Love Monster was a great shoujo manga. If you like the romance type, with funny characters, and a serious plot on the side then you're gonna love this manga. The story revolves around a girl named Hiyo who goes to a school for monsters where you meet Kurou who is one of the leading monsters in the monster society because he is a crow. One of my favorite parts about the manga was learning all about his past with Hiyo and seeing their relationship evolve into something much, much bigger than the two of them.
Later in the series you find out what their destiny and
Alternative TitlesJapanese: ラブ♥モンスター InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 12
Chapters: 82
Status: Finished
Published: 2002 to 2005
Margaret Authors:
Miyagi, Riko (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #26302 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1195
Members: 16,990
Favorites: 367 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 25 / 26
Your Feelings Categories Nov 16, 2012
Due to the overwhelming amount of strangely positive reviews, I've decided to write a little review of my own. DISCLAIMER: If you are a fan of this manga, read no further. I would give this manga a -10 if it was an option.
I consider myself a fairly laid-back, tolerant person; in fact, I've never actually cared enough to write a review, but when the protagonist has had everything short of rape done to her (I'm sure that's in chapter four), I feel the need to say something. I picked this manga up thinking, "Oh, this looks cute." Excuse me while I vomit. I was ... Jan 14, 2011
What if your future wasn’t yours?
What if you were promised to someone else? What if that person wasn’t human? An old legend, a boy, and a girl. I won’t lie, the story disappointment me a little, I expected something a little darker in theme. The first few (20+) chapters will make you wonder if the summary is of the wrong manga. It isn’t dark, at all. It has so much potential to be but the characters and the lack of plot development make it fluffy and sweet, no difference from other manga except in the characters themselves being monsters and that adding a little salt to the sugar ... Mar 1, 2010
The art was great and the premise, especially toward the end, was amazing. What I couldn't stand was the fact that the heroine was so mind-numbingly stupid and useless. Hiyo, even after discovering her powers, spends chapter after chapter being saved by people. Various powerful monsters fall in love with her simply because she's virtuous and nice (meaning: because she is the heroine) and don't seem to mind at all that she's so stupid that she needs to be pulled out of every little thing. Hiyo aside, I loved the other characters especially the background for her parents and their generation
Nov 13, 2015
I'm sorry, but this was just plain terrible. If you don't know me, you should know I usually write reviews with low ratings, because the other reviews are all the same (and because I like to rant).
Having come suprisingly far, I still couldn't bring myself to finish it. Dont get me wrong, I'm a sucker shoujo romances, even if its terribly predictable. But this was just $%*@# The story itself is pretty much the same, if you don't count rape chapter (its at the beginning, if you want to know). I dont really have to tell you how bad that is. What put me off was ... May 14, 2010
Alright ill start this review and by the end i hope you have made a decision on if your going to read it or not so here i go.
~Story~ I greatly enjoyed the story i thought at first it was a mediocre manga but when you get past the 5th chapter you really start to appriciate the deeper plot. it goes like this A girl transfers to a school in the middle of a forest and is immediatly taken to the "king" of the school, he tells her not to try to escape him an eventually begins to fall inlove with him as he trys ... Sep 22, 2015
How this has gotten any positive reviews is completely beyond me. I honestly don't even know where to start in describing how terrible this was. I don't think I have the words... Wait, no, I'll start with the fact that it's essentially softcore rape porn for the first 5 chapters. Then I'll point out that the "heroine" of this story is an utterly dimwitted waste of ink. Absolutely one of the worst protagonists I've come across, and that's really saying something. She's not even the charming kind of stupid that is so common in shoujo. She's sexually assaulted countless
Jun 15, 2010
Love Monster was about a girl who attends a monster school and the school president is in love with her for some reason. It's a love, comedy, drama series with decent action for a shoujo.
Story 7/10: The story at times seemed a little hokey, the amount of times the main character was kidnapped/harassed was to the point of ridiculousness.. but overall it had nice twists and turns. Especially towards the end of the series, it became more serious and moved nicely. Art 7/10: The art was good, typical; big eyes, attractive men, small busty girls. Some of the male side characters were quite impressive (from ... Jun 2, 2017
Oh dear, where to start... A long, long time ago, back when the scanlations for this manga were still coming out, I used to love it. But re-reading it many years later with a more critical eye, Love Monster only stands out from the myriad of shoujo work through 3 aspects: self-insert fantasy, uneven pacing, and a rushed and strange ending. Let's take it one by one.
