Mar 27, 2023
Kurasu de Nibanme ni Kawaii Onnanoko to Tomodachi ni Natta is a light novel that follows the story of a high school boy named Kouki Ousaki, who becomes friends with the second cutest girl in his class, Yuu Ousawa. The fourth volume of the series continues the story of their friendship and the challenges they face.
The fourth volume of the series starts off with a bang, as Yuu's past is revealed in a heart-wrenching manner. The reader gets to see a different side of Yuu and understand the reasons for her standoffish behavior towards others. However, the author fails to capitalize on this emotional moment
and quickly shifts the focus to a less engaging subplot.
One of the major issues with the second volume of the series is the lack of character development for Kouki. The author seems to be so focused on developing Yuu's character that Kouki becomes a mere sidekick in his own story. This lack of character development makes it hard for the reader to connect with Kouki and invest in his story.
Another issue with the second volume is the pacing. The plot feels rushed, and the events unfold too quickly without allowing the reader to savor the moments. The author could have slowed down the pacing and delved deeper into the characters' emotions and motivations. The romantic aspect of the series is also underwhelming in the second volume. The romantic tension between Kōki and Yuu feels forced, and the reader is left wondering why the characters have feelings for each other. The lack of chemistry between the two main characters makes it hard for the reader to root for them.
The dialogue in the second volume of the series is also lackluster. The conversations between the characters feel repetitive and uninteresting, and the humor falls flat most of the time. The author could have improved the dialogue by adding more wit and humor. One of the redeeming qualities of the second volume is the art. The illustrations are beautifully drawn and capture the emotions of the characters well. The artwork is one of the highlights of the series and is worth appreciating.
This LN is a disappointing follow-up to the first volume. The lack of character development, rushed pacing, and underwhelming romantic aspect make it hard for the reader to connect with the story. The series has the potential to be engaging, but the author needs to work on improving the plot, characters, and dialogue.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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