Summary: Since middle school, Yeongha has lived his life using the way of the fist. With his unmatched strength, he managed to reign over the schools near him. However, Yeongha soon begins to doubt his strength and question himself as a person, after suddenly being humiliatingly beaten down, alongside with his crew, by a lone stranger wearing a red-colored gym jacket. Unable to cope with the loss due to his pride, Yeongha tracks the attacker down, and sees him entering an underground fighting place named PVP, where he is the king.
Rating : B+ (87%)
If you've enjoyed Hajime No Ippo, Kengan Ashura or any other
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Hanlim Cheyukgwan Japanese: 한림체육관 More titlesInformationType: Manhwa
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: May 25, 2020 to ?
Combat Sports
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