"The World Is Mine" is ugly inside and out. The art is ugly, and while it does get slightly better as the story progresses, it stays ugly. This ugliness manages to be both consequential and apt, considering the subject matter displayed throughout the story.
The story manages to be both incredibly grating and relentlessly jarring. Occasionally the plot moves at a brutal, breakneck pace that manages to excite for a few scant chapters before grinding to a halt and indulging in what one might consider a "character study" or more appropriately "a fifty page monologue ripped from the LiveJournal of the average stoned teenager". The scope
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: TWIM Japanese: ザ・ワールド・イズ・マイン InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 14
Chapters: 163
Status: Finished
Published: Jan 23, 1997 to Mar 15, 2001
Young Sunday (Weekly) Authors:
Arai, Hideki (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #11582 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1173
Members: 17,340
Favorites: 592 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 6 / 8
Your Feelings Categories Jun 21, 2016
For the vast majority of this series, which, adding up to 163 total chapters, takes no small amount of time to finish, the scenes and the characters shine through the page and allow you to simply sit back and enjoy it like you would with any high-tension Hollywood blockbuster. Indeed, much of this manga feels like the stereotypical action movie with all of the traditional values turned upside-down. The main character is often mute, extremely unpredictable, and given to fits of violence. The sidekick is a nervous kid with an aptitude for explosives and a wavering sense of morality. The hook is that meanwhile, a
Aug 1, 2015
I am gonna start by saying that i will definitely suggest you to read this manga, its a great read that doesnt have boring parts. Now lets get more specific. When i found this manga i was searching for a manga that hand violence and interesting characters, something similar to Ichi, TWIM was exactly what i was searching for.
Story 8/10: The story isnt anything too impressive but its still really good. It follows two storylines, one that focuses on Mon-Toshi(the protagonists) and one that focuses on Higumadon(a giant bear), and the results their action have to the world. I wont go any further because i ... Jul 29, 2022
"Good comes from God, evil comes from ourselves. "
This is a sentence that can easily be quoted when talking about Hideki Arai's The World Is Mine. This work is absolutely nothing ordinary, and will necessarily provoke in the reader a before and after, in my opinion. It is a deeply political story, where two men will seek to test the wrath of God in a Japan fractured by its leaders. With this work, we go through all the feelings. Indeed, the work is of unprecedented violence. Whether it is in his crazy staging or in his drawings (beware! His style is quite atypical!) with his elaborate cut-outs, Hideki Arai ... Dec 9, 2023
TWIM plot felt like something that should have never lasted 14 volumes! It fail at everything for something that tries to push the psychological boundaries of its characters it's bland , for something with that much action it's not entertaining, for something that tries so hard to tell so many stories at the same time it's extremely confusing!
__PLOT/CHARACTER: 1/10 TWIM biggest flaw lies in its horrible story telling..... TWIM introduces a lot of characters while constantly shifting perspectives and timelines! Even if you are in what is supposed to be a stressful situation, let's say at the peak of a manhunt TWIM will randomly switch ... Jun 17, 2020
"We are saturated with unneeded information to the point that it's painful. I refuse to let this interfere with my life. The religion of progress disgusts me."
The World Is Mine is a manga that I at first hated, but after a few grueling hours I more than came around to. A story that has gotten more relevant and more uncomfortable two decades later. To call it transgressive is putting it lightly, our main characters are indiscriminate murderers. Even to those most unphased by fictional violence (by far it's not the most gory or otherwise visceral manga) the context and realism of the actions depicted in ... |