Kimi no Yokogao wo Miteita
I See Your Face, Turned Away
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Kimi no Yokogao wo Miteita

Alternative Titles

Japanese: きみの横顔を見ていた
English: I See Your Face, Turned Away
More titles


Type: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Apr 13, 2022 to ?
Genres: Award Winning Award Winning, Romance Romance
Themes: Love Polygon Love Polygon, School School
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Bessatsu Friend
Authors: Ichinohe, Rumi (Story & Art)


Score: 7.731 (scored by 574574 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #16172
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #5776
Members: 3,747
Favorites: 40

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Mangaby MyAnimeList

The Kodansha Manga Award (講談社漫画賞, Kōdansha Manga Shō) is an annual award for serialized manga published in the previous year, the event is sponsored by the publisher Kodansha.

(Source: Wikipedia)

48 Entries · May 14, 2024 4:14 PM


Mangaby loress


50 Entries · Nov 16, 2024 9:14 AM


Mangaby heolyeollie

Slice-of-life backed up with pleasing art and decent plot.

50 Entries · Feb 22, 2024 2:38 AM


Mangaby iv11M

*Finished list*
List with my bets, of the manga releases in 2022.

Proposal and list criteria:
-Disclose mangas that debut in 2022, with the goal of helping readers who like to read relatively recent stuff to find works of different types.
-The criteria I use is the quality, and I judge that based on how well a series has done working on what it has proposed according to the demographic, genre and theme it fits into.
-The list will be in modifications until April 2023, representing the final bets of the mangas that debuted in 2022.
-The list will be in a betting format, because I think it becomes untenable to update this kind of list, for more than 1 year, using quality criteria.
-I set this date because it allowed me to evaluate a more relevant amount of chapters for manga that debuted in October/November/December.
-Even so, the number of chapters used as criteria can vary. It could range from just the first chapter to the potential 50-60 that come out in a year.
-In the case of any series being on the final list, and being judged with only 3 chapters, I will leave a small comment in the manga, to inform of that situation, signaling that the series may have a greater variation in quality over the next few chapters. I can also leave a small comment signaling why I think it is fair that the series has appeared.
-After 2 years the list will become a non-list, because it will have lost its purpose, of giving the discovery of recent manga, avoiding this way more unnecessary spam

Series watched to date (with some manhwa included):350

Mangas that are not in MAL:
-Leviathan - KUROI Shiro

*Lista finalizada*
Lista com as minhas apostas, das estreias de mangas em 2022.

Proposta e critérios da lista:
-Divulgar mangas que estrearam em 2022, com o objetivo de ajudar leitores que gostam de ler coisas relativamente recentes a encontrar obras dos mais diversos tipos.
-Tenho como critério a qualidade, e julgo isso com base no quão bem uma serie se saiu a trabalhar naquilo que a que propôs segundo a demografia, género e temática em que se encaixa.
-A lista vai estar em modificações até Abril de 2023, representando as apostas finais dos mangas que estrearam em 2022.
-A lista será num formato de apostas, pois acho que fica insustentável atualizar este tipo de lista, de novidades, por mais de 1 ano, usando critérios de qualidade.
-Deixo fixada essa data pois permiti-me avaliar uma quantidade mais relevante de capítulos para mangas que estraram em Outubro/Novembro/Dezembro.
-Ainda assim a quantidade de capítulos utilizados como critério podem variar. Podendo variar, de só o primeiro capítulo, até aos potenciais 50-60 que saem num ano.
-No caso de alguma serie estar na lista final, e ter sido julgada com apena 3 capítulos, deixarei um pequeno comentário no manga, para informar de tal situação, sinalizando que a serie pode ter uma maior variação na qualidade aos longos dos próximos capítulos. Também posso deixar um comentário pequeno comentário a sinalizar o porque achar justo a serie ter aparecido.
-Passados 2 anos a lista irá ficar como não listada, pois nessa altura já terá perdido o seu propósito, de dar a descobrir mangas recentes, evitando assim também spam desnecessário.

Series vistas até ao momento (com alguns manhwa incluidos):350

Mangas que não estão no MAL:
-Leviathan - KUROI Shiro

49 Entries · May 21, 2024 11:42 AM


This is my compilation of shoujo and josei series that I think could maybe, possibly get an anime. We've been getting a lot lately and I wanna see what guesses I make turn out to be correct.

I do not include manhwa in this stack anymore because I am not knowledgeable enough about it (though I do feel like Abandoned Empress will get an anime at some point...).

