As a fan of Spider-man and manga/anime in general, the very short run that this series got was very disappointing, as it feels like it never really got the chance it deserved and was really cancelled just as it was getting started.
The art is great, and the new characters, while somewhat plain, had the potential to develop much more down the line. The first (and only) volume was a pretty standard origin story, and it's a damn shame that it'll never go past this. Had the series continued, I imagine it could have been something much bigger and better, but as it stands with
Alternative TitlesJapanese: スパイダーマン/偽りの赤 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 14
Status: Discontinued
Published: Jul 26, 2019 to Mar 6, 2020
Super Power
Magazine pocket Authors:
Oosawa, Yuusuke (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #31532 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #5171
Members: 4,233
Favorites: 68 Available At | Reviews
Filtered Results: 4 / 5
Your Feelings Categories Jul 10, 2023
For me personally this is a 10/10. Realistically though, not so much. It's a sadly very short but great story about a looser who is only good at rock climbing who finds Spider-Man's suit in an alley and he now is stuck with the consequences that come with wearing that costume even though he has no powers. The characters are decently written considering how shortlived the series was and it just shows while reading that this was not supposed to be it. Sadly though it's all we got. I saw people calling this story a Spider-Verse ripoff but I couldn't disagree more. The message in
Aug 12, 2023
»Fake Red« is a Spidey story asking »What if Spider-Man is not Spider-Man« and by doing so, creating one of — if not — the best Spidey story ever! It is a brilliant character study, going to the heart of what makes Spider-Man. The Spider-Verse movies explore a similar idea of: everyone can wear the mask, what counts is how you wear it.
The characters are all well written, but I think the series deserves more volumes and a longer runtime would have also benefited the characters to develop deeper. And even though the series got cancelled, as far as I’m concerned, I desperately hope ... Jul 11, 2020
Anyone can be spider-man... huh?
This is a manga about a kid with almost to 0 personality who just happens to find the spider-man suit and pretends to be him while spider-man is missing. looks like miles huh? The same plot that "everyone can be spider-man" is just a rip off of into the spider verse, and a bad one. The art is pretty good tho' it's not over the top like a manga but it also doesn't look like a normal comic, it's the only selling point of this manga. The main characters are rip offs of peter and gwen, Yu(who is the main character) just ... |