Alternative TitlesJapanese: RWBY OFFICIAL MANGA ANTHOLOGY More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 4
Chapters: 78
Status: Finished
Published: May 19, 2017 to Oct 19, 2017
None Authors:
Mikanuji (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #50722 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #5016
Members: 4,384
Favorites: 115 Available At | More InfoVolume 1 "Red Like Roses" (2017/5/19)#Cover Illustration: Ein Lee #Illustrations: Izumi Sai, Esu, Miou Shiki (三枉士騎), Tsukasa (つかさ), Omutatsu (おむたつ) 1. In the Case of the Hero (In the Case of the Hero, The Hero) [monorobu] 2. Hunter Taru Mono (ハンターたるもの, As a Hunter) [Hayami Ritsu] (早見律) 3. Dakara, Watashi wa Koko ni Iru. (だから、私はここにいる。, That Is Why I'm Here) [Kuma] 4. RWBY to Ruby (RWBYとルビー, RWBY and Ruby) [KaTe] 5. Akazukin, Minna de Fukushuu, Kowakunai (あかずきん、みんなでふくしゅう、こわくない, Who's Afraid of Little Red Riding Hood If We All Attack At Once?) [Xily] (キシリ) 6. Ruby's Note (Ruby's Note) [Uri] (瓜) 7. Bara no Namae (薔薇の名前, Name of the Rose) [Sora] (宙) 8. Chocolate Chip Cookies (Chocolate Chip Cookies) [Amaya] (天谷) 9. Aibou (相棒, Partner) [Mikanuji] 10. Hair Like Rose. (Hair like Rose., Hair Like Roses) [Moromoimaru] (モロモイマル) 11. Koi no Kajitsu wo Motomeshi Akazukin (恋の果実を求めし赤ずきん, Little Red Riding Hood Seeks the Fruit of Love) [Kaogeimoai] (顔芸モアイ) 12: Change! (ちぇんじ!) [Koko Siguma] (此処シグマ) 13. Beacon Mayonaka no Yuurei Sawagi (ビーコン真夜中の幽霊さわぎ, Beacon's Midnight Ghost Story) [Mate] (マテ) 14. Beacon-biyori (Ruby-hen) (びぃこん日和 (ルビー編), Beacon Days (Ruby)) [Jesper] (いえすぱ) 15. Yasashiku Naritai (優しくなりたい, Just Trying to Help) [Amechan] (アメチャン) 16. RPY (RPY) [Miou Shiki] (三枉士騎) 17. Kami to Shishunki to Ruby (髪と思春期とルビー, Hairy, Youth and Ruby) [Sorappane] (ソラッパネ) 18. Test Benkyou wo Wasurezuni! (テスト勉強を忘れずに!, Don't Forget to Study for the Test!) [Kio Rojine] (汽烏ろじね) 19. Nakama (なかま, Friends) [Hiura Sun] (杼裏寸) 20. Mochi-RWBY: Ruby-hen (もちるび るびぃへん, RWBY No Doubt: Ruby) [Umiya] (海屋) Volume 2 "Mirror Mirror" (2017/6/19) #Cover illustration: Ein Lee #Illustrations: shihou, Kuma, BUZZ, Ecru, Esu 1. My BFF (My BFF) [KaTe] 2. In the Case of the Princess (In The Case Of The Princess, The Princess) [monorobu] 3. Aru 1-nichi (ある1日, One Day) [Kuma] 4. Princess, Okashi wo Tsukuru (プリンセス、お菓子をつくる, The Princess Makes Sweets) [Mate] (マテ) 5. White Yellow, Criminal (White Yellow, Criminal) [Hayami Ritsu] (早見律) 6. Mimi made Yawarakakute Atatakai kara (耳まで柔らかくてあたたかいから, Soft, Warm Ears) [Amechan] (アメチャン) 7. Koufuku wa Taikutsu no Tonari ni (幸福は退屈の隣に, Happiness Is Next to Boredom) [Kio Rojine] (汽烏ろじね) 8. Beacon-biyori (Weiss-hen) (びぃこん日和 (ワイス編), Beacon Days (Weiss)) [Jesper] (いえすぱ) 9. With You (Whith you) [EMO] 10. Shirayukihime no Yume (白雪姫の夢, Snow White's Dream) [Mochiyama] (餅山) 11. Shirayukihime no Yuuutsu (白雪姫の憂鬱, Snow White's Melancholy) [Mikanuji] 12. Ice Queen no Oaite wa Daare? (アイスクイーンのお相手はだあれ?, Who Is the Ice Queen Meeting?) [Tsutanoha] (つたの葉) 13. Sister (Sister) [Amaya] (天谷) 14. Banyuu Inryoku no Housoku (万有引力の法則, The Law of Universal Gravitation) [Sora] (宙) 15. Zento Tanan na Shirayukihime (前途多難な白雪姫, Snow White's Grim Prospects) [Kaogeimoai] (顔芸モアイ) 