Genjitsu Touhi shitetara Boroboro ni Natta Hanashi
My Alcoholic Escape from Reality
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Genjitsu Touhi shitetara Boroboro ni Natta Hanashi

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: a Story of Me, Trying to Escape from Reality Just to be Worn Out
Japanese: 現実逃避してたらボロボロになった話
English: My Alcoholic Escape from Reality
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 13
Status: Finished
Published: Nov 7, 2019
Genre: Slice of Life Slice of Life
Theme: Memoir Memoir
Serialization: None
Authors: Nagata, Kabi (Story & Art)


Score: 7.691 (scored by 26702,670 users)
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Ranked: #17882
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #3103
Members: 7,225
Favorites: 54


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May 12, 2021
In every way, this feels like an improvement over My Solo Exchange Diary as a reading experience. I phrase it that way, rather than calling it a better book, because the fragmented, violently chaotic, and circular structure of those two volumes was probably an accurate reflection of the author's mental state at the time, so it was appropriate.

This latest memoir is more focused and structured, detailing Nagata's diagnosis with acute pancreatitis and the impact that had on her life. We gain a lot of insight into both the condition and her time in hospital, certainly enough to make the reader want to do everything ...
Jun 28, 2021
Whereas Kabi-sensei’s first two works shared some of her internal and mental issues, My Alcoholic Escape From Reality is more of a physical experience for both her and the readers. And while the newest entry doesn’t reach the peaks of introspective reflection as its predecessors do, it doesn’t take away from the quality and is still a great read for fans of the series.

Kabi-sensei’s struggle to draw and write manga about herself is no secret to anyone reading, and the hesitance is as clear as day after she reveals that she and her mother talked about how much of their private relationships they’re comfortable ...
Jul 22, 2021
Mixed Feelings
My Alcoholic Escape From Reality.

Nagata Kabi, seeing the author draw out a manga of their real experiences, is comforting seeing how they got there and where they're going. Although, it goes to say Kabi previous experiences felt more personal and emotional tied together. Often dealing with loneliness and depression. This is moving forward after having a hit wonder with their previous manga series, 'My Solo Exchange Diary' & 'My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness.'

At this stage in their life, Kabi-San is still dealing with anxiety and fears that she chooses to resolve by drinking their problems away. Only to develop an acute pancreatitis and having ...
Sep 2, 2021
Mixed Feelings
My first experience with Nagata's autobiographical oeuvre and, despite the relatable means of self-medicating with alcohol, it's mostly a lackluster cautionary yarn about the too-obvious perils of alcoholism itself with not much else to speak of. It of course takes courage to be as vulnerable as she is throughout, however her transparency in this regard wears itself pretty thin given the singular through line at play and sparse creative wiggle room on either side of her rehabilitative stretch. There's no denying her uniqueness of artistic stylism though, which leads me to believe that I should've just started with either My Solo Exchange Diary or My ...
Aug 3, 2021
I love this author. This is the second manga I've read from her and I don't regret it one bit. Being able to follow again another story of hers, is again a very good experience not only as a personal learning, but also very fruitful in general.

It may be important to talk about something more serious first before continuing to write. I highly recommend this story for all types of teenagers in particular, who may consume alcohol to deal with their anxiety, I imagine that if you are in this situation, or even you who want to understand who is going through this, they can ...