Story - 4/10 You know how sometimes an interesting idea with lots of potential pops up? This could have been it, but Miyagi proved to not have the writing ability to expand the plot too much outside the broad strokes ... Feb 9, 2011
I loved the story and everything but i feel like they ended it a little bit with unanswered questions! Now how am I supposed to know these things? I haven't forgotten! But overall I loved the storyline and artwork although I don't really like characters like Hiyo because they're so helpless that it's annoying! On the other hand I love characters like Tenma that are so devoted and only look at that person, you know? But it still bothers me because they don't even answer everything in the end..
Jul 2, 2012
I totally loved this manga! I really dont have any words for it. When i read manga's I usually forget the title and everything and get it mixed up with a bunch of other mangas i've read but this one really cought my eye! When I finished it I was like "Wow! Now what do I do with my life?"
I love one of those manga's where the girl is forced to marry someone who she doesn't like but eventually does fall in love with. If you liked Love Monster I recommend you read Hanayomesama ... Dec 21, 2009
OMG is this one of the most funniest mangas I've ever read! I thought I was going to crack a rib at one point. The way it started off actually felt like it was ripping of Rosario Vampire but then it turned Shojo quickly and the hot guy appeared, so you quickly forget that matter. It's definitely supernatural and definitely shares traits with the shounen series mentioned above but instead of boyish boob humor, it gets sexy in a girlie way. (Lots of shirts open...male shirts.) Heehee, that aside, the story is cute but simple, it won't tax your brain at any point and it's
Dec 30, 2008
This manga is one of my favorites, it has a very good plot, all the characters have matching personalities, and the thing I liked most was the cute little animals such as her companion the crow, and later the bat. I think this manga has an outstanding quality, and has won the title of one of Ai-Chan's faves. The thing I dont like about this manga is when they go to the Chinese school (I believe that's the one) it gets some what boring. But after that the story picks up from there with vampires. There are not many things about this manga I
Sep 30, 2013
when i first started reading this I did not have any high expectations for this, and I'm pretty glad I didn't.
Let's start with the Story. as I said I try not to expect much when it comes to the "smutty shojo" genre because rarely (sometimes but rarely) do I find one with a good plot. when I first started reading Love Monster I started thinking this one might be one of those rare one's but down the line i learned it was far from.the main character Hiyo is our typical heroine wants to help everyone cry baby type who gets into trouble and kurou is the ... Mar 16, 2011
Light porn is all i can say.
The girl gets molested in almost every frame. its quite sad frankly. The ending was lame but w/e it was enjoyable and i can't say i didnt have fun reading it. Tho i cringed at some parts. Characters are rather shallow and dumb Art was ok ... Apr 18, 2011
Story - 8/10
This is a good "usual" romance manga for readers who never get tired of the same things. You know what I mean.. Like boy/girl falls for girl/boy in the start, something was promise during childhood, boy is popular and so on. The only unique thing here in this manga(for me) is that there are monsters in the school that the heroine is attending to or something like that.. It was a first for me. What I dislike about this is it's just the same thing with the previous manga s I've been reading. I can easily predict what will happen. I was kinda ... Apr 7, 2016
Alright kids let's review the manga I have felt the most guilt over enjoying.
I first read this manga when I was in middle school and decided to read it again as a freshman in college for nostalgia reasons. There might be some spoilers, but I'll try my best. To start off we have the heroine, Hiyo, the most static shojou character ever invented. Why do I say this? Because she is like every other stereotypical shojou heroine. She can't protect herself, has no common sense, cares for others on a scale of mass proportions, and is "not the prettiest girl around but boys still fall ... Nov 6, 2020
If you are interested in a cute rom-com manga with a hint of smut, then this manga is for you. It has an interesting story to it if you read further in, and it has some comedic moments as well. It may tend to get boring sometimes, but it pays off since all the characters that the heroine meet are all lovable in a way. Since it's a smut manga, it won't be a surprise to see the heroine in a sexy outfit or half-naked in most chapters. The down part, in my perspective, is the ending. For me, it was a bit anticlimactic and
Jul 22, 2019
This was a guilty pleasure for me. I don't think it's that great of a manga, nor is it a great romance, but I enjoyed it. I think my first issue with this manga is at it's core the main characters. The girl is just very childish and can't do anything for herself, and I get that that's her thing, but I just don't enjoy stories when the characters are completely incompetent. The guy was also too possessive for me to like, I didn't like how much he forced onto her and didn't let her have any say on things. It just made for a
Dec 28, 2011
I really enjoyed this manga! It has very good art in it and the plot come together well, Characters are also easy to comprehend. The only not so great part is that the female protagonist is a bit too dependent on people saving her. Otherwise it's really worth reading if you enjoy mangas with supernatural, a bit of ecchi, romance and some action.
*Plot is about an average teenager, Hiyo, who fails in her High school entrance exams but somehow manages to be accepted into a high school she never applied to. She meets a young man, Kurou, who introduces her to his ... |