16. Chapter 4.5: Day (Chapter 4.5:Day) [ryuga] 17. The Moon (The Moon) [Uri] (瓜) 18. Snow Flake (Snow flake, Snowflake) [Assa] (あっさー) 19. Yakusoku (約束, Promise) [Hiura Sun] (杼裏寸) 20. Mochi-RWBY: Weiss-hen (もちるび わいすへん, RWBY No Doubt: Weiss) [Umiya] (海屋) Volume 3 "From Shadows" (2017/9/19) #Cover illustration: Ein Lee #Illustrations: Jesper (いえすぱ), Mugupo (ムグポ), ryuga, Izumi Sai, Sakura Shiho (紗倉シホ) 1. Intruder Black Cat (INTRUDER BLACK CAT, Intruder: Black Cat) [Hayami Ritsu] (早見律) 2. Nijiiro Mondou (虹色問答, Iridescent Dialogue) [Tsutanoha] (つたの葉) 3. Net Auction: Blake (ネットオークション ブレイク, Internet Auction: Blake) [Sumiwo] (すみを) 4. In the Case of the Monster (In the Case of the Monster, The Monster) [monorobu] 5. Yasashii Jikan wa Madamada Korekara (優しい時間はまだまだこれから, Relaxing Times Have Just Begun) [Kio Rojine] (汽烏ろじね) 6. Blake! Blake! Blake! (ブレイク! ブレイク! ブレイク!) [Natsutaro] (ナツたろう) 7. Futari no Kyuusoku (2人の休息, A Break for Two) [Mochiyama] (餅山) 8. Beacon-biyori (Blake-hen) (びぃこん日和 (ブレイク編), Beacon Days (Blake)) [Jesper] (いえすぱ) 9. Tomodachi (友達, Friend) [Hiura Sun] (杼裏寸) 10. Kuroi Bijo to Kemonomimi Musume (黒い美女と獣耳娘, Black Beauty and the Cat-Eared Girl) [Kaogeimoai] (顔芸モアイ) 11. Take Me Back (Take me back) [Mugupo] (ムグポ) 12. Aru Yoru no Bumblebee (ある夜のバンブルビー, Night of the Bumblebee) [Ogurapan] (小倉んぱん) 13. Amen Brother (アーメン・ブラザー) [Sora] (宙) 14. Sushi ga Nai! (寿司がない!, The Sushi's Gone!) [Koko Siguma] (此処シグマ) 15. Break Time (Break time) [Sorappane] (ソラッパネ) 16. Kuroneko no Shoumei (黒猫の証明, Proof of a Black Cat) [Mikanuji] 17. Curiosity Killed The Cat 1 (Curiosity Killed The Cat (前編)) [Ohtsuki] (オオツキ) 18. Mochi-RWBY: Blake-hen (もちるび ぶれいくへん, RWBY No Doubt: Blake) [Umiya] (海屋) Volume 4 "I Burn" (2017/10/19) #Cover illustration: Ein Lee #Illustrations: monorobu, Hayami Ritsu (早見律), Ohitashi (おひたし), Honojiro Towoji, Ecru 1. King of the Sisters! (KING OF THE SISTERS!) [Ohtsuki] (オオツキ) 2. Bear, Cat, Dog (Bear,Cat,Dog) [Hayami Ritsu] (早見律) 3. Beacon-biyori (Yang-hen) (びぃこん日和 (ヤン編), Beacon Days (Yang)) [Jesper] (いえすぱ) 4. Kono Kuma Yannee yo (このくまヤンねぇよ, You Can't Have This Bear) [Xily] (キシリ) 5. Kikkake (きっかけ, Genesis) [Mochiyama] (餅山) 6. Yang ga Dekai Hanashi (ヤンがでかい話) [Kometsubu] (こめつぶ) 7. Bumblebee! [Mugupo] (ムグポ) 8. Gudaguda Junbi Sakusen (ぐだぐだ準備作戦, Operation Sloppy Planning) [Moromoimaru] (モロモイマル) 9. Sister (SISTER) [Mikanuji] 10. Semblance e no Chousen (センブランスへの挑戦, Semblance Challenge) [Meteo] (メテオ) 11. Taisetsu na Mono (大切なモノ, What's Important) [Hiura Sun] (杼裏寸) 12. Waratte Kurenakya Yaan! (笑ってくれなきゃヤーン!, You Have to Laugh!) [Natsutaro] (ナツたろう) 13. Timely Hit (タイムリー・ヒット) [Sora] (宙) 14. Gold (Gold) [Tsutanoha] (つたの葉) 15. 3-nin no Nakama to Kinpatsu Shoujo (3人の仲間と金髪少女, The Blonde Girl and Her Three Friends) [Kaogeimoai] (顔芸モアイ) 16. Minna de Tanoshii Koto wo Shiyou! (みんなで楽しいことをしよう!, Let's Do Something Fun Together!) [Kio Rojine] (汽烏ろじね) 17. Team RWBY (Team RWBY) [EMO] 18. In the Case of the Reader (In The Case of The Reader, The Reader) [monorobu] 19. Curiosity Killed The Cat 2 (Curiosity Killed The Cat (後編)) [Ootsuki] (オオツキ) 20. Mochi-RWBY: Yang-hen (もちるび やんへん, RWBY No Doubt: Yang) [Umiya] (海屋) |