Correct Predictions:
- Mr. Villain's Day Off
- A Condition Called Love
- A Sign of Affection
- 7th Time Loop
- Dahlia in Bloom
- Nina the Starry Bride
- Anyway, I'm Falling in Love with You
- Honey Lemon Soda
- Tamon's B-Side
- The Holy Grail of Eris
- Koori no Jouheki
- A Star Brighter Than the Sun
- Though I Am an Inept Villainess

Series not on MAL that I think have a chance to get anime:
-Oni no Hanayome (LN and manga)

50 Entries · Mar 18, 7:46 PM


Mangaby heolyeollie

40 Entries · Mar 9, 2023 7:20 AM


Mangaby G47

- most but not all of these are shoujo and in highschool
- some are a little longer but I still recomend them :)
- some I liked more than others
- some of my favs

(some of these have gotten way more chapters since I added them to this stack, sorry if they aren’t all short anymore 😓)

50 Entries · Jan 11, 10:47 PM


Mangaby LuxP

Mangas that sumarize the year of 2022.

50 Entries · Feb 10, 2023 10:03 AM


Mangaby Ienjoyblueice

Manga that feature some kind of trumpet playing! Also a few bugle ones are thrown in here for funsies.

25 Entries · Today, 8:19 AM


Mangaby sweetlvr4u

Want mangas/manhwas similiar to other popular mangas/manhwas/animes you love!!1
DM me if you have any requests!!!
I will add the newest additions at the top so make sure to check!!

48 Entries · Aug 7, 2023 10:41 PM


Mangaby Suiyoubidayo

All the Shojo and Josei manga releasing in print format in 2024! If im missing anything please feel free to let me know <3

We have once again reached the time where i have to split this into two stacks ^_^ hooray for so much shoujosei manga

34 Entries · May 14, 2024 8:17 AM


Mangaby Heitor-Lima

Shoujo and josei manga based on a image by mangahourly.

38 Entries · Dec 4, 2023 5:31 PM


Mangaby ogblynz

32 Entries · Dec 29, 2023 12:12 AM


Mangaby Ezeeql

Mangas published from 2020 onwards.

I read the first chapters of all of them, some I like and others I don't, but hey, variety is the joy.

Obviously I'm not going to put all the romance mangas, if it's something shady and meaningless it doesn't belong here. Additionally, the manga must have a little recognition by the community.

I will gradually catch up with all the mangas on the list to see if I remove them or not, I'm not going to be picky. This list is not about my tastes, it is with love from me to you, Mr. and Mrs. strangers.

Finally, there is everything here, yuri, yaoi, ecchi, not ecchi. The only thing I won't put will be NTR and all its variants so liked by our Japanese friends.

Update: complete list, i have eliminated mangas by well-known authors as they are very recent. Enjoy ♡
Part 2:

Playlist recommendation:

50 Entries · Nov 30, 2024 5:58 PM


Mangaby Idk5008

50 Entries · Oct 22, 2024 3:22 PM


Mangaby Akazukin619

Recommended Manga/Manhwa that hasn't been adapted yet into anime Part 7

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Part 11:

Removed entry from this list:
-Majutsushi Kunon wa Mieteiru (???)

50 Entries · Mar 15, 12:14 AM


A list to keep track of Shoujo and Josei manga, translated in English and published in print by Kodansha. Shoujo and Josei manga added here are classified based on magazine demographics. The list includes kodansha and vertical prints. Some titles are not out in print yet and some needs reprint.

37 Entries · Nov 4, 2024 7:01 PM


This is a list of the Shojo and Josei manga that have received physical releases from Kodansha, even if some of them are Out of Print.

Part 1:

Notably, I am NOT including any titles which have been physically released by Seven Seas or Yen Press in this list as Kodansha was not the one to give them a physical release.

I will include any titles which were previously published by another publisher that Kodansha has re-released.

I will also NOT include any titles released under Vertical Inc comics, which is under Kodansha. I have separate lists for Yen Press, Seven Seas and Vertical Inc Shojo and Josei releases. (For manga physically released under Vertical, see this list:

33 Entries · Dec 5, 2024 8:55 PM


Mangaby etanmess

best rated shoujo according to mal
all series are labelled from the original
all have to be readily available to read in English
they are in order of rating
I have not read them all so this is unbiased
i do plan to read all of them though
as of 15.11.24
this is 51-100
attack on titan is not a mistake look it up as to why

50 Entries · Nov 15, 2024 1:21 PM


I'm defining "modern" Shojo and Josei manga to mean anything that began being published in 2013 or later. Obviously personal taste plays a role in whether you'll like something. I'm also trying to focus on Shojo and Josei manga licensed in English officially, so some excellent stories will sadly be missing from this list (they should probably get their own at some point).

Part 2:

Part 3:

50 Entries · Dec 6, 2024 10:12 AM