Mayonaka Heart Tune
Tune In to the Midnight Heart
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Mayonaka Heart Tune

Alternative Titles

Japanese: 真夜中ハートチューン
English: Tune In to the Midnight Heart
More titles


Type: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Sep 20, 2023 to ?
Genres: Comedy Comedy, Romance Romance
Themes: Harem Harem, School School, Showbiz Showbiz
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Authors: Igarashi, Masakuni (Story & Art)


Score: 8.371 (scored by 34563,456 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #2462
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1683
Members: 12,866
Favorites: 409

Available At


New Interest Stack

Interest Stacks

Mangaby Toshiverse

My collection of fluffy-sugary-sweet-wholesome-cute-whateveryoucallit manga and novels that made me incredibly happy when I read them.
Also some stories have alternate versions, but I'm just putting here the version I read.

I'll only add stories when I finish them or reach the end of their English translations.
I'll happily take suggestions on what to read/add, so message me if you want!

1) Brief and barebones synopsis... maybe...
2) How sweet of a story I think it is out of 10 (this isn't my personal score!).

43 Entries · Jan 9, 1:09 PM


Mangaby bossiiing

Enjoy these diverse worlds and cute romances from Weekly Shonen Magazine.

Link to part 1:

EDIT: Added "Sherlock Bones", "Psychometrer Eiji", "Detective School Q", "Shibatora", "Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms", "Acma: Game", "Gachiakuta", "The Blue Wolves of Mibu" and "The Two Faces of Misaki Hoshino".

EDIT: Added "Tune in to the Midnight Heart" and "She's Adopted a High School Boy!".

37 Entries · Nov 7, 2024 5:14 AM


Mangaby tzippurah

19 Entries · Nov 5, 2024 6:39 PM


Mangaby Axris29

An ongoing series and will update it soon when the series ends or a new series appears

28 Entries · Dec 5, 2023 8:29 PM


Mangaby elvishawk

31 Entries · May 27, 2024 11:31 PM


Mangaby madiandi

Part 2:

50 Entries · Yesterday, 11:39 AM


Mangaby KAA21_Zero

Magazine that I prefer nowadays since WSJ always tries to achieve greatness with a fast-paced formula which makes it hard to care especially their cast. So I rather consume junk food from WSM instead which is more enjoyable who always take their time with it.

A place to keep up to date with them (English) :

Official Japanese Site :

Scanlation thread of it :

24 Entries · Mar 4, 4:25 PM


Mangaby Huang-Teizan

There are so many harem mangas out there, but only a few of them are actually good; this list has the good ones.

This list also only includes harem mangas that are explicitly/obviously meant to be harems, not future love interests added in a non-related fashion, so this list does not include the likes of: “The Eminence in the Shadows,” “Otome Game sekai wa Mob,” etc. Also, I count two MAIN love interests as a harem, excluding the “fodder” love interests that are doomed to lose who have been introduced under the worst of conditions and the latest of developments — May their broken hearts rest in peace.

Btw, the bar is set much lower than my other stacks due to there not being much good harem oriented stories.

… check out my other interest stacks (and manga reviews) pwretty pwease 👉👈

44 Entries · Jan 21, 8:34 PM


Mangaby iv11M

*Finished list*
List with my bets, of the manga releases in 2023.

Proposal and list criteria:
-Disclose mangas that debut in 2023, with the goal of helping readers who like to read relatively recent stuff to find works of different types.
-The criteria I use is the quality, and I judge that based on how well a series has done working on what it has proposed according to the demographic, genre and theme it fits into.
-The list will be in modifications until April 2024, representing the final bets of the mangas that debuted in 2023.
-The list will be in a betting format, because I think it becomes untenable to update this kind of list, for more than 1 year, using quality criteria.
-I set this date because it allowed me to evaluate a more relevant amount of chapters for manga that debuted in October/November/December.
-Even so, the number of chapters used as criteria can vary. It could range from just the first chapter to the potential 50-60 that come out in a year.
-In the case of any series being on the final list, and being judged with only 3 chapters, I will leave a small comment in the manga, to inform of that situation, signaling that the series may have a greater variation in quality over the next few chapters. I can also leave a small comment signaling why I think it is fair that the series has appeared.
-After 2 years the list will become a non-list, because it will have lost its purpose, of giving the discovery of recent manga, avoiding this way more unnecessary spam

Series watched to date (with some manhwa included):390

Mangas that are not in MAL:
-Mahoi Rekusu no Hentai Karute
-Kimi wo Wasurareru Koi ga Shitai

*Lista finalizada*
Lista com as minhas apostas, das estreias de mangas em 2023.

