge progress any further? Had the world always lived in this state of peace? the story can boast of the variety of ... May 6, 2019
Too much potential, but did in a bad way.
Marie no Kanaderu Ongaku is a manga about a girl who lives in a strange world and loves a man named Kai who is a strange person. First, the best thing in this manga is the world and the art style. Both of them combine really well. Is not too realistic, so it creates a sensation of surrealism, because of the strange world they live full of gears and green. Even though the world is interesting, the main focus of the manga is not the world building, so we are not introduced to all the it's caracteristics ... Jan 20, 2024
Let's get the good out of the way first here. The art is incredible and very creative here. It's not to be understated how wonderful it is and how easy it is to immerse yourself into the world solely off of the art alone. Without a doubt the best part of the manga is its artwork and visual aspects. Props should also be given to this manga when it comes to the general idea and concept of the story itself. Wouldn't get into it in order to avoid spoilers, but the concepts for this story could have worked if it wasn't for one thing...
That ... Aug 20, 2022
I don’t think you should go into this manga taking everything the author says at face value. I prefer to read it as a portrayal of the author’s complex relationship with his own reality, especially the anguish he feels when he tries to reconcile himself with it. It’s more of a cry for help than it is applicable to real life, I guess, but it’s detached from reality for a reason—heavy stuff can hard to think about and confront directly. In the end, it was easier for him to continue his escape with fallacious portrayals of human nature than it was to make any constructive
Jul 31, 2022
i tend to gravitate towards stories that break my heart in some way and force me to face something fundamental about myself in the process.
if me saying that this story was paramount to founding my ideas about love and relationships sounds a bit hyperbolic, i'm sorry. it's true, though. this story is insanely brilliant and beautiful and world-rending. i've never wanted so badly to be able to read something for the first time all over again. that said, every subsequent read has added even more to the experience, so i'm not mad. i don't usually buy physical copies of things (i mean most everything has a ... |