Oct 27, 2022
this is going to be a long review so bare with me. ill also be addressing why this series holds promise because main series SAO is very flawed as we all know and is just average entertainment. And ill also talk about why now is a good time to give SAO a second chance if you didn't like the original after a few episodes like most people. In case if anyone is confused the difference in this series when compared to the regular series and progressive is that this is a retelling of the original story think the anime and light novels. It hasn't really
been established if this is strictly adapting the light novels or not but a lot of story from the light novels has been in it so far. However as of right now it looks like the manga is taking its own route while taking things from the novel. which for people who read the novels already will help keep the enjoyment a little fresh to see how the events in the story being placed around is different. I gave this an 8 as it has a lot of promise so far despite not having a ton of chapters yet and is better than the anime already.
STORY: the story starts off the same as all the other series but then quickly begins to take some of the light novel (which for people who don't know is a lot better than the anime even though the light novels aren't perfect either) routes instead of the anime which was rushed. so far the story has been great and has some good pacing we haven't immediately gone to the first floor boss and beaten it and then skipped 75 floors. As we all know most people enjoyed the first few episodes a lot because of the survival aspect and all that stuff, this is what we are getting so far with this as well as a deeper look into the game and characters than we had before with the anime as that didn't provide due to terrible pacing and etc. It is already better than the anime but cant put it above the light novel just yet without more chapters.
CHARACTERS: (their will be slight spoilers from this point on but if you watched the anime u should know some of this already and they aren't major spoilers either) their aren't a lot of chapters so development is still happening but they are already better than their anime counterparts . Kirito is nerdy but actually has feelings and we get to be inside his head and understand his perspective on things and know about his motivation and the fact that he misses his family. Which is a major step up from self insert no motivation bad ass kirito. Also a nice touch with kirito is the fact that they actually go into why kirito feels bad about leaving klein behind while in the anime that is never addressed and just used to make him edgier. Asuna currently just feels like progressive series asuna but that isn't a bad thing as she is better in progressive than main series. Asuna has her own motivation, isn't simping for kirito 24/7 at the moment and isn't a damsel in distress those are her positives right now but their isn't much else to say about her at the moment. Never thought i would say it but as of right now kirito is more unique than asuna for the time being but we still have more development to see. Regardless the characters are still nothing special or out of this world but definetely a step up from their anime counterparts. who knows if this manga becomes succesful which i hope it does as it holds a lot of promise so far maybe they will elevate to something incredible someday.
ART: For an artist with no other works listed the art is simply amazing not to mention it really feels like they got down the style just right it looks really good, the action is nothing to rave about its pretty simple but the backgrounds and especially characters are great too look at. Sometimes it looks the art was literally ripped from the light novel art which always looks amazing.
Now to address the people who don't like SAO if they happen to stumble on this series and my review, i am a hardcore SAO fan but i acknowledge the fact that the series is severely flawed and is mostly just average entertainment. However SAO progressive is a massive improvement in the series and i recommend checking it out if u care to give SAO a second chance and when it comes to this manga i would suggest the same as it has been good so far and is simply just a better version of the anime so far. That is not to say that this series has improved so much you're gonna be getting peak fiction so don't set you're expectations too high. But if you were wanting what everyone wanted out of the anime a survival series going through the floors of SAO you will get this as of right now. Their are real improvements here and in progressive as well, Their hasn't been a better time to give SAO a second chance than right now with this series and progressive as Reki Kawaraha has improved a lot as a writer. side note: I hope i don't regret recommending this if the manga ends up becoming trash later lol.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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