Proposta e critérios da lista:
-Divulgar mangas que estrearam em 2023, com o objetivo de ajudar leitores que gostam de ler coisas relativamente recentes a encontrar obras dos mais diversos tipos.
-Tenho como critério a qualidade, e julgo isso com base no quão bem uma serie se saiu a trabalhar naquilo que a que propôs segundo a demografia, género e temática em que se encaixa.
-A lista vai estar em modificações até Abril de 2024, representando as apostas finais dos mangas que estrearam em 2023.
-A lista será num formato de apostas, pois acho que fica insustentável atualizar este tipo de lista, de novidades, por mais de 1 ano, usando critérios de qualidade.
-Deixo fixada essa data pois permiti-me avaliar uma quantidade mais relevante de capítulos para mangas que estraram em Outubro/Novembro/Dezembro.
-Ainda assim a quantidade de capítulos utilizados como critério podem variar. Podendo variar, de só o primeiro capítulo, até aos potenciais 50-60 que saem num ano.
-No caso de alguma serie estar na lista final, e ter sido julgada com apena 3 capítulos, deixarei um pequeno comentário no manga, para informar de tal situação, sinalizando que a serie pode ter uma maior variação na qualidade aos longos dos próximos capítulos. Também posso deixar um comentário pequeno comentário a sinalizar o porque achar justo a serie ter aparecido.
-Passados 2 anos a lista irá ficar como não listada, pois nessa altura já terá perdido o seu propósito, de dar a descobrir mangas recentes, evitando assim também spam desnecessário.

Series vistas até ao momento (com alguns manhwa incluidos):390

Mangas que não estão no MAL:
-Mahoi Rekusu no Hentai Karute
-Kimi wo Wasurareru Koi ga Shitai

46 Entries · May 21, 2024 3:38 PM


Mangaby Crawltipede

Harem manga and manga with haremish elements (the good shit)

39 Entries · Feb 16, 11:56 PM


Mangaby Boss_Krueppel

15 Entries · Feb 14, 7:02 PM


Mangaby ren999999

It's the 2nd most popular Manga Magazine right after Jump. It got so many good manga titles!

50 Entries · Apr 1, 2024 11:58 AM


Mangaby faratnis

24 Entries · Mar 12, 3:48 AM


Mangaby MagicFlier

Stories that have the main cast involved in Livestreaming or Video Recording elements. Also Live Broadcast, Live Viewers, Live Comments, Virtual Avatar/VTuber, Videography.

Story in a playable Game World from the real world (login/logout)
Isekai-Fantasy/Dungeons dragged into the Modern World

Additional (currently no MyAnimeList page):
-(Manhwa) Ranker's Return (2021) / Ranker's Return (Remake)
-(Manhwa) Collapse & Rewind
-(Manga) “Life de Ukete Live de Naguru” Korezo Watashi no Hisshouhou
-(Manga) Ano ko ni naisho no VTUBER
-(Manga) Jimi na Ojisan, Jitsu wa Eiyu Datta.
-(Manga) Ore dake Level Kansuto ~Dungeon Musou de Oku Buzz Haishin~ / I Maxed Out My Level: Dominating Dungeons and Going Viral

26 Entries · Feb 23, 6:45 AM


Mangaby Ezeeql

Mangas published from 2020 onwards.

I read the first chapters of all of them, some I like and others I don't, but hey, variety is the joy.

Basically the same as part 1, but the requirements are less demanding. Clarify, they are not lists for a specific audience. There is something for everyone.

I will gradually catch up with all the mangas on the list to see if I remove them or not, I'm not going to be picky. This list is not about my tastes, it is with love from me to you, Mr. and Mrs. strangers.

Finally, there is everything here, yuri, yaoi, ecchi, not ecchi. The only thing I won't put will be NTR and all its variants so liked by our Japanese friends.

Part 1:

Playlist recommendation:

44 Entries · May 25, 2024 6:05 PM


Mangaby Idk5008

39 Entries · Feb 4, 9:10 PM


Mangaby RSGX

Info & Previous Winners:

Full list of winners and notable nominees:

Web Manga winners missing from MAL:

"Vtuber草村しげみ〜遠くに行ってしまった気がした推しが全然遠くに行ってくれない話〜" (Vtuber Kusamura Shigemi*) by Sakamegane - 3rd Place
"彼女がクズを愛するワケは。"(The Reason Why She Loves a Jerk*) by Rui Ikeda - 6th Place
"ドカ食いダイスキ! もちづきさん" (I love dokagui! Mochizuki-san*) by Maruyono Kamome - 8th Place

* - unofficial translation of the title

40 Entries · Aug 29, 2024 6:32 PM


Mangaby tmoney23

Had to start during 2020 or later

Only Exception is Chainsaw man which I'm counting for Part 2 started July 2022

Will Update as Series end

Removed so Far
Pandora Seven Finished 8/16/24
Oshi No Ko 11/14/24
A Kingdom Of Quartz 12/25/24
Undead Unluck 1/26/25

50 Entries · Jan 24, 5:28 PM


Mangaby Sapphire_2k3

I've read too many harem manga now. I feel like there's not much left for me to read because nowadays harem manga sucks. But I'll give a list which are worthwhile and you can atleast give it a try.

It includes all the status manga and tags like ecchi.

So let's see how many of it are actually good in your opinion.

Check out my other stacks :

• Worthwhile sports manga :

50 Entries · Oct 31, 2024 2:21 AM


Mangaby Akazukin619

Recommended manga/manhwa that hasn't been adapted yet into anime part 5

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Part 11:

Removed Entry From This List:
-Kaya-chan wa Kowakunai (???)
-Kininatteru Hito ga Otoko ja Nakatta (???)
-Nihon e Youkoso Elf-san (Winter 2025)
-No Home (Fall 2024)
-Otome Game no Heroine de Saikyou Survival (???)

50 Entries · Mar 6, 5:02 AM