Alternative TitlesSynonyms: It Can't Be Mutual Love!! Japanese: 両想いなんて冗談じゃない!! InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 6
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 20, 2013 to Apr 21, 2014
Canna Authors:
Kasai, Uka (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: N/A2 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #21712
Members: 606
Favorites: 5 | New Interest Stack Interest StacksOjisans need more love!! Ideally the characters would all be in their 40+, but since there aren't as many of those, I've set the minimum age to be included to 35~ Without anything sad, upsetting, hurtful, or over-the-top drama. Wholesome romance for a pleasant read. Only the happy stuff! I've got a soft spot for the rough and tough looking men and your everyday-looking Joes. Or sometimes it's just an actual older manly looking fellow. The real world isn't always full of pretty boys. Tired of the "old man yaoi" only having one old guy instead of two? This stack is for you! Manga featuring protagonists who are 40 years of age or older. 2015 6th ChilChil BL Awards as voted by Japanese fans.: |